Hilary - the Councils
NPNF2-09 .
Hilary of Poitiers
On the Councils, or the Faith of the Easterns
Homilies on Psalms I., LIII., CXXX

  • NPNF2 7-14

  • Headings



    Chapter I.—The Life and Writings of St. Hilary of Poitiers.

    Hilary of Poiters

    Introduction to the Treatise de Synodis

    On the Councils, or the Faith of the Easterns

    11 A copy of the Blasphemia composed at Sirmium by Osius and Polamius.
    12 I. “If any one hearing that the Son is the image of the invisible God, says that the image of God is the same as the invisible God,
    13 II. “And if any one hearing the Son say, "As the Father hath life in Himself,
    14 III. “And if any one hearing that the Only-begotten Son is like the invisible God, denies that the Son
    15 IV. “And if any one hearing this text, "For as the Father hath life in Himself so also He hath given to the Son
    16 V. “It any one hearing the words "formed" or "created" it and "begat me"
    18 VI. “And if any one grant the Son only a likeness of activity, but rob Him of the likeness of essence
    19 VII. “And if any one professing that he believes that there is a Father and a Son,
    20 VIII. “And if any one understanding that the Son is like in essence to Him whose Son He is admitted to be,
    22 IX. “And if any one, because the Father is never admitted to be the Son and the Son is never admitted to be the Father,
    23 X. “And if any one admits that God became Father of the Only-begotten Son at any point in times
    25 XI. “And if any one says that the Father is older in times than His Only-begotten Son, and that the Son is younger than the Father: let him be anathema”
    26 XII. “And if any one attributes the timeless substance

    An exposition of the faith of the Church made at the Council held an the occasion of the Dedication of the church at Antioch

    The Creed according to the Council of the East.

    39 I. “But those who say that the Son is sprung from things non-existent, or from another substance and not from God,
    40 II. “If any man says that the Father and the Son are two Gods: let him be anathema.
    41 III.” And if any man says that God is one, but does not confess that Christ who is God and eternal Son of God ministered to the Father in the creation of all things: let him be anathema.”
    42 IV. “If any one dares to say that the Unborn God, or a part of Him, was born of Mary: let him be anathema.”
    V. “If any man say that the Son existed before Mary only according to foreknowledge or predestination,
    44 VI. “If any man says that the substance of God is expanded and contracted: let him be anathema.”
    45 VII. “If any man says that the expanded substance of God makes the Son, or names Son His expanded substance: let him be anathema.”
    46 VIII. “If any man says that the Son is the internal or uttered Word of God: let him be anathema.”
    IX. “If any man says that the man alone born of Mary is the Son: let him be anathema.”
    47 X. “If any man though saying that God and Man was born of Mary, understands thereby the Unborn God: let him be anathema”
    48 XI. “If any man hearing \IThe Word was made Flesh\i thinks that the Word was transformed into Flesh, or says that He suffered change in taking Flesh: let him be anathema.”
    49 XII. “If any man hearing that the only Son of God was crucified, says that His divinity suffered corruption or pain or change or diminution or destruction: let him be anathema.”
    XIII. “If any man says "Let us make man" 30 was not spoken by the Father to the Son, but by God to Himself: let him be anathema.
    XIV. “If any man says that the Son did not appear to Abraham 31 , but the Unborn God, or a part of Him: let him be anathema.
    XV. “If any man says that the Son did not wrestle with Jacob as a man 32 , but the Unborn God, or a part of Him: let him be anathema.
    XVI: “If any man does not understand "The Lord rained from the Lord" 33 to be spoken of the Father and the Son,
    50 XVII. “If any man says that the Lord and the Lord, the Father and the Son, are two Gods because of the aforesaid words:
    52 XVIII. “If any man says that the Father and the Son are one Person: let him be anathema.”
    53 XIX. “If any man speaking of the Holy Ghost the Paraclete say that He is the Unborn God: let him be anathema.”
    XX. “If any man deny that, as the Lord has taught us, the Paraclete is different from the Son;
    55 XXI. “If any man says that the Holy Spirit is a part of the Father or of the Son: let him be anathema.”
    56 XXII. “If any man says that the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit are three Gods: let him be anathema.”
    XXIII. “If any man, after the example of the Jews, understand as said for the destruction of the Eternal
    58 XXIV. “If any man says that the Son was made by the will of God, like any object in creation: let him be anathema.”
    XXV. “If any man says that the Son was born against the will of the Father: let him be anathema.
    59 XXVI. “If any man says that the Son is incapable of birth and without beginning,
    60 XXVII. “Once more we strengthen the understanding of Christianity by saying,
    84 “We believe in one God the Father Almighty, Maker of all things visible and invisible:
    “And in the Holy Ghost.