BELLOC-Europe and the Faith - VII: THE MIDDLE AGES


This is perhaps the greatest of all historical questions, after the

original question: "What was the Church in the Empire of Rome?" A true

answer to this original question gives the nature of that capital

revolution by which Europe came to unity and to maturity and attained to a

full consciousness of itself. An answer to the other question: "What was

the Reformation?" begins to explain our modern ill-ease.

A true answer to the question: "What was the Reformation?" is of such vast

importance, because it is only when we grasp what the Reformation was

that we understand its consequences. Then only do we know how the united

body of European civilization has been cut asunder and by what a wound. The

abomination of industrialism; the loss of land and capital by the people in

great districts of Europe; the failure of modern discovery to serve the end

of man; the series of larger and still larger wars following in a rapidly

rising scale of severity and destruction--till the dead are now counted in

tens of millions; the increasing chaos and misfortune of society--all these

attach one to the other, each falls into its place, and a hundred smaller

phenomena as well, when we appreciate, as today we can, the nature and the

magnitude of that fundamental catastrophe.

It is possible that the perilous business is now drawing to its end, and

that (though those now living will not live to see it) Christendom may

enter into a convalescence: may at last forget the fever and be restored.

With that I am not here concerned. It is my business only to explain that

storm which struck Europe four hundred years ago and within a century

brought Christendom to shipwreck.

The true causes are hidden--for they were spiritual.

In proportion as an historical matter is of import to human kind, in that

proportion does it spring not from apparent--let alone material--causes,

but from some hidden revolution in the human spirit. To pretend an

examination of the secret springs whence the human mind is fed is futile.

The greater the affair, the more directly does it proceed from unseen

sources which the theologian may catalogue, the poet see in vision, the

philosopher explain, but with which positive external history cannot deal,

and which the mere historian cannot handle. It is the function of history

to present the outward thing, as a witness might have seen it, and to show

the reader as much as a spectator could have seen--illuminated indeed by a

knowledge of the past--and a judgment drawn from known succeeding events.

The historian answers the question, "What was?" this or that. To the

question, "Why was it?" if it be in the spiritual order (as are all major

things), the reader must attempt his own reply based upon other aptitudes

than those of historic science.

It is the neglect of this canon which makes barren so much work upon the

past. Read Gibbon's attempt to account for "why" the Catholic Church arose

in the Roman Empire, and mark his empty failure. [Footnote: It is true

that Gibbon was ill equipped for his task because he lacked historical

imagination. He could not grasp the spirit of a past age. He could not

enter into any mood save that of his master, Voltaire. But it is not only

true of Gibbon that he fails to explain the great revolution of A.D.

29-304. No one attempting that explanation has succeeded. It was not of

this world.]

Mark also how all examination of the causes of the French Revolution are

colored by something small and degraded, quite out of proportion to that

stupendous crusade which transformed the modern world. The truth is, that

the historian can only detail those causes, largely material, all evident

and positive, which lie within his province, and such causes are quite

insufficient to explain the full result. Were I here writing "Why" the

Reformation came, my reply would not be historic, but mystic. I should say

that it came "from outside mankind." But that would be to affirm without

the hope of proof, and only in the confidence that all attempts at positive

proof were contemptible. Luckily I am not concerned in so profound an

issue, but only in the presentation of the thing as it was. Upon this I now

set out.

With the close of the Middle Ages two phenomena appeared side by side in

the society of Europe. The first was an ageing and a growing fatigue of the

simple mediaeval scheme; the second was a very rapid accretion of technical


As to the first I have suggested (it is no more than a suggestion), that

the mediaeval scheme of society, though much the best fitted to our race

and much the best expression which it has yet found, though especially

productive of happiness (which here and hereafter is the end of man), was

not properly provided with instruments of survival.

Its science was too imperfect, its institutions too local, though its

philosophy was the widest ever framed and the most satisfying to the human


Whatever be the reason, that society did rapidly grow old. Its every

institution grew formal or debased. The Guilds from true coöperative

partnerships for the proper distribution of the means of production, and

for the prevention of a proletariat with its vile cancer of capitalism,

tended to become privileged bodies. Even the heart of Christian Europe, the

village, showed faint signs that it might become an oligarchy of privileged

farmers with some land and less men at their orders. The Monastic orders

were tainted in patches up and down Europe, with worldliness, with an

abandonment of their strict rule, and occasionally with vice. Civil

government grew befogged with tradition and with complex rules. All manner

of theatrical and false trappings began to deform society, notably the

exaggeration of heraldry and a riot of symbolism of which very soon no one

could make head or tail.

The temporal and visible organization of the Church did not escape in such

a welter. The lethargy, avarice, and routine from which that organization

suffered, has been both grossly exaggerated and set out of perspective.

A wild picture of it has been drawn by its enemies. But in a degree the

temporal organization of the Church had decayed at the close of the Middle

Ages. It was partly too much a taking of things for granted, a conviction

that nothing could really upset the unity of Europe; partly the huge

concentration of wealth in clerical hands, which proceeded from the new

economic activity all over Europe, coupled with the absolute power of the

clergy in certain centres and the universal economic function of Rome;

partly a popular loss of faith. All these between them helped to do the

business. At any rate the evil was there.

All institutions (says Machiavelli) must return to their origins, or they

fail. There appeared throughout Europe in the last century of united

Europe, breaking out here and there, sporadic attempts to revivify the

common life, especially upon its spiritual side, by a return to the

primitive communal enthusiasms in which religion necessarily has its

historical origins.

This was in no way remarkable. Neither was it remarkable that each such

sporadic and spontaneous outburst should have its own taint or vice or

false color.

What was remarkable and what made the period unique in the whole history

of Christendom (save for the Arian flood) was the incapacity of the

external organization of the Church at the moment to capture the spiritual

discontent, and to satisfy the spiritual hunger of which these errors were

the manifestation.

