Fathers' Historical writings 752

752 104 From position evidently flourished before 450.

105 Flourished 418–430.

106 purity T 31 a e 21; purity of life A 25 30.

107 in his substance A T 30 31 a e 21; omit 25 Her.

108 Claudius Marius Victor (Victorius or Victorinus) of Marseilles died 445.

109 four A T 31 a e; three 25 30.

110 Johannes Cassianus died 450).

111 Died about 455.

112 Bishop about 435, died 450.

113 Presbyter 434, died before 450.

114 Syagrius of Lyons, died 486.

753 115 Isaac of Amida (Diarbekir) presbyter died about 460).

116 Born about 390, Presbyter about 428, died about 484.

117 present judgment more generally known as Divine Providence (De gubernatione Dei).

118 one book of epistles a 25 30; omit A T 31 e 21.

119 From position evidently flourished about 450.

120 Born about 401, bishop 429, died 440.

121 correction to all; Her. adds work of preaching but has the support of no good mss.

122 Leo the Great, Bishop (Pope) 440, died 461.

123 bishop: A 30 31 e have pontiff.

124 T and 21 add after heaven “and he addressed another letter on this same subject to the Emperor Leo in whose reign also he died.”

125 Presbyter 457.

754 126 Bishop of Alexandria 380, died 385.

127 Timotheus 31 e add Bishop of Alexandria.

128 Proterius; 25 30 Fabr. Her. add the bishop.

129 This bookcaveat A T 25 30 31 a e 21 Fabr.; omit Migne. Her.

130 Bishop of Bagais (Vagen) about 485.

131 large see A T 25 30 31 a? e earliest eds.; small village. Fabr. Migne. Her.

132 Flourished 450.

133 Flourished 430?.

134 T adds several lines.

135 Bishop in Spain? about 400.

136 Victor of Cartenna (Tenez Afr). bishop about 450.

755 137 which he sentwork A T 30 31 e 21 Fabr.; omit 25 a Her.

138 publican Fabr. Migne, Her.: On public penance, A T 30 31 a? e?: omit publican 25 Bamb Bern. the oldest editions.

139 Bishop of Castellan in Mauritania about 450.

140 Sacraments or of Sacraments i.e. a Sacrementary.

141 Died before 461.

142 Eustathius 31 e; Eustasius A T a. ed. 1512; Eusebius 25, 30; Eustachius Fabr. Migne, Her.

143 Sacramentary or On the Sacraments.

144 the Lord T 25 30 31 a e God Fabr. Her.

145 Apparently about 450).

146 Flourished 460.

147 since he began to inveigh against him too intemperately Norimb. and the eds., but the other mss. read “nevertheless” inveigh or “inveighs less” or “more” and “is found” for “inveigh.” T 21 25 a Wolfenb. agree in reading in illo minus invenitur instead of in illum nimius inventur. Norimb has same with nimius instead of minus. The reading of T 21 25 a Wolfenb. thus reinforced and in view of the fact of the easy confusion of minus and nimius in transcribing, is the most probable reading, but it is hard to decide and harder still to make sense of it.

756 148 Presbyter 467.

149 Claudianus Ecdicius Mamertius died 473–4.

150 wroteVienne is said to be in a certain manuscript of the Monastery of “St. Michaelis de Tumba” but is omitted by A T 25 30 31 a e 21 Bamb. Bern. etc etc. and certainly does not belong in text. It is left in brackets above because given in the editions.

151 Born 403, wrote chronicle 445? died 463.

152 thought A 25 30 31 a e 21; said T Fabr. Her.

153 Abbot of Lerins 433–4, bishop of Riez 462, exiled 477–84, died 490.

154 Made bishop A T 31 e 21; bishop a 25 30.

155 and therefore God T 25 31 a e 21 [31 A?;] obtaining Fabr. Her.; Bamb and ed. 1512 read and therefore but join to next sentence.

156 saved A T 25; add and the free will of the human mind in which we are saved 30 31 a e).

157 Bishop of “Tiburcisen” about 406–11.

158 Wrote 457. 30 a read Victorinus.

757 159 careful T 25 30 31 a Fabr.; most diligent A Norimb?; Bern Norimb. et alt add of the Scriptures: of measures Her.

