Hilary - Damascus 360

326 (@1P 3,19 1P 3@,

327 Iren., 4,45; Greg. Naz., Orat. 42.

328 (Ph 2,10 Ph 2, IV

1 St. Lc 24,43.

361 2 Theodor., Dial. 2; Greg. Naz., Orat. 49, Ep. 1 ad Cled.

3 (
Ac 1 Ac 11
4 Athan. Jun., p. 45, ad Ant.; Basil, De Spiritu Sancto, ch. 6

5 Against the Apollinarians, &c. Cf). Greg. Naz., Ep. Ad Cled., 11.

6 Athan., bk. I., cont. Apoll. Epist. Ad Adelph. Epiphan. Ancor.?. 51.

7 A simile much used by the Fathers: cf. Supr., bk. iii., ch. 8.

8 Greg. Naz., Orat. 37; Fulg., De fid.ad Petrum; Thomas Aquinas, III., quaest. 3, Art. 6.

9 Greg. Naz., Orat. 39.

10 hJ ijdioth", Latin, proprietas, the propriety, that which is distinctive of each.

11 Text, kai; ou;k eksta;" th`" uJi>kh`" ijdioVthto". R. I has, kai; oujk ejxevsth`" oijkeiva", and the old trans. is “et non secessit a propria proprietate.”

12 (Sg Ii, 23

13 (2Co Vi. 14.

362 14 Athan., De Incarn. ; Cyril, In Joan., bk. I.

15 (Ex Xiv. 16.

16 uJpovstasi", hypostasis.

17 See Soophr., Ep.ad Serg.; Origen, IIeri; ajrcw`n, II. 6; Ruf., Expos.Symb., &c.

18 Origen, IIepi; ajpcw`v, bk. Ii., ch. 6.

19 Orat. 36, near the end.

20 Edit. Paris, p. 25.

21 kaqAE  (vEwsiv oijkovomikhvn, in the union of the Incarnation.

22 Edit. Paris, p. 54.

23 (
Ps 14,7 Ps 14,

24 (Ps 14,7 Ps 14,

363 25 Some copies omit the last five words.

26 (
Ba 3,38 Ba 3,

27 (Ps cxxxvii. I.

29 Euthym., p. 2, tit. 8.

30 See the Scholiast on Gregory Nyssenus in Cod. Reg. 3451.

31 Vid. Apud Greg, Nyss., bk. iii., contr. Eunom

32 (Col 1 Col 15
33 Athan., Expos. Fidei.

34 (Rm Viii. 29.

35 St. Jn 20,17.

36 Ibid.

37 (Col Ii. 12.

364 38 St. Mt Xxviii. 19.

39 See Clem. Alex., Strom., bk. I; Basil, Ep. Ad Amphiloch. 2; Irenaeus, 1,8; Theodor., Haer. fab. C. 12; Euseb., Hist. Eccles., 7,9; Trullan Canon 95; Tertull., De Bapt., c 1, &c.

40 (
He 6,4 He 6,

41 (Rm Vi. 3.

42 See Basil, De Spir, Sanct., c. 28, and Ep. 39; Jerome, Contr. Lucif.; Theodor., Haer. III. 4; Socrates, Hist. C. 23; Sozomen, Hist. VI. 26

43 Auct., Quaest. Ad. Antioch.

44 Basil., De Bapt., bk. I. Ch. 12.

45 St. Mt Xvi. 16.

46 (Ac 10,38 Ac 10,

47 (Ps 14,7 Ps 14,

48 (Is Lxi. I.

365 49 St. Mt Xxviii. 19.

50 Text, ejp1 ajfqarsivan. Variant, ejp1 ajfqarsiva; old interpretation, ‘in incorruption.0’

51 Method., De Resurr.

52 St. Jn 19,34.

53 Ibid. 3,5.

54 Greg., Orat. 48.

55 (
Gn 1,2 Gn 1,

56 (Lv 15,10 Lv 15,

57 (Gn 6,17 Gn 6,

58 Text, kaqaivretai. Variant in many Codices is ejkavqaivreto. On one margin is, hj ejkekavqarto.

59 III. Reg. 18,32.

366 60 pivsti" ga;r uijoqerei`n oi\de.