In a slower time the external organization of the Church would have

absorbed and regulated the new things, good and evil. It would have

rendered the heresies ridiculous in turn, it would have canalized the

exaltations, it would have humanized the discoveries. But things were

moving at a rate more and more rapid, the whole society of Western

Christendom raced from experience to experience. It was flooded with the

newly found manuscripts of antiquity, with the new discoveries of unknown

continents, with new commerce, printing, and, an effect perhaps rather than

a cause, the complete rebirth of painting, architecture, sculpture and all

the artistic expression of Europe.

In point of fact this doubt and seething and attempted return to early

religious enthusiasm were not digested and were not captured. The spiritual

hunger of the time was not fed. Its extravagance was not exposed to the

solvent of laughter or to the flame of a sufficient indignation: they were

therefore neither withered nor eradicated. For the spirit had grown old.

The great movement of the spirit in Europe was repressed haphazard and,

quite as much haphazard, encouraged, but there seemed no one corporate

force present throughout Christendom which would persuade, encourage

and command: even the Papacy, the core of our unity, was shaken by long

division and intrigue.

Let it be clearly understood that in the particular form of special

heresies the business was local, peculiar and contemptible. Wycliffe, for

instance, was no more the morning star of the Reformation than Catherine of

Braganza's Tangier Dowry, let us say, was the morning star of the modern

English Empire. Wycliffe was but one of a great number of men who were

theorizing up and down Europe upon the nature of society and morals, each

with his special metaphysic of the Sacrament; each with his "system."

Such men have always abounded; they abound today. Some of Wycliffe's

extravagances resemble what many Protestants happen, later, to have held;

others (such as his theory that you could not own land unless you were in

a state of grace) were of the opposite extreme to Protestantism. And so it

is with the whole lot: and there were hundreds of them. There was no common

theory, no common feeling in the various reactions against a corrupted

ecclesiastical authority which marked the end of the Middle Ages. There was

nothing the least like what we call Protestantism today. Indeed that spirit

and mental color does not appear until a couple of generations after the

opening of the Reformation itself.

What there was, was a widespread discontent and exasperated friction

against the existing, rigid, and yet deeply decayed, temporal organization

of religious affairs; and in their uneasy fretting against that unworthy

rule, the various centres of irritation put up now one startling theory

which they knew would annoy the official Church, now another, perhaps

the exact opposite of the last. Now they denied something as old as

Europe--such as the right to property: now a new piece of usage or

discipline such as Communion in one kind: now a partial regional rule, such

as celibacy. Some went stark mad. Others, at the contrary extreme, did no

more than expose false relics.

A general social ill-ease was the parent of all these sporadic heresies.

Many had elaborate systems, but none of these systems was a true creed,

that is, a motive. No one of the outbursts had any philosophic driving

power behind it; all and each were no more than violent and blind reactions

against a clerical authority which gave scandal and set up an intolerable


Shall I give an example? One of the most popular forms which the protest

took, was what I have just mentioned, a demand for Communion in both kinds

and for the restoration of what was in many places ancient custom, the

drinking from the cup after the priest.

Could anything better prove the truth that mere irritation against the

external organization of the Church was the power at work? Could any point

have less to do with the fundamentals of the Faith? Of course, as an

implication of false doctrine--as that the Priesthood is not an Order,

or that the Presence of Our Lord is not in both species--it had its

importance. But in itself how trivial a "kick." Why should anyone desire

the cup save to mark dissension from established custom!

Here is another example. Prominent among the later expressions of

discontent you have the Adamites, [Footnote: The rise of these oddities

is nearly contemporary with Wycliffe and is, like his career, about one

hundred years previous to the Reformation proper: the sects are of various

longevity. Some, like the Calvinists, have, while dwindling rapidly in

numbers, kept their full doctrines for now four hundred years, others

like the Johanna Southcottites hardly last a lifetime: others like the

Modernists a decade or less: others like the Mormons near a century, their

close is not yet. I myself met a man in Colorado in 1891 whose friends

thought him the Messiah. Unlike the Wycliffites certain members of the

Adamites until lately survived in Austria.] who among other tenets rejected

clothes upon the more solemn occasions of their ritual and went naked:

raving maniacs. The whole business was a rough and tumble of protest

against the breakdown of a social system whose breakdown seemed the more

terrible because it had been such a haven! Because it was in essence

founded upon the most intimate appetites of European men. The heretics were

angry because they had lost their home.

This very general picture omits Huss and the national movement for which he

stood. It omits the Papal Schism; the Council of Constance; all the great

facts of the fifteenth century on its religious side. I am concerned only

with the presentation of the general character of the time, and that

character was what I have described: an irrepressible, largely justified,

discontent breaking out: a sort of chronic rash upon the skin of Christian

Europe, which rash the body of Christendom could neither absorb nor cure.

Now at this point--and before we leave the fifteenth century--there is

another historical feature which it is of the utmost importance to seize

if we are to understand what followed; for it was a feature common to

all European thought until a time long after the final establishment of

permanent cleavage in Europe. It is a feature which nearly all historians

neglect and yet one manifest upon the reading of any contemporary

expression. That feature is this: No one in the Reformation dreamt a

divided Christendom to be possible.

This flood of heretical movement was oecumenical; it was not peculiar to

one race or climate or culture or nation. The numberless uneasy innovators

thought, even the wildest of them, in terms of Europe as a whole. They

desired to affect the universal Church and change it en bloc. They had

no local ambition. They stood for no particular blood or temperament; they

sprang up everywhere, bred by the universal ill-ease of a society still

universal. You were as likely to get an enthusiast declaring himself to

be the Messiah in Seville as an enthusiast denying the Real Presence in


That fatal habit of reading into the past what we know of its future has

in this matter most deplorably marred history, and men, whether Protestant

or Catholic, who are now accustomed to Protestantism, read Protestantism

and the absurd idea of a local religion--a religion true in one place and

untrue in another--into a time where the least instructed clown would have

laughed in your face at such nonsense.