160 Theodoret born about 393, bishop of Cyrrhaus 423, wrote 450, died 457.

161 Theodoretus A a e; Theodoritus 31; Theodorus T 25 30.

162 Bishop (or “Pontiff”) 458, died 471.

163 Patriarch (Pontiff) A T 30 31 e 21; bishop 25 a Fabr. Her.

164 Died 492 (C) — rather before 491.

165 Theodulus A T 31 a e; Theodorus 25 30 21).

166 three years since A T 30? 31 21; omit 25 a.

167 Caius Sollius Apollinaris Sidonius born about 430, bishop 472, died about 488.

168 This chapter is in Norimb. and three only of the mss. seen by the translator N. British Museum Harl. 3155, xv cent.; 43 Wolfenbüttel 838 xv cent.; k Paris B. N. Lat. 896. It is omitted by A T 25 30 31 a e 21 etc. etc. etc. and really has no place in the text, but as it was early introduced and is in the editions (not however the earliest ones) it is given here.

169 Flourished 477–495.

758 170 unwisely T 25 30 31 e; unwisely saying A? a?

171 Timotheans A T 25 30 31 a e 21 etc; add which is absurd Fabr. Migne, Her.

172 Bishop 492, died 496.

173 From this point to the end is bracketed, as a large part of the mss. end with Jn of Antioch. Of our mss. Gelasius and Gennadius are contained in 25 30 e², Honoratus to Pomerius in A 30 31 e² 40.

174 Bishop of Constantina (Cirta) 437.

175 exiled by King Genseric; omit e² 30 31 40.

176 Bishop of “Castelli Ripensis” in Africa 484.

177 Bishop 479, died 505.

178 Huneric A; omit e² 30 31 40).

179 Died 498.

180 the first man A; the first man’s soul e² 30 31 40.

759 181 discussion 30 40 e²; discussion and definition A 31.

182 Died 496.

183 five e 25 30; six Fabr. Her.

184 ten e 25 30; six Norimb Her.; eleven Guelefenb).

1 “He came in with a slow and stately step; he spoke with a broken utterance, sometimes with a kind of disjointed sobs rather than words. He had a pile of tomes upon the table; and then, with a frown and a contraction of the nostrils, and his forehead wrinkled up, he snapped his fingers to call the attention of his audience. What he said had no depth in it; but he criticized others, and pointed out their defects, as though he would exclude them from the Senate of Christian teachers. He was rich, and entertained freely, and many flocked round him in his public appearances. He was as luxurious as Nero at home, as stern as Cato abroad; as full of contradictions as the Chimaera.”

2 Hist. Qo 2,8.

3 For the date of this work, see the Note prefixed to it in the translation of Jerome’s works, Vol. 6,of this series).

4 See Jerome’s expressions in his book “Against Jn of Jerusalem” c. 11, which evidently refer to Rufinus: “grinning like a dog and turning up his nose.”

5 Paulinus Ep. xxix, 12.

6 (Jr Ep. cxxvii, 9
Ap 3,21 Ap 3,

7 Successor of Ambrose, and Bishop a.d. 397–400. See the Letter of Anastasius to him. Jr Ep. xcv.

760 8 She died soon after. See Jerome Ep. lxxxi, 1).

9 (Jr Ep. lxxxiv.

10 See Jr Ep. lxxxi, 1).

11 (Jr Ep. cxxvii. 10.

12 Jer Ep. cxxv.

13 (Jr Pref. to Comm. on Ez B. I).

14 Aug. Letter 73 (In Jerome’s Letters No. 110)).

15 See those Lives translated in Vol. vi of this Series).

16 Letter cxxx, 7).

1 Salutem, a word implying well-being generally as well as health.

2 That is, the Recognitions. See the Preface to Rufinus’ Translation in this volume, with the explanatory note prefixed to it).

3 (Gn xlix, ii.

761 4 This is a mistaken reading (though said by Vallarsi to be accepted by both Ambrose and Augustin), Cilicium for eliki. Rufinus adopts the latter. “Binding his ass’s colt to the tendril of the vine.”

5 The word in the text rucinnulos is unknown in Latin. The most likely conjecture as to the right reading is ruscarias quibus (that is ruscarias falculas — sickles for weeding out butcher’s broom, as mentioned by Cato and Varro).