61 Text, fwtismov", illumination. In R. 2626 is added, kai; ajgiasmov", which Faber translates, “et illuminatio et sanctificatio.” In R. 2924, ajgiasmov" is read instead of fwtismov".

62 2 Pet 2,22.

63 (
Jc 2,26 Jc 2,

64 Greg. Naz., Orat. 40; Athan. ad Serap. De Spir. Sancto.

65 Greg. Theol., Orat. 39.

66 (Gn 7,17 Gn 7,

67 (1Co 10,1 1Co 10,

68 (Lv 14,8 Lv 14,

69 Greg., Orat. 40; Basil. Hom. de Bapt.; Chrys. in Mt Hom. 10, and others.

70 Cf). Basil, De Bapt., I. 2.

367 71 (Gn 18,10 Gn 18,

72 Ib. 17.

73 Ib. 20.

74 Ib. 25, 26.

75 Ib. 19,24.

76 Ib. 21,1, 2.

77 Ib. 17, 18.

78 St. Jn 8,56.

79 (He 11,6 He 11,

80 Basil. in Ps cxv.

81 Basil, cit. loc.

368 82 Text, propavtoro" ajmartiva. Variant, propar. AEAda;m ajmart.

83 Text, hjnoivcqhsan. Variant, hjnoivghsan.

84 Cyril, Hier. catech. 1,14.

85 Text, dia; staurou`. Variant, div aujtou`.

86 (
Rm 6,3 Rm 6,

87 (Ga 3,27 Ga 3,

88 (2Co 1,24 2Co 1,

89 Basil. in Is. xi.

90 (Ex 12,23 Ex 12,

91 Cf). Cyril, Contr. Jul., bk. vi.

92 Text, oJ Torgoqa`", oJ swthvrio". Variant, oJ staurov".

369 93 oJ qeopavtwr Dabivd. Cf). Dionysiaster, Ep. 8.

94 (
He 11,6 He 11,

95 Basil. in Ps cxv.

96 Basil, cit. loc.

97 Text, propavtoro" ajmartiva. Variant, propar. AEAda;m ajmart.

98 Text, hjnoivcqhsan. Variant, hjnoivghsan.

99 Cyril, Hier. catech. 1,14.

100 Text, dia; staurou`. Variant, div aujtou`.

101 (Rm 6,3 Rm 6,

102 (Ga 3,27 Ga 3,

103 (2Co 1,24 2Co 1,

370 104 Basil. in Is. xi.

105 (
Ex 12,23 Ex 12,

106 Cf). Cyril, Contr. Jul., bk. vi.

107 Text, oJ Torgoqa`", oJ swthvrio". Variant, oJ staurov".

108 oJ qeopavtwr Dabivd. Cf). Dionysiaster, Ep. 8.

109 (Ps 132,7 Ps 132,

110 Ibid. 8.

111 Text, Swth`ro". Variant, staurov".

112 St. Mt 24,30.

113 St. Mc 16,6.

114 (1Co 1,23 1Co 1,

371 115 Text, Cristou`. Variant, staurou`.

116 (Gn 2,and iii.

117 (
He 11,21 He 11,

118 Auct., Quaest. ad Antioch., 9, 63.

119 (Nb xx.

120 (Ex iv.

121 Ibid.

122 Text, oujk eijduiva. Variant, eijdwv".

123 Iren., bk. 5,, c 18.

124 Isai. 65,2.

125 Text, tou`to. Variants, tou`ton and touvtw.

372 126 Basil, De Spir. Sanct., c. 27; Alcuin, De Trin. 2,5; Wal. Strabo. De reb. eccles, c. 4; Hon. August., Gemma Animae. c. 950.

127 1 St. Jn 1,5.