The whole thing, the evil coupled with a quite ineffectual resistance to

the evil, was a thing common to all Europe.

It is the nature of any organic movement to progress or to recede. But this

movement was destined to advance with devastating rapidity, and that on

account of what I have called the second factor in the Reformation: the

very rapid accretion in technical power which marked the close of the

Middle Ages.

Printing; navigation; all mensuration; the handling of metals and every

material--all these took a sudden leap forward with the Renaissance, the

revival of arts: that vast stirring of the later Middle Ages which promised

to give us a restored antiquity Christianized: which was burnt in the flame

of a vile fanaticism, and has left us nothing but ashes and incommiscible


Physical knowledge, the expansion of physical experience and technical

skill, were moving in the century before the Reformation at such a rate

that a contemporary spiritual phenomenon, if it advanced at all, was bound

to advance very rapidly, and this spiritual eruption in Europe came to

a head just at the moment when the contemporary expansion of travel, of

economic activity and of the revival of learning, had also emerged in their

full force.

It was in the first twenty years of the sixteenth century that the

coalescing of the various forces of spiritual discontent and revolt

began to be apparent. Before 1530 the general storm was to burst and the

Reformation proper to be started on its way.

But as a preliminary to that matter, the reader should first understand how

another and quite disconnected social development had prepared the way for

the triumph of the reformers. This development was the advent of Absolute

Government in civil affairs.

Here and there in the long history of Europe there crops up an isolated

accident, very striking, very effective, of short duration. We have already

seen that the Norman race was one of these. Tyranny in civil government

(which accompanied the Reformation) was another.

A claim to absolute monarchy is one of the commonest and most enduring

of historical things. Countless centuries of the old Empires of the East

were passed under such a claim, the Roman Empire was based upon it; the

old Russian State was made by it, French society luxuriated in it for one

magnificent century, from the accession of Louis XIV. till Fontenoy. It is

the easiest and (when it works) the most prompt of all instruments.

But the sense of an absolute civil government at the moment of the

Reformation was something very different. It was a demand, an appetite,

proceeding from the whole community, a worship of civil authority. It was

deification of the State and of law; it was the adoration of the Executive.

"This governs me; therefore I will worship it and do all it tells me." Such

is the formula for the strange passion which has now and then seized great

bodies of human beings intoxicated by splendor and by the vivifying effects

of command. Like all manias (for it mania) this exaggerated passion is

hardly comprehended once it is past. Like all manias, while it is present

it overrides every other emotion.

Europe, in the time of which I speak, suffered such a mania. The free

cities manifested that disease quite as much as the great monarchical

states. In Rome itself the temporal power of the Papal sovereign was then

magnificent beyond all past parallel. In Geneva Calvin was a god. In Spain

Charles and Philip governed two worlds without question. In England the

Tudor dynasty was worshipped blindly. Men might and did rebel against a

particular government, but it was only to set up something equally absolute

in its place. Not the form but the fact of government was adored.

I will not waste the reader's time in any discussion upon the causes of

that astonishing political fever. It must suffice to say that for a moment

it hypnotized the whole world. It would have been incomprehensible to the

Middle Ages. It was incomprehensible to the nineteenth century. It wholly

occupied the sixteenth. If we understand it, we largely understand what

made the success of the Reformation possible.

Well, then, the increasing discontent of the masses against the decaying

forms of the Middle Ages, and the increasing irritation against the

temporal government and the organization of the Church, came to a head just

at that moment when civil government was worshipped as an awful and almost

divine thing.

Into such an atmosphere was launched the last and the strongest of the

overt protests against the old social scheme, and in particular against the

existing power of the Papacy, especially upon its economic side.

The name most prominently associated with the crisis is that of Martin

Luther, an Augustinian monk, German by birth and speech, and one of those

exuberant sensual, rather inconsequential, characters which so easily

attract hearty friendships, and which can never pretend to organization or

command, though certainly to creative power. What he precisely meant or

would do, no man could tell, least of all himself. He was "out" for protest

and he floated on the crest of the general wave of change. That he ever

intended, nay, that he could ever have imagined, a disruption of the

European Unity is impossible.

Luther (a voice, no leader) was but one of many: had he never lived, the

great bursting wave would have crashed onward much the same. One scholar

after another (and these of every blood and from every part of Europe)

joined in the upheaval. The opposition of the old monastic training to the

newly revived classics, of the ascetic to the new pride of life, of the

logician to the mystic, all these in a confused whirl swept men of every

type into the disruption. One thing only united them. They were all

inflamed with a vital necessity for change. Great names which in the

ultimate challenge refused to destroy and helped to preserve--the greatest

is that of Erasmus; great names which even appear in the roll of that

of the Catholic martyrs--the blessed Thomas More is the greatest of

these--must here be counted with the names of men like the narrow Calvin on

the one hand, the large Rabelais upon the other. Not one ardent mind in the

first half of the sixteenth century but was swept into the stream.

Now all this would and must have been quieted in the process of time, the

mass of Christendom would have settled back into unity, the populace would

have felt instinctively the risk they ran of spoliation by the rich and

powerful, if the popular institutions of Christendom broke down: the masses

would have all swung round to solidifying society after an upheaval (it is

their function): we should have attained repose and Europe, united again,

would have gone forward as she did after the rocking of four hundred years

before--but for that other factor of which I have spoken, the passion which

this eager creative moment felt for the absolute in civil government--that

craving for the something godlike which makes men worship a flag, a throne

or a national hymn.

This it was which caught up and, in the persons of particular men, used

the highest of the tide. Certain princes in the Germanies (who had, of all

the groups of Europe, least grasped the meaning of authority) befriended

here one heresiarch and there another. The very fact that the Pope of Rome

stood for one of these absolute governments put other absolute governments

against him. The wind of the business rose; it became a quarrel of

sovereigns. And the sovereigns decided, and powerful usurping nobles or

leaders decided, the future of the herd.