6 Capreolos. Properly little goats, thus used for the props, the fork of which resembled the horns of the goat. The word is also used for the tendrils of the vine, and is by some derived from capio.

7 That is about the translation of the IIeri AEArcwn. See the Preface to this further on.

1 That is to Rome).

1 See the account in Rufinus’ Apology I. 11.

2 The word may also mean On beginnings, or On Principalities and Powers: these ideas being connected together in the speculation of the Alexandrian theology.

1 Daniel 10,11, Daniel 9,23. The name Macarius means Blessed.

2 (Rm x, 10.

3 (Mt xii, 37.

4 See the Epilogue, infra.

762 5 (1Th 5,21, 22.

6 (Ga vi, 16).

1 Rufinus was deceived as was the whole world until the revival of learning, in believing this fabrication to be the work of Clement. It is really a romance in the form of an autobiography of Clement, supposed to be addressed to James of Jerusalem; and was written probably in Asia Minor or Syria about a.d. 200. See Article “Clementine Literature” in Dict. of Ch. Biog.

2 The letter is headed “On the adulteration and corruption of his books; from the 4th book of the letters of Origen: a letter written to certain familiar friends at Alexandria.”

3 (1Co vi, 10).

4 (2Th ii, 1–3).

5 (1Co xiv, 32.

6 (1Co xii, 13.

7 Poictiers.

8 There seem to be no means of throwing light upon this story. Hilary was not at the council of Ariminum, but at that of Seleucia, held the same year (359). On his return to Gaul in 361 he endeavoured, in various meetings of bishops to reunite with the Homoousians those who had subscribed the creed of Ariminum. (See Art. on Hilary Pictav. in Dict. of Christ. Biography). It may have been in one of these meetings that this scene occurred).

9 This was in 382, the year after the Council of Constantinople. Jerome had come from Constantinople to Rome with the Eastern Bishops Epiphanius of Salamis in Cyprus and Paulinus of Antioch. His position at Rome is described in the words of his letter (cxxiii) to Ageruchia, c. 10. “I was assisting Damasus in matters of ecclesiastical literature, and answering the questions discussed in the Councils of the East and the West.”

10 Jerome.

763 11 Apollinaris, in his reaction from Arianism, held that the Godhead supplied the place of the human soul in Christ. Hence their objection to this expression.

12 This is believed to refer to Epiphanius, whose anti-Origenistic sermon at Jerusalem in the year 394 greatly irritated the Bishops Jn and Rufinus. See Jerome Ep. li, and “Against John of Jerusalem,” c. 14.

13 Epiphanius.

14 (1Co ix, 16).

15 Adapted from 1Co xi, 16.

16 Diabolo" (diabolus) from diaballw to slander.

1 Translated among Jerome’s works in this Series.

2 (Ct i, 4).

3 See the Translation in this Volume).

1 Jerome Letter cxxvii, 9.

2 The Scorpion is Jerome’s name for Rufinus, especially after his death. He means that Rufinus had altered the too palpable expresslons of heresy, so that the more subtle expressions of it might gain acceptance.

764 1 Rufinus uses the word “parentes.” Jerome in his Apology (ii, 2) scoffs at the notion that a man of Rufinus’ age (about 55) could have parents living, and supposes that he is making a false suggestion by using the word in the sense in which it was vulgarly used — that of relations generally, as it is now used in French).

2 Traducem, properly, the layer, by which the vine is propagated, and hence the medium through which life is communicated. This is the theory of the “traducianists” who thus made the soul to be derived from the parent by procreation. It is contrasted with that of the “creationists” who held that each soul was separately created, and infused into the child at the moment when life began).

1 Appointed bishop of Milan in 400, in succession to Simplicianus.

2 Arcadius and Honorius.

3 Probably the friends of Jerome at Rome, Pammachius and Marcella).

1 Ep. 84.

2 See the Transition of Rufinus’ Prefaces given above, and the notes prefixed to them.

3 Or Feigned praises — figuratis laudibus).

1 (Ps lvii, 4.

2 (Mt v, 11, Mt v, 12.

3 (Mt x, 25.

4 (Jn vii, 12.

5 (Mt xi, 19.

765 6 Jerome Ep. lxxxiv, 8).