128 (
Ml 4,2 Ml 4,

129 Zach. 3,8, 6,12; St. Lc i. 78.

130 (Ps 68,32, 33.

131 (Gn 2,8 Gn 2,

132 Text, o]n parabavnra ejxwvrisen, ajpevnantiv te tou` paradeivsou th`" trufh`" katwvkisen. Variants, o]n parabavnta, th`" trfh`" ejxwrisen, and o]nn parabavnta, tou` paradeivsou th`" trufh`" ejxwvrisen, ajpevnantiv te tou` paradeivsou katwkisen.

133 Lv 16,14.

134 Ibid. 2.

135 (Nb 2,3 Nb 2,

136 (Ac 1,11 Ac 1,

373 137 Text, faivnetai. Variant, fqavnei. The old translation gives occupat.

138 St. Mt 24,27.

139 Basil, De Spiritu Sancto, ch. 27.

140 Greg. Naz., Orat. 42: Dion. De div. nom., ch. 3.

141 (
Rm 11,36 Rm 11,

142 (He 2,17 He 2,

143 (Rm 7,17 Rm 7,

144 Variant, fuvsei kai; klhronovmoi th`" aujtou` genwvmeqa cavrito", kai aujiou uioi, kai; sugklhronovmoi.

145 Text, klhronomnvswmen. Variant, klhronomhvsante".

146 Chrys. in Matt., Hom. 83; St. Jn 3,3.

147 St. Jn 6,48.

148 Ibid. xiii.

374 149 St. Mt 26,26; Liturg. S. Jacobi.

150 St. Mt 26,27, 28; St. Mark xiv. 22–24; St. Lc 22,19, 20; 1Co 11,24–26

151 (
He 4,12 He 4,

152 (Ps cxxxv. 6.

153 (Gn 1,3 and 6.

154 (Ps 33,6 Ps 33,

155 Text, kai; ta; th`"...kaqara; kai; ajmwvmhta ai(mata eJmata eJautw`. Variant, kai; ejk tw`n th`"...kaqarw`n kaiv ajmwmhvtwn aijmavtwn eJautw.

156 (Gn 1,11 Gn 1,

157 Iren., bk. iv., ch. 35; Gulg., Ad Monim., bk. ii., ch. 6; Chrys., De prod. Jedae; Greg. Nyss., Catech., &c.

158 St. Lc 1,34, 35

159 Nyss., Orat., Catech., ch. 37.

375 160 Clem., Constit., bk. viii.; Justin Martyr., Apol. i.; Iren., 5,2.

161 Greg. Nyss., Orat. Catech., c. 37.

162 Simile Nyss. loc. cit.

163 ouj is absent in some mss.

164 The Greek is oJ th`" proqevsew" oi\no", the bread of the prothesis. It is rendered panis propositionis in the old translations. These phrases designate the Shewbread in the LXX. and the Vulgate. The provqesi" is explained as a smaller table placed on the right side of the altar, on which the priests make ready the bread and the cup for consecration. See the note in Migne.

165 See Niceph., C.P., Aniirr. 2,3.

166 St. Jn 6,51–55.

167 zwh;n aijwvnion is added in many mss.

168 Cyril Hierosol., Cat. Mystag. 5; Chrys. Hom. 3 in Epist. ad Ephes.; Trull. can. 101

169 (
Is 6,6 Is 6,

170 See Cyril Alex. on Isiah vi.

376 171 Vide Basil, ibid.

172 (
Gn 14,18 Gn 14,

173 (Lv xiv.

174 (Ps 110,4 Ps 110,

175 Text, eijkovnizon. Variant, eijkonivzousi.

176 (Ml 1,11 Ml 1,

177 (1Co 11,31, 32.