Two further characters appeared side by side in the earthquake that was

breaking up Europe.

The first was this: the tendency to fall away from European unity seemed

more and more marked in those outer places which lay beyond the original

limits of the old Roman Empire, and notably in the Northern Netherlands and

in Northern Germany--where men easily submitted to the control of wealthy

merchants and of hereditary landlords.

The second was this: a profound distrust of the new movement, a reaction

against it, a feeling that moral anarchy was too profitable to the rich and

the cupidinous, began at first in a dull, later in an angry way, to stir

the masses of the populace throughout all Christendom.

The stronger the old Latin sense of human equality was, the more the

populace felt this, the more they instinctively conceived of the

Reformation as something that would rob them of some ill-understood but

profound spiritual guarantee against slavery, exploitation and oppression.

There began a sort of popular grumbling against the Reformers, who were now

already schismatic: their rich patrons fell under the same suspicion. By

the time the movement had reached a head and by the time the central power

of the Church had been openly defied by the German princes, this protest

took, as in France and England and the valley of the Rhone (the ancient

seats of culture), a noise like the undertone of the sea before bad

weather. In the outer Germanies it was not a defence of Christendom at all,

but a brutish cry for more food. But everywhere the populace stirred.

A general observer, cognizant of what was to come, would have been certain

at that moment that the populace would rise. When it rose intelligently

the movement against the Church and civilization would come to nothing. The

Revolt elsewhere--in half barbaric Europe--would come to no more than the

lopping off of outer and insignificant things. The Baltic Plain, sundry

units of the outer Germanies and Scandinavia, probably Hungary, possibly

Bohemia, certain mountain valleys in Switzerland and Savoy and France and

the Pyrenees, which had suffered from lack of instruction and could easily

be recovered--these would be affected. The outer parts, which had never

been within the pale of the Roman Empire might go. But the soul and

intelligence of Europe would be kept sound; its general body would reunite

and Christendom would once more reappear whole and triumphant. It would

have reconquered these outer parts at its leisure: and Poland was a sure

bastion. We should, within a century, have been ourselves once more:

Christian men.

So it would have been--but for one master tragedy, which changed the whole

scheme. Of the four great remaining units of Western civilization, Iberia,

Italy, Britain, Gaul, one, at this critical moment, broke down by a tragic

accident and lost continuity. It was hardly intended. It was a consequence

of error much more than an act of will. But it had full effect.

The breakdown of Britain and her failure to resist disruption was the chief

event of all. It made the Reformation permanent. It confirmed a final

division in Europe.

By a curious accident, one province, extraneous to the Empire, Ireland,

heroically preserved what the other extraneous provinces, the Germanies and

Scandinavia, were to lose. In spite of the loss of Britain, and cut off

by that loss from direct succor, Ireland preserved the tradition of


It must be my next business to describe the way in which Britain failed

in the struggle, and, at the hands of the King, and of a little group of

avaricious men (such as the Howards among the gentry, and the Cecils among

the adventurers) changed for the worse the history of Europe.


One thing stands out in the fate of modern Europe: the profound cleavage

due to the Reformation. One thing made that wound (it was almost mortal) so

deep and lasting: the failure of one ancient province of civilization,

and one only, to keep the Faith: this province whereof I write: Britain.

The capital event, the critical moment, in the great struggle of the Faith

against the Reformation, was the defection of Britain.

It is a point which the modern historian, who is still normally

anti-Catholic, does not and cannot make. Yet the defection of Britain from

the Faith of Europe three hundred years ago is certainly the most important

historical event in the last thousand years: between the saving of Europe

from the barbarians and these our own times. It is perhaps the most

important historical event since the triumph of the Catholic Church under


Let me recapitulate the factors of the problem as they would be seen by

an impartial observer from some great distance in time, or in space, or

in mental attitude. Let me put them as they would appear to one quite

indifferent to, and remote from, the antagonists.

To such an observer the history of Europe would be that of the great Roman

Empire passing through the transformation I have described: its mind first

more and more restless, then more and more tending to a certain conclusion,

and that conclusion the Catholic Church.

To summarize what has gone before: the Catholic Church becomes by the fifth

century the soul, the vital principle, the continuity of Europe. It next

suffers grievously from the accident, largely geographical, of the Eastern

schism. It is of its nature perpetually subject to assault; from within,

because it deals with matters not open to positive proof; from without,

because all those, whether aliens or guests or parasites, who are not of

our civilization, are naturally its enemies.

The Roman Empire of the West, in which the purity and the unity of this

soul were preserved from generation to generation, declined in its body

during the Dark Ages--say, up to and rather beyond the year 1000. It

became coarsened and less in its material powers. It lost its central

organization, the Imperial Court (which was replaced first by provincial

military leaders or "kings," then, later, by a mass of local lordships

jumbled into more or less national groups). In building, in writing, in

cooking, in clothing, in drawing, in sculpture, the Roman Empire of the

West (which is ourselves) forgot all but the fundamentals of its arts--but

it expanded so far as its area is concerned. A whole belt of barbaric

Germany received the Roman influence--Baptism and the Mass. With the Creed

there came to these outer parts reading and writing, building in brick

and stone--all the material essentials of our civilization--and what is

characteristic of that culture, the power of thinking more clearly.

It is centuries before this slow digestion of the barbarian reached

longitude ten degrees east, and the Scandinavian peninsula. But a thousand

years after Our Lord it has reached even these, and there remains between

the unbroken tradition of our civilization in the West and the schismatic

but Christian civilization of the Greek Church, nothing but a belt of

paganism from the corner of the Baltic southward, which belt is lessened,

year after year, by the armed efforts and the rational dominance of Latin

culture. Our Christian and Roman culture proceeds continuously eastward,

mastering the uncouth.

After this general picture of a civilization dominating and mastering in

its material decline a vastly greater area than it had known in the height

of its material excellence--this sort of expansion in the dark--the

impartial observer, whom we have supposed, would remark a sort of dawn.