7 Bp. of Aquileia at the time of this Apology and maintaining friendly relations with both Jerome and Rufinus. (Ruf. Pref. to Eusebius in this Volume. Jr Ep. vii, lx. 19, Pref. to Bks. of Solomon &c. &c).

8 See Jerome Ep. 7,It is not known of what church he was Bp.

9 Brother of Chromatius. See an allusion to him in Jerome, Ep. viii, and lx, 19. His see is unknown.

10 (Mt xi, 27.

11 (1Co ii, 10).

12 (
1Co 15,20 1Co 15,

13 (Ap i, 5.

14 (1Co 15,23 1Co 15,

15 (1Co 15,42–4.

16 animale.

17 (Ph iii, 21.

18 (Col i, 18).

766 19 Rufinus frequently taunts Jerome with having paid too much heed to the Jewish teachers from whom he learned Hebrew.

20 Cor. 15,50).

21 (
Rm 14,4 Rm 14,

22 That is, Origen. Rufinus insinuates that Jerome owed and cared more for Origen than he chose to avow.

23 This word originally meant simply learning. It was then applied in a special sense to mathematics. But the mathematici under the later Roman Empire became identified with astrologers).

24 See these Prefaces translated in the earlier part of this Volume.

25 Corresponding to the single and double inverted commas used in this translation.

26 (1Co xv, 50.

27 (1Th v, 21, 1Th v, 22; Gal. vi, 16).

28 See the translation of this document in this Volume.

29 Or First Principles (De Principiis)).

767 30 Of Alexandria. He was at first friendly to Origenism, afterwards bitterly opposed to it. Jn wrote to him complaining of the conduct of Epiphanius. and explaining his own views. See Jerome’s letter (lxxxii) to Theophilus, and his Treatise Against Jn of Jerusalem. In the latter of these charges occur like those here noticed by Rufinus).

31 IIeri AEArcwn Book I. c. 1.

32 (Col i, 15.

33 (Jn i, 18.

34 (Mt xi, 27.

35 (Mt v, 8.

36 Jerome’s friend Eusebius of Cremona, of whom Rufinus complains as having taken occasion from this old friendship to purloin and falsify his mss. See below c. 20, 21.

37 Marcella. See below in this chapter. Also, Jerome Letter cxxvii, c. 9, 10.

38 (Jc iii, 2.

39 Eusebius of Cremona, Jerome’s friend and emissary, alluded to above in this chapter).

40 (Ga v, 10.

768 41 Jerome, Letter lxi, c, 2; a passage which shows that Jerome had adopted much the same method as Rufinus in translating Origen).

42 The words are not quoted literally from Jerome’s letter to Pammachius and Oceanus (Ep. lxxxiv. c. 2) the passage referred to; but they give the sense fairly well. See also the letter to Vigilantius (lxi. c. 2).

43 Proefati unculam. That is, the Preface to Origen’s Song of Songs, in which he says that Origen has not only surpassed every one else, but also in this work has surpassed himself.

44 Perhaps from 1Co xi, 29, or Rom. xiv, 23).

45 Possibly a kind of paraphrase of our Lord’s words to the woman taken in adultery. Jn viii, 11.

46 summusthn, that is one who partakes with us in the mysteries; hence, initiated into the same secret, or special opinions.

47 Ephes. v, 28.

48 (Gn i, 27).

49 Quoestiones. Examinations or inquisitions. It seems here to mean the method which God follows in distinguishing between individuals.

50 katabolh “foundation,” means literally “casting down.”

51 (Ps cxx, 5.

52 (Rm vii, 24.

53 (Ph i, 23.

769 54 (Ps cxix, 67.

55 In our numbering, Ps xc).

56 Talpas oculis captos. Virg, Georg. i, 183.

57 (Rm ix, 21).

58 (
Ep 1,12 Ep 1,

59 Reading ‘sorte0’ as in the Comm. itself).

60 (Ph ii, 10, Ph ii, 11.

61 Jerome uses the Greek word prohlpikota". It seems best to coin a new one to represent the peculiar idea).

62 (Ph i, 18.

63 Regulas confusionis fidei. Another reading is Confessionis. But probably Rufinus meant to give point to his expression by substituting for the well known words “Rule of faith” “Rule of confusion of faith.”

