Genesis - EinheitsÜbersetzung der Heiligen Sc
Genesis, the first book of the Bible, opens with the Hebrew word bereshit, which means "in the beginning." The title "Genesis" was given to the Septuagint (Greek) translation of the book because of its concern with the origin of the world (Genesis 1:1; 2:4), of the human race, and, in particular, of the Hebrew people. (...) The interpreter of Genesis will recognize at once the distinct object that sets Gen 1-11 apart: the recounting of the origin of the world and of man (primeval history). To make the truths contained in these chapters intelligible to the Israelite people destined to preserve them, they needed to be expressed through elements prevailing among that people at that time. For this reason, the truths themselves must therefore be clearly distinguished from their literary garb. With the story of the patriarchs Abraham, Isaac and Jacob (Genesis 11:27-50:26), the character of the narrative changes. While we do not view the account of the patriarchs as history in the strict sense, nevertheless certain of the matters recounted from the time of Abraham onward can be placed in the actual historical and social framework of the Near East in the early part of the second millennium B.C. (2000-1500), and documented by non-biblical sources. Genesis contains many religious teachings of basic importance: the preexistence and transcendence of God, his wisdom and goodness, his power through which all things are made and on which they all depend; the special creation of man in God's image and likeness, and of woman from the substance of man; the institution of marriage as the union of one man with one woman; man's original state of innocence; man's sin of pride and disobedience; its consequences for the protoparents and their posterity. Despite the severity of their punishment, hope of reconciliation is offered by God through the first as well as the subsequent promises of salvation and blessing. Abraham is blessed for his faith and obedience, and he is to be a blessing for all nations through his offspring, Isaac, Jacob, and Jacob's sons (Genesis 12:3; 18:18; 22:18), of whom the Messiah, mankind's greatest blessing, will eventually be born (Gal 3:8). Frequent references to Genesis are found in the New Testament. Christ becomes the antithesis of Adam: sin and death come to mankind through Adam, justification and life through Jesus Christ (Romans 5:12, 17-19). Noah's ark becomes the symbol of the Church, by which men are saved from destruction through the waters of baptism (1 Peter 3:20-22); Abraham's faith is the model for all believers; the sacrifice of his son Isaac typifies the sacrifice of Christ, Son of the Father. The Liturgy, too, relates the persons of Abel, Abraham and Melchizedek to Christ in his act of sacrifice. - The Book of Genesis is divided as follows: I. The Primeval History (Genesis 1:1-11, 26) II. The Patriarch Abraham (Genesis 11:27-25, 18) III. The Patriarchs Isaac and Jacob (Genesis 25:19-36, 43) IV. Joseph and His Brothers (Genesis 37:1-50:26) - (NAB)
  • ® Katholische Bibelanstalt GmbH, Stuttgart 1980

  • Headings


    Die Anfänge: 1,1 - 11,9

    1 Die Erschaffung der Welt
    2 Das Paradies
    3 Der Fall des Menschen
    4 Kain und Abel
    Die Nachkommen Kains
    Die Nachkommen Sets
    Noach und die Sintflut: 6,1 - 9,29

    6 Die Bosheit der Menschen
    Gottes Sorge um Noach
    7 Die große Flut
    9 Gottes Bund mit Noach
    Noachs Fluch und Segen
    10 Die Nachkommen Noachs - Völkertafel
    11 Der Turmbau zu Babel
    Die Erzväter: 11,10 - 36,43

    Die Vorfahren Abrahams
    12 Abrahams Berufung und Wanderung nach Kanaan
    Abraham und Sara in Ägypten
    13 Abraham und Lot
    Gottes Verheißung an Abraham
    14 Abraham und Melchisedek
    15 Gottes Bund mit Abraham
    16 Ismaels Geburt
    17 Die Beschneidung als Bundeszeichen
    18 Gott zu Gast bei Abraham
    19 Das Gericht über Sodom und die Rettung Lots
    Die Stammväter der Moabiter und Ammoniter
    20 Abraham in Gerar
    21 Isaaks Geburt
    Hagar und Ismael
    Der Vertrag Abrahams mit Abimelech
    22 Abrahams Opfer
    Abrahams Verwandtschaft
    23 Saras Tod und Grabstätte
    24 Isaak und Rebekka
    25 Die Nachkommen Abrahams
    Abrahams Tod und Begräbnis
    Der Stammbaum der Ismaeliter
    Geburt Esaus und Jakobs
    Verkauf des Erstgeburtsrechts an Jakob
    26 Isaak in Gerar
    Isaak in Beerscheba
    27 Der Erstgeburtssegen
    Jakobs Flucht nach Haran
    29 Jakobs Frauen und Söhne
    30 Jakobs List gegen Laban
    31 Jakobs Trennung von Laban
    32 Die Boten und Geschenke für Esau
    Jakobs Kampf mit Gott
    33 Jakobs Versöhnung mit Esau
    34 Die Rache der Jakobssöhne an den Sichemiten
    35 Jakob wieder in Bet-El
    Benjamins Geburt und Rahels Tod
    Die Söhne Jakobs und der Tod Isaaks
    36 Die Nachkommen Esaus
    Die Söhne Jakobs: 37,1 - 50,26

    37 Josef und seine Brüder
    38 Die Familiengeschichte Judas
    39 Josef als Sklave in Ägypten
    Josef im Gefängnis
    41 Der Traum des Pharao und seine Deutung
    Josefs Macht über Ägypten
    42 Die erste Reise der Brüder Josefs nach Ägypten
    43 Die zweite Reise der Brüder Josefs nach Ägypten
    46 Jakobs Familie in Ägypten
    47 Josefs Verwaltung in Ägypten
    Jakobs letzter Wille
    49 Jakobs Tod und Begräbnis
    50 Josefs letzte Lebensjahre und sein Tod

    Revised Standard Version (1966) - English
    Nova Vulgata - Latin
    Biblia del Pueblo di Dio (BPD) - Spanish
    Vulgata - Stuttgart 1969 - Latin
    Bíblia Sagrada Ave-Maria (1957) - Portuguese
    La Sainte Bible (Crampon 1904) - French
    CEI (1974) - Italian