That dawn came with the eleventh century; 1000-1100. The Norman race, the

sudden invigoration of the Papacy, the new victories in Spain, at last the

first Crusade, mark a turn in the tide of material decline, and that tide

works very rapidly towards a new and intense civilization which we call

that of the Middle Ages: that high renewal which gives Europe a second

and most marvelous life, which is a late reflowering of Rome, but of Rome

revivified with the virtue and the humor of the Faith.

The second thing that the observer would note in so general a picture would

be the peculiar exception formed within it by the group of large islands

lying to the North and West of the Continent. Of these the larger, Britain,

had been a true Roman Province; but very early in the process--in the

middle and end of the fifth century--it had on the first assault of the

barbarians been cut off for more than the lifetime of a man. Its gate

had been held by the barbarian. Then it was re-Christianized almost as

thoroughly as though even its Eastern part had never lost the authority of

civilization. The Mission of St. Augustine recaptured Britain--but Britain

is remarkable in the history of civilization for the fact that alone of

civilized lands it needed to be recaptured at all. The western island of

the two, the smaller island, Ireland, presented another exception.

It was not compelled to the Christian culture, as were the German

barbarians of the Continent, by arms. No Charlemagne with his Gallic armies

forced it tardily to accept baptism. It was not savage like the Germanies;

it was therefore under no necessity to go to school. It was not a morass

of shifting tribes; it was a nation. But in a most exceptional fashion,

though already possessed, and perhaps because so possessed, of a high

pagan culture of its own, it accepted within the lifetime of a man, and by

spiritual influences alone, the whole spirit of the Creed. The civilization

of the Roman West was accepted by Ireland, not as a command nor as an

influence, but as a discovery.

Now let this peculiar fate of the two islands to the north and west of the

Continent remain in the observer's mind, and he will note, when the shock

of what is called "the Reformation" comes, new phenomena attaching to those

islands, cognate to their early history.

Those phenomena are the thesis which I have to present in the pages that


What we call "the Reformation" was essentially the reaction of the

barbaric, the ill-tutored and the isolated places external to the old

and deep-rooted Roman civilization, against the influences of that

civilization. The Reformation was not racial. Even if there were such a

physical thing as a "Teutonic Race" (and there is nothing of the kind), the

Reformation shows no coincidence with that race. The Reformation is simply

the turning-back of that tide of Roman culture which, for five hundred

years, had set steadily forward and had progressively dominated the

insufficient by the sufficient, the slower by the quicker, the confused by

the clear-headed. It was a sort of protest by the conquered against a moral

and intellectual superiority which offended them. The Slavs of Bohemia

joined in that sincere protest of the lately and insufficiently civilized,

quite as strongly as, and even earlier than, the vague peoples of the Sandy

Heaths along the Baltic. The Scandinavian, physically quite different from

these tribes of the Baltic Plain, comes into the game. Wretched villages in

the mark of Brandenburg, as Slavonic in type as the villages of Bohemia,

revolt as naturally against exalted and difficult mystery as do the

isolated villages of the Swedish valleys or the isolated rustics of the

Cevennes or the Alps. The revolt is confused, instinctive, and therefore

enjoying the sincere motive which accompanies such risings, but deprived

of unity and of organizing power. There has never been a fixed Protestant

creed. The common factor has been, and is, reaction against the traditions

of Europe.

Now the point to seize is this:

Inimical as such a revolt was to souls or (to speak upon the mere

historical plane) to civilization, bad as it was that the tide of culture

should have begun to ebb from the far regions which it had once so

beneficently flooded, the Reformation, that is, the reaction against the

unity, the discipline, and the clear thought of Europe, would never have

counted largely in human affairs had it been confined to the external

fringe of the civilized world. That fringe would probably have been

reconquered. The inherent force attaching to reality and to the stronger

mind should have led to its recovery. The Northern Germanies were, as a

fact, reconquered when Richelieu stepped in and saved them from their

Southern superiors. But perhaps it would not have been reconquered. Perhaps

it would have lapsed quite soon into its original paganism. At any rate

European culture would have continued undivided and strong without these

outer regions. Unfortunately a far worse thing happened.

Europe was rent and has remained divided.

The disaster was accomplished through forces I will now describe.

Though the revolt was external to the foundations of Europe, to the ancient

provinces of the Empire, yet an external consequence of that revolt arose

within the ancient provinces. It may be briefly told. The wealthy took

advantage within the heart of civilization itself of this external revolt

against order; for it is always to the advantage of the wealthy to deny

general conceptions of right and wrong, to question a popular philosophy

and to weaken the drastic and immediate power of the human will, organized

throughout the whole community. It is always in the nature of great

wealth to be insanely tempted (though it should know from active experience

how little wealth can give), to push on to more and more domination

over the bodies of men--and it can do so best by attacking fixed social


The landed squires then, and the great merchants, powerfully supported by

the Jewish financial communities in the principal towns, felt that--with

the Reformation--their opportunity had come. The largest fortune holders,

the nobles, the merchants of the ports and local capitals even in Gaul

(that nucleus and stronghold of ordered human life) licked their lips.

Everywhere in Northern Italy, in Southern Germany, upon the Rhine, wherever

wealth had congested in a few hands, the chance of breaking with the old

morals was a powerful appeal to the wealthy; and, therefore, throughout

Europe, even in its most ancient seats of civilization, the outer barbarian

had allies.

These rich men, whose avarice betrayed Europe from within, had no excuse.

Theirs was not any dumb instinctive revolt like that of the Outer

Germanies, the Outer Slavs, nor the neglected mountain valleys, against

order and against clear thought, with all the hard consequences that clear

thought brings. They were in no way subject to enthusiasm for the vaguer

emotions roused by the Gospel or for the more turgid excitements derivable

from Scripture and an uncorrected orgy of prophecy. They were "on the

make." The rich in Montpelier and Nīmes, a knot of them in Rome itself,

many in Milan, in Lyons, in Paris, enlisted intellectual aid for the

revolt, flattered the atheism of the Renaissance, supported the strong

inflamed critics of clerical misliving, and even winked solemnly at the

lunatic inspirations of obscure men and women filled with "visions." They

did all these things as though their object was religious change. But their

true object was money.