64 Soeculi; usually translated by ‘the end of the world,0’ which, however, hardly gives the true meaning.

65 (Ep ii, 7).

66 (Ep i, 21.

770 67 Jerome, Letter lxxxiv, 8.

68 (
Rm 1,8 Rm 1,

69 (Ep i, 22).

70 (Ep i, 17.

71 (Ps xxii. 27.

72 There is no chapter numbered 37.

73 Comm. on Ep i, 22.

74 (1Co 15,25 1Co 15,

75 (Jb xxv, 5.

76 (Ep ii, 3.

77 (Ph iii, 21.

78 (Rm vii, 24.

771 79 (Gn viii, 21.

80 Workmanship Eng. Ver. Ep ii, 10.

81 With us Ps. cxix, 73.

82 (Ep ii, 17.

83 That is, the old Latin Version, then commonly used, or Vulgata. It was superseded by Jerome’s Version, which in its turn became the Vulgate.

84 (Col i, 20, slightly altered).

85 (He xi, 39, He xi, 40.

86 (Rm viii, 22.

87 Qui a timore Dei in utero concepimus. The expression is meant to carry out the metaphor of the word sunwdinei “travaileth together.”

88 (Ep vi, 20.

89 (Col iii, 21.

772 90 1 Cor. viii, 2.

91 1 Cor. xiii, 12.

92 (Rm viii, 9.

93 Philem. 23.

94 (Ep iv, 3.

95 (Jn xvii, 21 slightly altered.

96 (Ep iv, 16.

97 (Ep iv, 13. The Greek word means either age or stature.

98 (Jn i, 16.

99 (Za vi, 12. The Branch, Eng. Ver.

100 (Jn i, 30.

773 101 Ante me factus est.

102 Or stature, see above.

103 Formerly Hippolytus. See the story, in Ovid, Met. 15,514.

104 Or, “according to another heresy” — Juxta aliam hoeresim. See Jr Apol. i, 27.

105 Lit. age. The word may come either wrong meaning of the Greek word for Stature, or may be a synonym for the word Aeon, which would here mean a range or order of being.

106 Didymus, the blind teacher of Alexandria. Jerome who admired him, though he was a disciple of Origen, delights in calling him, in contrast to his blindness, the Seer).

107 (Jn viii, 9).

1 Letter 84,3 (end).

2 Stromateis, meaning collections of short essays on important subjects, disconnected, and thrown out like things scattered or strewn on the ground).

3 (Ep iv, 25.

4 (1Co ii, 6.

5 (Ps xix, 2.

6 (Mt v, 14.

7 (Ps xviii, 9.

774 8 (Ps xviii, 11.

9 (Mt vii, 6.

10 (Mt v, 33, Mt v, 34.

11 (Mt vii, 16–20.

12 (Lc vi, 44).

13 See letter 22,to Eustochium. In it Jerome pointed out the worldliness of professing Christians, and the inconsistencies and hypocrisies of many of the clergy and monks.

14 Letter 22,c. 27 (end).

15 Of goats’ hair, used by soldiers and sailors.

16 Letter 22,c. 29 (middle).

17 Id. c. 28.

18 Id. 29 (end).

19 Id. 30).

775 20 Cicero, Horace and Virgil.

21 Letter lvii.

22 Discerns it. Vulg. Rm xiv, 23. He that doubteth A.V.

23 In the translation of the Arcwn made by Jerome for Pammachius and Oceanus, he rendered word for word.

24 Letter 57,5).

25 (Mt vii, 1, Mt vii, 2.

26 Ep. 1.

27 Ep. 50,1.

28 Verti. Possibly used like Versare for ‘turning over the leaves,0’ ‘making constant use of.0’

29 (Jn xiv, 6.

30 (Rm ii, 17–24).

776 31 Quaterniones may mean ‘sets of four.0’ It likely to be used for a ‘cahier0’ of four sheets.

32 Ep. 22,c. 20.

33 The word “Dei” has crept in, apparently, wrongly. If it stands the meaning would be, ‘To whom you were teaching the word of God,0’ or the allusion may be to Ps xlv, 10, with which the Letter to Eustochium begins, ‘Hearken O daughter so shall the King desire thy beauty.0’

34 (2Co xi, 2.