178 Ibid. 29.

179 Cyril, loc. cit.

180 St. Jn 6,63.

181 Anastas., Hodegus, ch. 23.

182 St. Mt 7,6.

377 183 (1Co 10,17 1Co 10,

184 Text, nohtw` dia; movnh" th`" Qeva"; nohtw" is wanting in some Reg. 2928 having dia; movnh" th`" Qeiva" eJnwvsew:.

185 In Reg. 2428 is added kai; AEIwsh;f tou` mnhvstoro".

186 (Ps 132,11 Ps 132,

187 Ibid. lxxxix. 35, 36, 37.

188 (Is 11,1 Is 11,

189 (Nb 36,6 seqq.

190 skhvptrou.

191 Cf). Julius Afric., Ep. ad Aristidem, cited in Eusebius, Hist. Qo 1,7.

192 (Dt 25,5 Dt 25,

193 See the note in Migne.

378 194 Text, th;n a[gian Qeotovkon. Vatiant, th;n apgian [Annan.

195 St. Lc 3,24 seqq.

196 R. 2926 adds “Ethan”, the name being taken from Julius Africanus.

197 Epiph., Haeres. 79.

198 1Sam. 1,2.

199 Greg. Nyss., Orat. in nativ. Dom.: Eustath. in Hexaem.

200 Epiph., Haeres. 79.

201 thv" probatikh`", the Sheep-gate.

202 (Ps 18,25, 26.

203 (
Is 7,14 St. Mt 1,23 Mt 1,

204 (1Co 3,19 Jb 5,13 Jb 5,

379 205 (Is 29,11 Is 29,

206 St. Jn 1,13.

207 (Is 66,7 Is 66,

208 qeofovro".

209 (Ez 44,2 Ez 44,

210 St. Mt 1,25.

211 ibid. 28,20.

212 (1Th 4,17 1Th 4,

213 St. Lc 2,35.

214 In R. 2926 is added, o[per aujth` proeivrhken oJ Qeodovco" Sumew;n, to;n Kuvrion ejnagkalisavmeno".

215 St. Jn 1,12.

380 216 (Ga 4,7, Rm 8,17.

217 St. Jn 15,14.

218 Ibid. 15.

219 Apoc. 19,16.

220 (Ex 2,6 Ex 2,

221 Ibid. 7,1.

222 Basil, Orat. in 40 Martyr.

223 Lv 26,12: 2Co 6,16

224 (Sg 3,1 Sg 3,

225 (Ps 40,9, 10.

226 Ibid. 116,15.

381 227 dia; tou` nou`

228 (
1Co 2,16 1Co 2,

229 (2Co 3,17 2Co 3,

230 (2Co 3,17 2Co 3,

231 Aster., Hom. in SS. Mart.

232 (Ex 17,6 Ex 17,

233 (Jg 15,17 Jg 15,

234 (Nb 19,11 Nb 19,

235 (Jc 1,17 Jc 1,

236 Ephes. 5,19.

237 Text, prstoiv. Variant, pivstei in Reg. 1.

382 238 Almost all read to;n provdromon AEIwavnnhn, wj" profhvthn, &c.

239 St. Mt 11,11.

240 (
Rm 8,29 Rm 8,

241 (1Co 12,24 1Co 12,

242 Ephes. 4,11.

243 Hebr. 11,37, 38.

244 Ibid. 13,7.

245 Some Mss. have the title “Concerning the adoration of the august and holy images,” or “Concerning the holy and sacred images,” or “Concerning holy images.”

246 Cf). Petavius, Theol. Dogm. xv. ch. 12.

247 (Gn 1,26 Gn 1,

248 Basil, De Spir. Sancto, ch. 18.

383 249 (Ex 33,10 Ex 33,

250 Ibid. 25,40: He 8,5.

251 (Ex 25,18 Ex 25,

252 (1R viii.

253 (Gn 8,21 Gn 8,

254 St. Jn 1,14; Tt 3,4.

255 (Ba 3,38 Ba 3,

256 Basil, in 40 Mart: also De Spir. Sancto, ch. 27.

257 Cf). August., contr. Donatist., bk. iv.

258 Evagr., Hist. iv., ch. 27.

259 Procop., De Bellis, 2,ch. 12.

384 260 i.e). Abgarus.

