Tobit - EinheitsÜbersetzung der Heiligen Sc
The Book of Tobit, named after its principal hero, combines specifically Jewish piety and morality with oriental folklore in a fascinating story that has enjoyed wide popularity in both Jewish and Christian circles. Prayers, psalms, and words of wisdom, as well as the skillfully constructed story itself, provide valuable insights into the faith and the religious milieu of its unknown author. The book was probably written early in the second century B.C.; it is not known where. - Tobit, a devout and wealthy Israelite living among the captives deported to Nineveh from the northern kingdom of Israel in 721 B.C., suffers severe reverses and is finally blinded. Because of his misfortunes he begs the Lord to let him die. But recalling the large sum he had formerly deposited in far-off Media, he sends his son Tobiah there to bring back the money. In Media, at this same time, a young woman, Sarah, also prays for death, because she has lost seven husbands, each killed in turn on his wedding night by the demon Asmodeus. God hears the prayers of Tobit and Sarah, and sends the angel Raphael in disguise to aid them both.- Raphael makes the trip to Media with Tobiah. When Tobiah is attacked by a large fish as he bathes, Raphael orders him to seize it and to remove its gall, heart, and liver because they make "useful medicines." Later, at Raphael's urging, Tobiah marries Sarah, and uses the the fish's heart and liver to drive Asmodeus from the bridal chamber. Returning to Nineveh with his wife and his father's money, Tobiah rubs the fish's gall into his father's eyes and cures them. Finally, Raphael reveals his true identity and returns to heaven. Tobit then utters his beautiful hymn of praise. Before dying, Tobit tells his son to leave Nineveh because God will destroy that wicked city. After Tobiah buries his father and mother, he and his family depart for Media, where he later learns that the destruction of Nineveh has taken place.- The inspired author of the book used the literary form of religious novel (as in Jonah and Judith) for the purpose of instruction and edification. There may have been a historical nucleus around which the story was composed, but this possibility has nothing to do with the teaching of the book. The seemingly historical data-names of kings, cities, etc.-are used merely as vivid details to create interest and charm. - Although the Book of Tobit is usually listed with the historical books, it more correctly stands midway between them and the wisdom literature. It contains numerous maxims like those found in the wisdom books (cf Tobit 4:3-19, 21; 12:6-10; 14:7, 9) as well as the customary sapiential themes: fidelity to the law, the intercessory function of angels, piety toward parents, the purity of marriage, reverence for the dead, and the value of almsgiving, prayer, and fasting. The book makes Tobit a relative of Ahiqar, a hero of ancient Near Eastern folklore. - Written in Aramaic, the original of the book was lost for centuries. The Greek translation, existing in three different recensions, is our primary source. In 1955, fragments of the book in Aramaic and in Hebrew were recovered from Cave IV at Qumran. These texts are in substantial agreement with the Greek recension that has served as the basis for the present translation. - The divisions of the Book of Tobit are: I. Tobit's Ordeals (Tobit 1:3-3:6) II. Sarah's Plight (Tobit 3:7-17) III. Tobiah's Journey and Marriage to Sarah (Tobit 4:1-9:6) IV. Tobiah's Return; Cure of Tobit's Blindness (Tobit 10:1-11:18) V. Raphael Reveals His Identity (Tobit 12:1-22) VI. Tobit's Song of Praise (Tobit 13:1-18) VII. Epilogue (Tobit 14:1-15) - (NAB)
  • ® Katholische Bibelanstalt GmbH, Stuttgart 1980

  • Headings


    Einleitung: 1,1-2

    Die Anfechtung und Not Tobits: 1,3 - 3,17

    Tobit in der Heimat
    Tobit in der Verbannung
    2 Tobits Erblindung
    Tobits Verhöhnung durch seine Frau
    3 Tobits Gebet
    Saras Verhöhnung durch ihre Mägde
    Saras Gebet
    Gottes Hilfe in Aussicht
    Die Rettung durch Gottes gütige Führung: 4,1 - 12,22

    4 Belehrungen für Tobias
    5 Ein Reisegefährte
    Tobits Zuversicht
    6 Wunderbare Heilmittel
    Der Heiratsplan
    7 Die Ankunft bei den Verwandten
    Tobias und Sara
    8 Die glücklichen Brautleute
    Raguëls Freude
    9 Rafaels Freundesdienst
    10 Tobit und Hanna in Sorge
    Tobias auf der Heimreise
    11 Tobits Heilung
    Saras Ankunft
    12 Rafaels Selbstoffenbarung
    Der Lobpreis des Rettergottes und letzte Mahnungen: 13,1 - 14,15

    13 Tobits Lobgesang
    14 Letzte Ermahnungen

    Revised Standard Version (1966) - English
    Nova Vulgata - Latin
    Biblia del Pueblo di Dio (BPD) - Spanish
    Vulgata - Stuttgart 1969 - Latin
    Bíblia Sagrada Ave-Maria (1957) - Portuguese
    La Sainte Bible (Crampon 1904) - French
    CEI (1974) - Italian