35 Morbus regius; used variously for jaundice and leprosy. See Jr Life of Hilarion, c. 34.

36 The word is given in Greek, kaqhghth".

37 The name of Jerome’s Jewish teacher of Hebrew, which Rufinus here perverts, was Baranina. Letter 84,c. 3.

38 (Jn xviii, 40).

39 Letter lxxxiv, 2.

40 See this Preface translated among Jerome’s works in this Series.

41 (Ct i, 4.

777 42 Letter xliii, 1.

43 Indomitable or made of adamant.

44 Indefatigable;lit. Brazen-bowelled.

45 Letter 33,

46 Chalcenterus as above).

47 (Jr i, 11, Jr i, 13.

48 These games took place at Rome each February in honour of Lupercus the god of fertility. Two noble youths, after a sacrifice of goats and dogs, ran almost naked about the city with thongs cut from the skins, a stroke from which was believed to impart fertility to women.

49 Romulus, the founder of Rome who slew his brother Remus.

50 Eun. Prol. The sentiment, not the words, are quoted above.

51 The blind teacher of Alexandria.

52 (2Co xi. 6).

778 53 (Ps cxix, 46.

54 (Ph ii, 3.

55 (Rm ii, 21.

56 Sensuum nomine. Thomas the Apostle is called Didymus. Jn xi, 16.

57 See the continuation by Jerome of the Chronicle of Eusebius (not included in this translation) a.d. 381 “Florentius, Bonosus and Rufinus became known as distinguished monks.”

58 Chronicle). a.d. 377.

59 Letter 84,2).

60 Venerarios, belonging to Venus or love. It might mean ‘beloved ones.0’

61 (Lc i, 44.

62 (
Is 6,

63 Namely, Ep. 84,c. 7).

64 Tim. 4,13.

779 65 (Jr Letter 84,c. 8.

66 This change of the gourd for the ivy forms the ground. work of a curious story told by Augustine, to which no doubt Rufinus here alludes See Ep. civ, 5 of the collection of Jerome’s letters. Augustin Letter lxxi.

67 The asterisks denoted that the words to which they were attached were added, and the obeli (†) that something had been subtracted. See Jerome’s Preface to the Kings in this Series.

68 Stars and spits.

69 (Ga vi, 1).

70 See Jerome’s letter to Pammachius (Letter xlviii) describing his friend’s remonstrance, and defending himself).

71 That is, the work which Macarius was writing upon fate, as explained in this Apology 1,11).

72 Sacerdotes. This is almost always applied to Bishops. Here the allusion is chiefly to Jerome’s attack upon Ambrose, See Sect. 23–25.

73 (Jn vii, 24.

74 (
Jn 15,25).

75 The older editions do not contain the name.

780 76 Some copies read visi instead of nisi sumus: I seemed to be compelled).

1 (Ac xix, 9. Rufinus’s praenomen was Tyrannius.

2 (Ps lxviii, 23 Jerome’s version is here, as in many cases unintelligible through a perverse literalism and an incorrect Hebrew text. In our Revised Version it stands: “That the tongue of thy dogs may have its portion from thine enemies.”

3 Cic. Quaest. Acad. Lib. i.

4 That is, The Preface of Rufinus to his Translation of the IIeri AEArcwn (p. 427–8)).

5 Hor. Ep. B. i, Ep. iii, 32.

6 See Ruf. Apol. i, 11. “I had grown dull in my Latinity through the disuse of nearly 30 years.”

7 Jerome Letter lxxxiii Pammachius to Jerome: “Refute your accuser; else, if you do not speak out, you will appear to consent.”

8 This is altered from Virg. Aen. x, 875.

Sic Pater ille Deum faciat, sic altus Apollo,

Incipias conferre manum.

781 9 Supposed to be a version of Ps lxiv, 8.

10 (Ps xxvii, 3, Ps xxvii, 4.

11 Aen: i, 177.

Cerealiaque arma

Expediunt, fessti rerum.

12 Intermundia. Spaces between the worlds, in which, according to Epicurus, the Gods reside).

13 See this question fully argued out by Lightfoot in the Diet. of Christian Biography, Art. Eusebius of C‘saria. He says: “The Defence of Origen was the joint work of Pamphilus and Eusebius:” and “Jerome’s treatment of thismatter is a painful exhibition of disingenuousness, &c.” See De V. Ill. lxxv.