261 (
2Th 2,15 2Th 2,

262 (1Co 11,2 1Co 11,

263 This chapter is wanting in Cod. R. 3547.

264 St. Mt 5,17.

265 St. Jn 5,39.

266 (He 1,1, 2.

267 (2Tm 3,16 2Tm 3,

268 (Ps 1,3 Ps 1,

269 (Ps 68,13 Ps 68,

270 St. Mt 21,37.

385 271 (Jc 1,17 Jc 1,

272 (Dt 32,7 Dt 32,

273 (1Co 8,7 1Co 8,

274 St. Jn 4,14.

275 Cyril Hieros., Cat. 4; Epiphan., De pond. et mens.

276 Many copies read Phi.

277 Writings.

278 Joshua the Son of Nun.

279 Chronicles.

280 R. 2428 reads kai; hj AEIoudi;q, kai; hj AEEsqhvr: so also in Cod. S. Hil., but Epiphanius does not mention the book of Judith, nor does the text require it.

281 R. 2428 reads kai; ejpistolai; duvo duvo dia; Klhvmento", probably an interpolation.

386 282 Trull., Can. 2; Euseb., hist. Qo vi., ch., ch. 23, &c.

283 St. Jn 10,30.

284 Ibid. 14,9.

285 (
Ph 2,6 Ph 2,

286 (He 1,3 He 1,

287 (Is 9,6 Is 9,

288 pericwvrhsi".

289 St. Jn 14,10

290 th;n ajnekfoivthton i[drusin.

291 Cyril, Thes., bk. xxxiv., p. 341.

292 St. Jn 14,28.

387 293 Greg. Naz., Orat. 36, and other Greeks.

294 St. Jn 16,28.

295 Ibid. 6,57

296 Ibid. 5,19.

297 Text, metav. Various reading, katav.

298 Text, plhrou;mena. Variant, plhroumevnh".

299 kivnhsin, motion.

300 kivnhsin, motion.

301 St. Jn 11,42.

302 (
Ps 107,20 Ps 107,

303 St. Jn 17,2.

388 304 (Ps 1,3,

305 (Za 9,9,

306 (Mi 1,3,

307 (Ba 2,38,

308 (Pr 8,22,

309 (Ps 45,7,

310 Greg. Naz., Orat. 39.

311 (Is 48,12,

312 Supr. Bk. Iii., ch. 2

313 Or, inhabitation, mutual indwelling.

314 pericwrousa

389 315 St. Jn 14. 1.

316 Ibid. 10,30.

317 Ibid. 7,19; 8,40.

318 Ibid. 3,14.

319 Vide supr., bk. iii., ch. 21, 22, 23.

320 prospoivhsi", feigning.

321 St. John. 11,34.

322 St. Lc 24,28.

323 Greg, Naz., Orat. 36.

324 Supr.Bk. Iii. 24.

325 Text, meta; ton ei\nai Qeov". Variant, mei`nai.

390 326 oikeiwsi" kai anaqorav Variant, meivai

327 St. Mt 27,46.

328 (
2Co 5,21 2Co 5,

329 (Ga Iii. 13.

330 (1Co Xv. 28.

331 Greg, Naz., Orat. 36.

332 Ibid.

333 Supr., bk. Iii. Ch. 21.

334 St. John. 17,5.

335 (Rm 1,4 Rm 1,

336 Chrysost., Hom. I in Epist., ad Rom., and others.

391 337 St. Lc 2,40.

338 Text, xariti. Reg 1). ouneqel.

339 St. John. 4,22.

340 Ibid. 16,10.

341 Ibid.

342 1 Cor 2,8.

343 St. John. 3,13.

344 St. Mt 28,19.

345 Ibid. 20.

346 Ibid. 9.

347 Ibid. 10.

392 348 kata; quvsin

349 kata; prospoivhsin

350 St. Luke. 24,28.

351 St. Jn 20,17.

352 (
Ps 24,7 Ps 24,

353 (He 1 He 3
354 St. Jn 20,17.