One group, and one alone, of the European nations was too recently filled

with combat against vile non-Christian things to accept any parley with

this anti-Christian turmoil. That unit was the Iberian Peninsula. It is

worthy of remark, especially on the part of those who realize that the

sword fits the hand of the Church and that Catholicism is never more alive

than when it is in arms, I say it is worthy of remark by these that Spain

and Portugal through the very greatness of an experience still recent when

the Reformation broke, lost the chance of combat. There came indeed, from

Spain (but from the Basque nation there) that weapon of steel, the Society

of Jesus, which St. Ignatius formed, and which, surgical and military,

saved the Faith, and therefore Europe. But the Iberian Peninsula rejecting

as one whole and with contempt and with abhorrence (and rejecting rightly)

any consideration of revolt--even among its rich men--thereby lost

its opportunity for combat. It did not enjoy the religious wars which

revivified France, and it may be urged that Spain would be the stronger

today had it fallen to her task, as it did to the general populace of Gaul,

to come to hand-grips with the Reformation at home, to test it, to know it,

to dominate it, to bend the muscles upon it, and to reemerge triumphant

from the struggle.

I say, then, that there was present in the field against the Church a

powerful ally for the Reformers: and that ally was the body of immoral

rich who hoped to profit by a general break in the popular organization of

society. The atheism and the wealth, the luxury and the sensuality, the

scholarship and aloofness of the Renaissance answered, over the heads of

the Catholic populace, the call of barbarism. The Iconoclasts of greed

joined hands with the Iconoclasts of blindness and rage and with the

Iconoclasts of academic pride.

Nevertheless, even with such allies, barbarism would have failed, the

Reformation would today be but an historical episode without fruit, Europe

would still be Christendom, had not there been added the decisive factor of

all--which was the separation of Britain.

Now how did Britain go, and why was the loss of Britain of such capital


The loss of Britain was of such capital importance because Britain alone

of those who departed, was Roman, and therefore capable of endurance and

increase. And why did Britain fail in that great ordeal? It is a question

harder to answer.

The province of Britain was not a very great one in area or in numbers,

when the Reformation broke out. It was, indeed, very wealthy for its size,

as were the Netherlands, but its mere wealth does not account for the

fundamental importance of the loss of Britain to the Faith in the sixteenth

century. The real point was that one and only one of the old Roman

provinces with their tradition of civilization, letters, persuasive power,

multiple soul--one and only one went over to the barbaric enemy and gave

that enemy its aid. That one was Britain. And the consequence of its

defection was the perpetuation and extension of an increasingly evil

division within the structure of the West.

To say that Britain lost hold of tradition in the sixteenth century because

Britain is "Teutonic," is to talk nonsense. It is to explain a real problem

by inventing unreal words. Britain is not "Teutonic," nor does the word

"Teutonic" itself mean anything definite. To say that Britain revolted

because the seeds of revolt were stronger in her than in any ancient

province of Europe, is to know nothing of history. The seeds of revolt

were in her then as they were in every other community; as they must be in

every individual who may find any form of discipline a burden which he is

tempted, in a moment of disorder, to lay down. But to pretend that England

and the lowlands of Scotland, to pretend that the Province of Britain in

our general civilization was more ready for the change than the infected

portions of Southern Gaul, or the humming towns of Northern Italy, or the

intense life of Hainult, or Brabant, is to show great ignorance of the

European past.

Well, then, how did Britain break away?

I beg the reader to pay a special attention to the next page or so. I

believe it to be of capital value in explaining the general history of

Europe, and I know it to be hardly ever told; or--if told at all--told only

in fragments.

England went because of three things. First, her Squires had already become

too powerful. In other words, the economic power of a small class of

wealthy men had grown, on account of peculiar insular conditions, greater

than was healthy for the community.

Secondly, England was, more than any other part of Western Europe (save

the Batavian March), [Footnote: I mean Belgium: that frontier of Roman

Influence upon the lower Rhine which so happily held out for the Faith

and just preserved it.] a series of markets and of ports, a place of very

active cosmopolitan influence, in which new opportunities for the corrupt,

new messages of the enthusiastic, were frequent.

In the third place, that curious phenomena on which I dwelt in the last

chapter, the superstitious attachment of citizens to the civil power, to

awe of, and devotion to, the monarch, was exaggerated in England as nowhere


Now put these three things together, especially the first and third (for

the second was both of minor importance and more superficial), and you will

appreciate why England fell.

One small, too wealthy class, tainted with the atheism that always creeps

into wealth long and securely enjoyed, was beginning to possess too much of

English land. It would take far too long to describe here what the process

had been. It is true that the absolute monopoly of the soil, the gripping

and the strangling of the populace by landlords, is a purely Protestant

development. Nothing of that kind had happened or would have been conceived

of as possible in pre-Reformation England; but still something like a

quarter of the land (or a little less) had already before the Reformation

got into the full possession of one small class which had also begun to

encroach upon the judiciary, in some measure to supplant the populace in

local law-making, and quite appreciably to supplant the King in central


Let me not be misunderstood; the England of the fifteenth century, the

England of the generation just before the Reformation, was not an England

of Squires; it was not an England of landlords; it was still an England

of Englishmen. The towns were quite free. To this day old boroughs nearly

always show a great number of freeholds. The process by which the later

English aristocracy (now a plutocracy) had grown up, was but in germ before

the Reformation. Nor had that germ sprouted. But for the Reformation it

would not have matured. Sooner or later a popular revolt (had the Faith

revived) would have killed the growing usurpation of the wealthy. But the

germ was there; and the Reformation coming just as it did, both was helped

by the rich and helped them.