14 Suggrfeu".

15 Suntagma. No work of Eusebius appears to have borne this title. The work alluded to is either the Life of Pamphilus or the Book On the Martyrs of Palestine.

16 “The existence of a work which consisted mainly of extracts from Origen with Comments, and of which he was only the joint author, is quite reconcilable with this statement. Indeed, the very form of the expression in the original, corresponding to ‘ipse quidem0’ ‘proprii0’ was probably chosen so as to exclude this work of compilation and partnership.” Lightfoot, Art. Eusebius of Caesarea, in Dict. of Christian Biography.

17 Yeudepigrafw).

782 18 Eusebius of Cremona, Jerome’s friend, whom Rufinus accused of stealing and publishing his mss.

19 Jerome translated the Chronicle and the Description of the Holy Land, but not this History. This was done later by Rufinus.

20 Jerome Letter lxxxiii.

21 Letter 84,12).

22 Jerome, Letters 91–94.

23 Ep. lxxxiv to Pammachius and Oceanus.

24 Letter lxxxi.

25 Nazianzen, to whose instructions Jerome attached himself at Constantinople in 381).

26 (Is xxix, 1, “Where David encamped.” Ap Ver.

27 (Ps xc).

28 A native of Samothrace who died at Cyprus b.c. 157. He was tutor to the children of Ptolemy Philometor, and was renowned as a rhetorician and a critic.

783 29 Horace Ep. ii, 1, 114–7.

30 (1Co ii, 4. “Not in persuasive words of wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power.” Ap Ver.

31 Jerome often accuses Rufinus of self-indulgence. See esp. Letter cxxv, c. 18).

32 (Sg of Sol. i, 4, Sg of Sol. i, 5.

33 Eruditionis.

34 A tribe of Thrace; probably troupes of them came to exhibit in Rome.

35 p. 389.

36 Condimentum, or seasoning.

37 (Ep iv, 25.

38 Pro Dispensatione. The word Economy is used in modern discussions on this subject in the sense of dispensing truth partially to those not wholly fit for its full disclosure).

39 To the elements of nature, or the idols.

784 40 (Jb xxxi, 26, Jb xxxi, 28).

41 (Ep i, 4.

42 (Ps cxx, 5.

43 (Rm vii, 24.

44 (Ph i, 23.

45 (Ps cxix, 67.

46 (Ep i, 20, Eph i, 21).

47 (Ep ii, 7.

48 Jerome Letter 84.

49 (Lc xvi, 8.

50 (Gn iii, 1).

51 (Ep iv, 16).

785 52 (Ep v, 28, Eph v, 29.

53 (Mt xxiii, 37.

54 (
Mt 22,

55 (Ga iii, 27, Ga iii, 28.

56 A rival of to whom Jerome often Terence, to whom Jerome often compares Rufinus.

57 Asinius Pollio was a rival of Cicero. It seems that some detractor of Jerome boasted that he was of the race of the Cornelii. See Comm. on Jonah iv, 6. “A certain Cantherius, of the most ancient race of the Cornelii, or, as he boasts, of the stock of Asinius Pollio, is said to have accused me at Rome long ago for havin translated ‘ivy0’ instead of ‘gourd.0’”

58 Per oratorem Magnum non magnam moverat quaestionem.

59 Jerome, Letter LXX, c. 6. “Perhaps the question (as to Christians reading heathen books) is suggested by one who, for his love of Sallust, might go by the name of Calpurnius Lanarius.”

60 Virg. Geor. ii, 272.

61 The name of a pedagogue recorded by Horace (Ep. ii, 1, 71), which passed into a general name for boys’ tutors.

62 The “Heap-argument,” in which a number of separate arguments converge on the same point.

786 63 “The Liar,” another logical puzzle).

64 Nazianzen. See Prolegomena.

65 Stoic philosopher of Assus in Lydia b.c. 300–240.

66 Of Cilicia; disciple of Cleanthes, b.c. 280–208.

67 Born at Ephesus b.c. 503. His philosophy was tingedwith melancholy, and his style obscure.

68 (1Co vi, 9.

69 Revilers. Ap Ver.

70 (Ga v, 15).

71 (Ps cxli, 3, Ps cxli, 4.