355 Epist, apologetica ad Acacium Melitinar Episcopum

356 Against Platonists, Gnostics, and Manicheans.

357 Damasc. Dial. Cont. Manich.

358 (Rm 9,21 Rm 9,

393 359 Basil, Homil. Quod Deus non sit auct. Malorum.

360 (2Tm 2,20,21.

361 (
Rm 11,32 Rm 11,

362 (Is 29,10 Rm 11,8

363 (Am 3,6 Am 3,

364 Text, oisemqaton. Variant ousemqaton

365 Text, twn yar ekousiwn kakwn ta; akouvsia, &c. R. 2930 has twv akousiwn ta ekousia

366 Basil, .loc. cit.

367 (Ps 51,4 Ps 51,

368  nikhthv" is sometimes absent

369 Athan., Cont. Gentes.

394 370 Athan., Cont. omnes haeret

371 Damasc., Dial. Cont. Manich.

372 Text, apotemnomeno". Variants, apotemnomeno" and apotemnomeno".

373 Text kakonsqai. Variant, kakonxeisqai.

374 Basil, Hom). Deum non esse cause. Mal.

375 Text, parazromh. Variant, para. roph, cf. Infra.

376 (
Gn 1,31 Gn 1,

377 Basil Hom). Deum non csse cause. Mal.

378 Jer., Contr. Pelag. Bk. Iii.

379 Demasc., Dialog contra Manich

380 St. Mc 14,21.

395 381 1 St. Jn i 7.

382 (
Rm 7,23 Rm 7,

383 (Rm 7,27 Rm 7,

384 Ibid. 23.

385 Text, kata; anakrasin. The old translation is ‘secundum anacrasin, 0’i.e. ‘contractionem, refusionem per laevitatem voluptatis:0’ Faber has ‘secundum contradictionem per suadelam voluptatis.0’ The author’s meaning is that owing to the conjunction of mind with body, the law of sin is mixed with all the members.

386 (Rm 8,3, 4.

387 Ibid. 26.

388 Ibid.

389 (Gn 2,2 Gn 2,

390 (Ex 13,6 Nb 15,35

391 Greg., Naz., Orat. 44.

396 392 (Dt 5,14 Dt 5,

393 (Pr 12,10 Pr 12,

394 Epiph., Exp. Fid., n. 22.

395 (1Tm 1,9 1Tm 1,

396  Ex 24,18 : Ex 34,28.

397 (@1R 19,8 1R 19@,

398 (Da 10,2 Da 10,

399 (Gn 17,12 Gn 17,

400 (Lv 16,31 Lv 16,

401 St. Mt 12,5.

402 Epiph, Hares. 30, n. 32, et Haer;. N. 82 seqq : Athan, Hom circum, et sabb

403 (Jos iii.

397 404 Ath iofe.

405 (
Ga 4,3 Ga 4,

406 Ibid. 4, 5.

407 St. John. 1,12.

408 (Ga 4,7 Ga 4,

409 (1Co 13,10 1Co 13,

410 Athan., loc. Cit.

411 Ibid.

412 Greg. Naz, Orat. 42

413 Exxl. 11,2.

414 (Ps xvi.

398 415 Vide bk. Ii. Ch. 30

416 Deut.

417 (
Gn 2,25

418 Ibid. 4,7.

419 Ibid. 19.

420 (Gn 4,I.

421 Greg, Naz., De opif., hom. 16

422 Gen 1,27.

423 Ibid. 1,28.

424 Text, aparaxapakton old. Trans. “in intrasmutationem.”

425 Vid supr., bk. Ii. Ch. 30.

399 426 Text auqquata == increases. We have read auxhmata.

427 (
Gn 6,18

428 Cf. Chrys., Hom. 28 on Genesis.

429 (Gn 8,16

430 2 Ki 2,11.

431 Ibid. 4,34

432 Ibid. 2,14.

433 Ibid. 2,9.

434 (Da 3,20 Da 3,

435 Ibid 6,16.

436 (Ex 19,15 Nb 6,2.