The slow acquisition of considerable power over the Courts of Law and over

the soil of the country by an oligarchy, imperfect though that acquisition

was as yet, already presented just after 1500 a predisposing condition

to the disease. It may be urged that if the English people had fought

the growing power of the Squires more vigorously, the Squires would not

have mastered them as they did, during and on account of the religious

revolution. Possibly; and the enemies of the English people are quick to

suggest that some native sluggishness permitted the gradual weighing down

of the social balance in favor of the rich. But no one who can even pretend

to know mediaeval England will say that the English consciously desired

or willingly permitted such a state of affairs to grow up. Successful

foreign wars, dynastic trouble, a recent and vigorous awakening of

national consciousness, which consciousness had centred in the wealthier

classes--all these combined to let the evil in without warning, and, on

the eve of the Reformation, a rich, avaricious class was already empowered

to act in Britain, ready to grasp, as all the avaricious classes were

throughout the Western world, at the opportunity to revolt against that

Faith which has ever suspected, constrained and reformed the tyranny of


Now add to this the strange, but at that time very real, worship of

government as a fetish. This spirit did not really strengthen government:

far from it. A superstition never strengthens its object, nor even makes

of the supposed power of that object a reality. But though it did not

give real power to the long intention of the prince, it gave to the

momentary word of the prince a fantastic power. In such a combination of

circumstances--nascent oligarchy, but the prince worshipped--you get,

holding the position of prince, Henry VIII., a thorough Tudor, that is, a

man weak almost to the point of irresponsibility where his passions were

concerned; violent from that fundamental weakness which, in the absence of

opposition, ruins things as effectively as any strength.

No executive power in Europe was less in sympathy with the revolt against

civilization than was the Tudor family. Upon the contrary, Henry VII., his

son, and his two granddaughters if anything exceeded in their passion for

the old order of the Western world. But at the least sign of resistance,

Mary who burnt, Elizabeth who intrigued, Henry, their father, who pillaged,

Henry, their grandfather, who robbed and saved, were one. To these

characters slight resistance was a spur; with strong manifold opposition

they were quite powerless to deal. Their minds did not grip (for their

minds, though acute, were not large) but their passions shot. And one

may compare them, when their passions of pride, of lust, of jealousy, of

doting, of avarice or of facile power were aroused, to vehement children.

Never was there a ruling family less statesmanlike; never one less full of

stuff and of creative power.

Henry, urged by an imperious young woman, who had gained control of him,

desired a divorce from his wife, Katherine of Aragon, grown old for him.

The Papal Court temporized with him and opposed him. He was incapable of

negotiation and still more incapable of foresight. His energy, which was

"of an Arabian sort," blasted through the void, because a void was there:

none would then withstand the Prince. Of course, it seemed to him no more

than one of these recurrent quarrels with the mundane power of Rome, which

all Kings (and Saints among them) had engaged in for many hundred years.

All real powers thus conflict in all times. But, had he known it (and he

did not know it), the moment was fatally inopportune for playing that game.

Henry never meant to break permanently with the unity of Christendom.

A disruption of that unity was probably inconceivable to him. He meant

to "exercise pressure." All his acts from the decisive Proclamation of

September 19, 1530, onwards prove it. But the moment was the moment of a

breaking-point throughout Europe, and he, Henry, blundered into disaster

without knowing what the fullness of that moment was. He was devout,

especially to the Blessed Sacrament. He kept the Faith for himself, and he

tried hard to keep it for others. But having lost unity, he let in what he

loathed. Not, so long as he lived, could those doctrines of the Reformers

triumph here: but he had compromised with their spirit, and at his death a

strong minority--perhaps a tenth of England, more of London--was already

hostile to the Creed.

It was the same thing with the suppression of the monasteries. Henry meant

no effect on religion by that loot: he, none the less, destroyed it.

He intended to enrich the Crown: he ruined it. In the matter of their

financial endowment, an economic crisis, produced by the unequal growth of

economic powers, had made the monastic foundation ripe for re-settlement.

Religious orders were here wealthy without reason--poor in spirit and

numbers, but rich in land; there impoverished without reason--rich in

popularity and spiritual power, but poor in land. The dislocation, which

all institutions necessarily suffer on the economic side through the mere

efflux of time, inclined every government in Europe to a re-settlement

of religious endowment. Everywhere it took place; everywhere it involved

dissolution and restoration.

But Henry did not re-settle. He plundered and broke. He used the

contemporary idolatry of executive power just as much at Reading or in the

Blackfriars of London, where unthinking and immediate popular feeling was

with him, as at Glastonbury where it was against him, as in Yorkshire where

it was in arms, as in Galway where there was no bearing with it at all.

There was no largeness in him nor any comprehension of complexity, and

when in this Jacobin, unexampled way, he had simply got rid of that which

he should have restored and transformed, of what effect was that vast act

of spoliation? It paralyzed the Church. It ultimately brought down the


From a fourth to a third of the economic power over the means of

production in England, which had been vested top-heavily in the religious

foundations--here, far too rich, there, far too poor--Henry got by one

enormous confiscation. Yet he made no permanent addition to the wealth of

the Crown. On the contrary, he started its decline. The land passed by

an instinctive multiple process--but very rapidly--to the already powerful

class which had begun to dominate the villages. Then, when it was too

late, the Tudors attempted to stem the tide. But the thing was done. Upon

the indifference which is always common to a society long and profoundly

Catholic and ignorant of heresy, or, having conquered heresy, ignorant at

any rate of struggle for the Faith, two ardent minorities converged: the

small minority of confused enthusiasts who really did desire what they

believed to be a restoration of "primitive" Christianity: the much larger

minority of men now grown almost invincibly powerful in the economic

sphere. The Squires, twenty years after Henry's death, had come to possess,

through the ruin of religion, something like half the land of England.