72 (Ps xxxix, 1, Ps xxxix, 2.

73 (Ps xxxviii, 14.

787 74 (Dt xxxii, 35.

75 (Ps l, 20.

76 The allusion is to Jerome’s letter (LXIX) on the case of Carterius a Spanish Bishop, who had been married before his baptism, and, his wife having died, had married again. Oceanus argued that he was to be condemned. Jerome contended in his favour, regarding his first marriage as part of the old life obliterated by baptism.

77 The allusion is, perhaps, to Rufinus’ answer to Pope Anastasius translated in this volume.

78 I. Tim. vi, 8.

79 (Ps xxiv, 3;
Ps 15,5).

1 See this Apology translated above.

2 (Lc xvii, 5, Lc xvii, 6).

3 (Mt 14,31 Mt 14,

4 This old home was at Concordia. Jr Ep. V, 2; comp. with title of Ep. X.

5 Expressions of St. Paul in Ep iii, 1; 2Tm iv, 17; 1Co xv, 32; 2Tm iv, 7.

6 (Ga vi, 17).

788 7 (Ex traduce, that is, from a laver like that of the vine, This emibodies the view that the soul is derived, with the body, from the parent. There is no English word for the process; and since the word Traducianism is used to express the theory, ‘Traduction0’ is used here to express the process.

8 Potiri, rendered above ‘have their portion.0’

9 Kleronomesousin, they shall inherit.

10 They will enjoy the inheritance).

11 (
Mt 15,19 Mt 15,

12 (Jn xiii, 27.

13 I. Tim. i, 20.

14 (Ps xix, 12, Ps xix, 13. Vulg.

15 (Qo x, 4.

16 (Is lxvi, 24.

17 (Is xlvii, 14, Is. xlvii, 15. “There shall not be a coal to warm at nor fire to sit before it. Thus shall they be unto thee for whom thou hast laboured.” A. V. in almost exact agreement with Vulgate. Jerome must have quoted memoritet from an older version.

789 18 (Ps cxx, 3, Ps cxx, 4. Vulg.

19 Probably a loose reference to Ps. xlii, 9, Ps xlii, 10.

20 (Lc xii, 49.

21 (Dt iv, 24, He xii, 29.

22 Perhaps from Jr li, 26.

23 Leviathan, Jb xli, 9–12. Vulg).

24 The words are translated literally here, so as to shew how they lend themselves to Jerome’s strictures.

25 Of Pitane in Aeolia, b.c. 316–241. Founder of the Middle Academy, half-way between the Platonic idealism and the scepticism of Pyrrho.

26 Of Cyrene, b.c. 214–124. Founder of the Third or New Academy, a disputant rather than a philosopher of fixed principles.

27 (Is liii, 8).

28 Suspeiromenhn.

29 (Jn xvii, 6.

790 30 Though Jerome here speaks as if the question had been determined by church authority, the perusal of his correspondence with Augustin (Jerome’s Letters 126, 131, 134) shows that he was in the same perplexity as Rufinus, but less ingenuous in confessing it.

31 As above, the word for word rendering is given).

32 See Rufinus’ position vindicated in his treatise on the corruption of Origen’s writings, translated in this volume.

33 Quin immo etiam, the first words of the literally, “Yes, moreover also.”

34 (Ps l, 18.

35 (
Ph 2,

36 Taken from Daniel x, 11, “Thou man greatly beloved” (“a man of desires”)).

37 Persius, iii, 30).

38 (Mi vii, 5.

39 (Jr iv, 22.

40 Jude, 9.

791 41 Zach. iii, 2.

42 (1Co vi, 9).

43 Jude, 8.

44 Rufinus.

45 A bringing forth of one thing from another that is according to Valentinian, of Christ as a production from another Aeon).

46 “A man of the Lord,” perhaps applied to Christ.

47 Bishops respectively of Rome, Alexandria, Milan, and Aquileia).

48 Epiphanius to Jn of Jerusalem. Jerome’s Letters, LI, 3. See also Jerome Against Jn of Jerusalem, 11, 14.

49 The Catalogue of Illustrious Men translated in this volume forms the response to this request.

50 (Lc vi, 45, Mt vii, 17).

51 (Dt xvii, 6.

Fathers' Historical writings 752