Speeches 1964 - 23 May 1964




Saturday, 30 May 1964


We thank you for your Visit, and We greet with attentive esteem the courteous words you have adressed to Us.

We have heard with gratification the resolution you have manifested «to safeguard the religious and cultural freedom of all people, and the rights of all groups to develop the human values God has given them, free from coercion and discrimination».

We are glad of the opportunity you offer Us of confirming what is already well-known concerning the attitude of the Catholic Church, and in particular of the Holy See, towards the Jews. This name of Jew, in fact, raises several questions, which We consider with serene attention:

First of all, the racial question; and in this regard We repeat the heartfelt wish expressed, on numerous occasions, by Our venerated Predecessors: namely, that this should never be for you, or for any other ethnic group, a reason for undergoing any diminution in your human rights, which every civilization truly worthy of the name cannot avoid recognizing.

Second, the political question, which it is not Our business to pronounce Ourself upon, especially at this time; although We always desire and augur that it find just and peaceful solutions, both for the populations who have already sustained so many trials and sufferings, and also by reason of the interests which the Catholic Church, and the other Christian Churches, may have therein, and which must not be disregarded.

Finally, the religious aspect, which interests Us most deeply, and motivates Our particular consideration for the Jewish religious tradition, with which Christianity is so intimately linked, and from which it derives hope for trusting relations and for a happy future.

Hence, while We again strongly deplore the horrible ordeals of which the Jews have been the victims in recent years, We wish you every favor from God, Whom We invoke with all Our heart on your behalf, and that of all those who are near and dear to you.

June 1964


Saturday, 20 June 1964

We are very happy to welcome this representative group from Southern Rhodesia to the Vatican. It was not very long. ago that We had the satisfying experience of visiting this great continent of Africa, and We were pleased to see the striking advances made on all fronts.

During these past few weeks you have been traveling to various countries in Asia and Europe, and without doubt you have been studious in observing many things which will be of advantage to your peoples when you return to your country. Africa is a huge continent, and its peoples have been making steady progress as they assume their rightful place in the family of nations. We are confident that your nation will make worthy contributions in the future, and We assure you that We shall pray that the benefits of this modern age will be of great profit to your people.

However We wish to take this opportunity to recall to you that one of the most important developments should center around the essential value of man. He is created by God and he is a member of the huge family of mankind. We are all brothers before God whose children we are. The Catholic Church has always had a genuine interest in your continent and has sent dedicated men and women to assist the peoples to prepare themselves for their responsibilities. Our interest, particularly in education, has been to train exemplary citizens, ready and willing to make their contribution to their nation, ever religiously faithful to their responsibilities as citizens. The Catholic Church is always ready to continue its work particularly in the relations that exist between peoples.

We wish you well in your work for your nation and for your people. May yours be the peace that Christ came to establish among all men, and may your place among nations be an honored one. In pledge of this wish, We invoke Almighty God to grant Southern Rhodesia an abundance of heavenly blessings especially at this most important time of its development.


Saturday 26 June 1964


We are happy to receive your visit, and We thank you for your kindness in coming to greet Us.

Your Buddhist Goodwill Mission is inspired by the desire of furthering good will between the various religions, and of peace and well-being of the different races and peoples; and these are purposes with which We are in complete accord. Our prayer, like that of Our beloved Predecessor Pope John in his dying moments, is the prayer of Jesus Christ at the Last Supper: That all may be one . . . perfected in unity . . . that the world may know that thou, God the Father, hast loved them (Jn 17,20 ss.).

We wish you a pleasant journey, and a safe return to your homes; and upon you and your families and loved ones, We invoke the richest and most abundant blessings of heaven.

July 1964



Tuesday, 21 July 1964

Your Excellency,

We are very happy to welcome Your Excellency, and to receive from you the letters of Credence with which His Majesty the Emperor of Ethiopia has named you representative of that nation to the Holy See.