With the rapidity of a fungus growth the new wealth spread over the

desolation of the land. The enriched captured both the Universities, all

the Courts of Justice, most of the public schools. They won their great

civil war against the Crown. Within a century after Henry's folly, they had

established themselves in the place of what had once been the monarchy and

central government of England. The impoverished Crown resisted in vain;

they killed one embarrassed King--Charles I., and they set up his son,

Charles II., as an insufficiently salaried puppet. Since their victory over

the Crown, they and the capitalists, who have sprung from their avarice and

their philosophy, and largely from their very loins, have been completely

masters of England.

Here the reader may say: "What! this large national movement to be

interpreted as the work of such minorities? A few thousand squires and

merchants backing a few more thousand enthusiasts, changed utterly the mass

of England?" Yes; to interpret it otherwise is to read history backwards.

It is to think that England then was what England later became. There

is no more fatal fault in the reading of history, nor any illusion to

which the human mind is more prone. To read the remote past in the light

of the recent past; to think the process of the one towards the other

"inevitable;" to regard the whole matter as a slow inexorable process,

independent of the human will, still suits the materialist pantheism of our

time. There is an inherent tendency in all men to this fallacy of reading

themselves into the past, and of thinking their own mood a consummation

at once excellent and necessary: and most men who write of these things

imagine a vaguely Protestant Tudor England growing consciously Protestant

in the England of the Stuarts.

That is not history. It is history to put yourself by a combined effort of

reading and of imagination into the shoes of Tuesday, as though you did

not know what Wednesday was to be, and then to describe what Tuesday was.

England did not lose the Faith in 1550-1620 because she was Protestant

then. Rather, she is Protestant now because she then lost the Faith.

Put yourself into the shoes of a sixteenth century Englishman in the midst

of the Reformation, and what do you perceive? A society wholly Catholic in

tradition, lax and careless in Catholic practice; irritated or enlivened

here and there by a few furious preachers, or by a few enthusiastic

scholars, at once devoted to and in terror of the civil government;

intensely national; in all the roots and traditions of its civilization,

Roman; impatient of the disproportion of society, and in particular of

economic disproportion in the religious aspect of society, because the

religious function, by the very definition of Catholicism, by its very

Creed, should be the first to redress tyrannies. Upon that Englishman comes

first, a mania for his King; next, a violent economic revolution, which, in

many parts, can be made to seem an approach to justice; finally, a national

appeal of the strongest kind against the encroaching power of Spain.

When the work was done, say by 1620, the communication between England and

those parts of the ancient West, which were still furiously resisting the

storm, was cut. No spiritual force could move England after the Armada and

its effect, save what might arise spontaneously in the many excited men

who still believed (they continued to believe it for fifty years) that the

whole Church of Christ had gone wrong for centuries; that its original

could be restored and that personal revelations were granted them for their


These visionaries were the Reformers; to these, souls still athirst for

spiritual guidance turned. They were a minority even at the end of the

sixteenth century, the last years of Elizabeth, but they were a minority

full of initiative and of action. With the turn of the century (1600-1620)

the last men who could remember Catholic training were very old or dead.

The new generation could turn to nothing but the new spirit. For authority

it could find nothing definite but a printed book: a translation of the

Hebrew Scriptures. For teachers, nothing but this minority, the Reformers.

That minority, though remaining a minority, leavened and at last controlled

the whole nation: by the first third of the seventeenth century Britain was

utterly cut off from the unity of Christendom and its new character was

sealed. The Catholic Faith was dead.

The governing class remained largely indifferent (as it still is) to

religion, yet it remained highly cultured. The populace drifted here, into

complete indifference, there, into orgiastic forms of worship. The middle

class went over in a solid body to the enemy. The barbarism of the outer

Germanies permeated it and transformed it. The closer-reasoned, far

more perverted and harder French heresy of Calvin partly deflected the

current--and a whole new society was formed and launched. That was the

English Reformation.

Its effect upon Europe was stupendous; for, though England was cut off,

England was still England. You could not destroy in a Roman province the

great traditions of municipality and letters. It was as though a phalanx

of trained troops had crossed the frontier in some border war and turned

against their former comrades. England lent, and has from that day

continuously lent, the strength of a great civilized tradition to forces

whose original initiative was directed against European civilization and

its tradition. The loss of Britain was the one great wound in the body of

the Western world. It is not yet healed.

Yet all this while that other island of the group to the Northwest of

Europe, that island which had never been conquered by armed civilization

as were the Outer Germanies, but had spontaneously accepted the Faith,

presented a contrasting exception. Against the loss of Britain, which had

been a Roman province, the Faith, when the smoke of battle cleared off,

could discover the astonishing loyalty of Ireland. And over against this

exceptional province--Britain--now lost to the Faith, lay an equally

exceptional and unique outer part which had never been a Roman province,

yet which now remained true to the tradition of Roman men; it balanced the

map like a counterweight. The efforts to destroy the Faith in Ireland have

exceeded in violence, persistence, and cruelty any persecution in any part

or time of the world. They have failed. As I cannot explain why they have

failed, so I shall not attempt to explain how and why the Faith in Ireland

was saved when the Faith in Britain went under. I do not believe it capable

of an historic explanation. It seems to me a phenomenon essentially

miraculous in character, not generally attached (as are all historical

phenomena) to the general and divine purpose that governs our large

political events, but directly and specially attached. It is of great

significance; how great, men will be able to see many years hence when

another definite battle is joined between the forces of the Church and her

opponents. For the Irish race alone of all Europe has maintained a perfect

integrity and has kept serene, without internal reactions and without their

consequent disturbances, the soul of Europe which is the Catholic Church.

I have now nothing left to set down but the conclusion of this disaster:

its spiritual result--an isolation of the soul; its political result--a

consequence of the spiritual--the prodigious release of energy, the

consequent advance of special knowledge, the domination of the few under

a competition left unrestrained, the subjection of the many, the ruin of

happiness, the final threat of chaos.

BELLOC-Europe and the Faith - VII: THE MIDDLE AGES