437 St. Jn 2,I.

400 438 (He 13,4,

439 St. Mt 19,11.

440 Simeou Thess., De initiat., ch. 33.

441 (1Co 7,2 1Co 7,

442 (He 13,4 He 13,

443 Just. Martyr., Dial cum Tryph., p. 241.

444 (Gn xvii.10.

445 Chrys, Hom. 39 in Gen.

446 Text, Ihsou".

447 (Jos 5,2 Jos 5,

448 Ibid. 6.

401 449 Text Battaritiqi as in mss.; The desert in which the Israelites dwelt is called “per antonomasiam” Madbara, from the Hebrew 72712

450 (Jos 5,6, 7.

451 Greg., Naz., Orat. 40. Athan., De Sab. Et circ.

452 (
Ga 5,2 Ga 5,

453 St. Mt 5,17.

454 See the note in Migne.

455 1 St. Jn 2,22.

456 Iren., bk. V. ch. 25; Greg. Naz., Orat. 47.

457 St. Mt 24,14.

458 St. Jn 5,43.

459 (2Th 2,10, 11, 12.

402 460 Chrys., Hom. 4 in Epist. 2 Thess.

461 (
Da 11,37 Da 11,

462 (2Th 2,3, 4.

463 Cyril of Jerusalem, Cat. 15

464 Iren., Cyril Hieros., Catech. 15 : Greg. Naz loc.cit.

465 St. Mt 25,14.

466 Text has perasi yeuqou", instead of the received text, terasi yeuqou", cf). Infr.

467 (2Th 2,8,9,10.

468 Jerome on Daniel, ch. 7,

469 Chrys., Hom. 3 in 2 Thess.

470 Text, ariosunhn Old trans. “justitiam,” but Faber has “bonitatem.”

403 471 (2Th 2,9 2Th 2,

472 St. Mt 24,24.

473 (Ml 4,6 Ap 11,3 Ap 11,

474 (Ac 1,11 Ac 1,

475 (2Th 2,8 2Th 2,

476 (1Co 15,35–44.

477 Epost. In Ancor. N. 89 ; Method., Contr. Orig.

478 (Is 22,13, 1Co 15,32.

479 (Gn 9,3,4,5,6.

480 (Ex iii.6 : St. Mt 22,3

481 Wis 3,1.

404 482 (Ps 104,29 Ps 104,

483 Ibid. 30

484 (Is 26,18 Is 26,

485 Ez. 36,7.

486 (Da 12,1,2,3.

487 St. Jn 5,28, 29.

488 St. Jn 11,39–44.

489 (1Co 15,16, 17.

490 Ibid. 20.

491 (Col 1,18 Col 1,

492 1Thess. 4,14

405 493 St. Jn ii.19

494 St. Lc 24,37.

495 Ibid. 24,39

496 St. Jn 20,27.

497 (
1Co 15,35

498 (1Co 15,42, 44.

499 St. Mc 12,25.

500 (Ph Iii. 20, 21.

501 Nyss., loc. Citat.; Epiph., Haeres. Vi. 4.

502 (1Co 15,35 1Co 15,

503 Epiph., Ancor., n. 93.

406 504 1 Cor 15,35.

505 Ibid. 36,37,38.

506 See Migne’s Preface to John’s Dial., Contr. Manichaeos.

507 In R. 2924 is read: ejn tw`/ Kurivw hJmw`n, w/\ prevpei pa`sa dovxa, timh;, kai; proskuvnhsi", nu`n kai; ajei;, kai; eij" touv" aijw`na" tw`n aijwvnwn. jAmhvn., In 2928: o(ti aujtw/` prevpei dovxa, timh; kai; proskuvnhsi", nu`n kai; ajei;, &c.

[i]Roberts, Alexander and Donaldson, James, Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, Second Series: Volume IX, (Oak Harbor, WA: Logos Research Systems, Inc). 1997.

Hilary - Damascus 360