Ever since Saint Frumentius, the Apostle of Ethiopia, officially introduced Christianity in the fourth century, Christianity has continued to grow in your land. And today, Catholics are making notable contributions in the fields of education and public assistance. We are sincerely grateful and appreciative of the kind words which His Majesty spoke recently in praise of the activity of the Catholic Church in Ethiopia, and in particular, of his support and encouragement of the initiatives which the Church has sponsored for the spiritual and material welfare of that nation. We know that Catholics in Ethiopia are loyal citizens, proud of their spiritual heritage and most willing to give of themselves and their means for the development of their country.

More recently Ethiopia has assumed a very important role in the development of that vast continent of which it is a part. It was host to the Assembly of Heads of African States in May, 1963, which gave birth to the Organization of African Unity, an instrument which can serve to bring about better understanding between nations and peace among peoples. We are anxious that Ethiopia play its role in modern events, and We are confident that the good relations existing between Ethiopia and the Holy See will continue to flourish for the mutual benefit of both. We wish Your Excellency great success in this new responsibility.

We ask you to transmit to His Majesty the Emperor of Ethiopia Our very best wishes for his continued good health and for the prosperity of his nation and people. May Almighty God bless Ethiopia with His choicest gifts!

*AAS 66 (1964), p.689.

Insegnamenti di Paolo VI, vol. II, p.461-462.

October 1964



Saturday, 3 October 1964

We are happy to greet this distinguished group of members of the New England Obstetrical and Gynecological Society, and We salute with deference your important work in the delivery of new human life.

This personal meeting gives rise to thoughts of the delicacy, the gravity and the dignity of your profession, bound up, as it is, with the care and protection of human life at its biological fountain head, where it merges with that ontological fountain which springs forth from the creating hands of God. We render homage to your service to the good of mankind, during the secret and sacred phase of maternity, when Woman, the Mother, fulfils her highest mission, most deserving of reverence and care; and the seed of a new life is weakest and most in need of recognition and defense, and of help in attaining its natural fulness and perfection.

We are certain that the consciousness of your professional function will illuminate and guide your skilful medical art, and that, in the exercise of your practice, you will always recall the principles of ethics which Christian morals raise to their highest and most exigent expression, particularly when it is a matter of defending the life of each human being. You know that the voice of the Church, acting as interpreter of that Christian law, was heard in the teaching of Our Predecessor, Pope Pius the Twelfth, concerning a fundamental point, when he said: «Innocent human life, no matter in what condition it may be, is from the first instant of its existence, to be secure from every direct voluntary attack. This is a fundamental right of the human person... (and) this principle is valid for the life of the child, just as it is valid for the life of the mother» (Discorso 27 novembre 1951; Discorsi e Radiomessaggi di Sua Santità Pio XII, XIII, 415).

We are well aware of the greatness and complexity of the problems connected with these principles; and We cherish the hope that your studies, your experience and your conscience, will be able to contribute to their proper application, for the good of mankind and the greater honour of your profession.

We praise the observance of divine commandments and of the law of nature in the difficult and vital practice of your profession; We invoke God’s graces of enlightenment and strength upon your work; and to you and your fellow-physicians and families, We gladly impart Our Apostolic Blessing.


Monday, 12 October 1964

We bid Your Excellency a cordial welcome, recalling with pleasure your previous visits to Our illustrious Predecessors, Pope Pius the Twelfth and Pope John the Twenty-third. Your present visit is an opportune occasion for Us to thank Your Excellency, for the marks of benevolence and generosity you have shown and continue to show to the Catholic people of Indonesia.

As their spiritual leader on earth, We can assure Your Excellency that the Indonesian Catholics are highly appreciative of your favorable disposition towards them, and that they will ever strive to be ideal citizens, loyal to their country, obedient to its laws, and zealous to contribute to its legitimate progress in every field.

To Your Excellency, We wish the assistance of God in the fulfilment of your high office and difficult duties. To the beloved nation of Indonesia, We pray God to grant prosperity and happiness, in peace and love with the neighbouring nations and the other peoples of the world. We greet the distinguished members of Your Excellency’s retinue and invoke upon them choice graces and favours from on high.

Expressing Our gratitude to Your Excellency for this visit, We cherish the hope that it may foster ever more cordial relations between this Holy See and the Republic of Indonesia, and the attainment of the great good all men desire, Peace on earth.

*AAS 56 (1964), p.946.

Insegnamenti di Paolo VI, vol. II, p.581-582.

L' Osservatore Romano 12-13.10.1964 p.1.



Monday, 19 October 1964

Lord Cardinal,

We thank you cordially for your inspired words, which recall to Our memory the tragic and glorious story of the Holy Martyrs, to whom We decreed yesterday the honours of Catholic veneration, and who confirm Us in the esteem and gratitude which We, together with the universal Church, owe to the Sacred Congregation you so wisely direct, for the impulse and the guidance it gives to the many forms of missionary activity, and for the solicitude with which it promoted and successfully completed the cause of canonization of the heroes of faith in Africa.

A grateful thought is due from Us also to the Sacred Congregation of Rites, for the long and careful study required of it by the cause of the Uganda Martyrs.
* * *

Illustrious Gentlemen,
Representatives of Uganda and of Central Africa,

It is with great pleasure that We salute your presence on this occasion.

We are thus afforded an opportunity to express to you, to the Authorities you represent, in particular to the Chief of State of Uganda, and to the Nations to which you belong, Our respectful greeting, Our best wishes for the prosperity of your Countries, and the determination of the Catholic Church to honour your Nations, and to favour civil and moral progress, in the confidence that your States will always be willing to accord just liberty and lawful favour to Catholics and to their institutions.
* * *

Venerable Brothers and beloved sons,
the Bishops, priests and faithful of Uganda and of Central Africa,

Your visit, occurring on the happy occasion of the canonization of the Martyrs of Uganda, fills Our heart with joy.

We have been particularly pleased to add these new Saints to the long list of Africans who have been raised to the honours of the altar, Martyrs, Confessors, and even Roman Pontiffs, among them the African Popes Saint Victor the First, Saint Meltiades, and Saint Gelasius the First.

We thank you for your kindness in coming to represent your Dioceses at this solemn ceremony, and We lovingly bless you and your dear ones. Through your good offices, We send Our blessing to all the beloved people of Africa, especially those noble Nations represented here by the distinguished Missions from Uganda and Central Africa. By the intercession of the Holy Martyrs, We invoke upon all Our African children the choicest graces and favours of Heaven.
* * *

Un mot à vous aussi, chers Fils d’Afrique de langue française, pour vous dire Notre joie de vous accueillir ici au lendemain de l’émouvante cérémonie de la canonisation des Martyrs de l’Uganda.

Si toute l’Eglise exulte en voyant dans la gloire ces vingt-deux nouveaux Saints, il est bien juste que les premiers à se réjouir soient ceux qui sont les plus voisins géographiquement des lieux où a coulé le sang de ces martyrs. Honneur donc à la généreuse terre d’Afrique et à ses magnifiques chrétientés, qui sont pour Notre coeur de Père un motif de si grande consolation!

Et merci à vous tous, qui avez entrepris un si long voyage pour venir vous associer de plus près à cette grande manifestation de la vie de l’Eglise.

Continuez à l’aimer, chers Fils, cette Eglise, mère des Saints! Soyez-lui fidèles, sur la trace et à l’exemple des héros admirables que Nous avons hier placés sur les autels. Que leur foi, leur fermeté, leur courage, vous soient un stimulant dans vos luttes quotidiennes. Nous vous confions tous de grand coeur à leur céleste protection, et en songeant à tous ceux qui, là-bas en Afrique, vous sont unis en ce moment par la pensée et par la prière, Nous vous accordons à tous une très paternelle Bénédiction Apostolique.

November 1964



Monday, 2 November 1964

Dear Children of Sweden.

We are happy to have this occasion to speak to you. Our Catholic children call Us the Holy Father, and We feel that Our Fatherhood extends to every man, woman and child on earth. A father is God’s representative to his children; he must love them with God’s love, and show them God’s goodness. This love and goodness We wish to extend to every human being; therefore, We feel most keenly the sorrow of the divisions between Christians and others, and even among the followers of Christ themselves.

Praying on the evening before His death for us, Jesus asked: «Holy Father, keep in Thy name those whom Thou hast given Me, that they may be one, even as We are» (Jo. 17, 11). Today each and every Christian must strive as never before, that this prayer may be fulfilled. All must make efforts, and sacrifices; all must be humbly obedient to God’s graces. Above all, each Christian must try to draw ever closer to Jesus Himself; since, by coming nearer and nearer to Him, we will come closer to each other, and to the unity in love for which He prayed.

Few of you, dear children, are Catholics; but We say to you: Study your holy faith deeply and well; respect the beliefs of others. Live your faith in your daily lives, at home and in school; and show true Christian love to your schoolmates who also worship Jesus as their Saviour. Be patient and understanding, pray for each other, help each other; obey the voice of your conscience, and strive for Christian unity with all.

You live, dear children, in Sweden, a prosperous and peaceful land. Let yourselves be filled by the spirit of God’s love, and show true brotherhood to all in the unbounded fatherhood of God. Thus will you do your part, to ensure world peace and deeper understanding among races and peoples. We pray that God will bless and favour your efforts. As a pledge of that divine grace, We impart to you and your families Our Apostolic Blessing; and We invoke upon you all, your parents and relatives, your teachers and your beloved country, the choicest and most copious favours of Almighty God.


Saturday 7 November 1964

Mister President,

We bid Your Excellency a heartfelt welcome, recalling with happiest memories Our own visit to Africa two years ago. Then, just a fortnight ago, We were happy to participate, in the person of Our Ambassador Extraordinary, in the celebrations marking the birth of the independent Republic of Zambia. Today, We are particularly grateful to Your Excellency for the honour you do Us in visiting this Apostolic See, in Our humble Person, as your first officia1 Presidential engagement outside Africa.

We welcome Your Excellency as a distinguished representative of the vigorous young Christianity of the new Africa, which We extolled at the canonization of the glorious Martyrs of Uganda. In your speeches and writings, Mister President, you have always proudly pronounced yourself a Christian, and proclaimed the benefits which the Gospel message has brought to your country and to all Africa. To you, We need not underline the distinction We drew, in that homily, between evangelization and colonization. Rather do We pledge to you anew the renewed efforts of all Our Catholic children in the building up of the Christian Nation of Zambia, by their ever more generous contributions towards the religious, social and cultural progress of its citizens.

With deep emotion do We recall Our consolation in personally consecrating the first son of Northern Rhodesia raised to the Episcopate. Zam ia needs ever more numerous sons and daughters of her own soil, who will dedicate themselves to the spiritual and temporal welfare of their fellow-citizens in the priesthood, the religious life, the medical, teaching and other professions. We pray, therefore, that Our schools, convents, and particularly priestly seminaries in Zambia, may produce more and better-prepared workers for God and country.

We were happy to note, in Your Excellency’s Independence discourses, your insistence on recognition of the rights and dignity of the human person, as the only true basis for harmony and peace in your country, as in the whole world. We pray that your present journey to many lands and to the United Nations may help you spread that message farther abroad; and that Your Excellency be spared for many years to foster respect for the higher principles of truth, liberty, justice and love in the independent Republic of Zambia.

With this prayer, We willingly invoke upon Your Excellency, upon your wife and family, upon the Government and beloved people of Zambia, the richest graces and favours of Almighty God.

*AAS 56 (1964), p.1002-1003.

Insegnamenti di Paolo VI, vol. II, p.635-636.

L' Osservatore Romano 8.11.1964 p.1.



Thursday, 12 November 1964

We feel it our duty to thank the promoters of this commemoration of the fourth centenary of the birth of William Shakespeare, for the kind invitation which they have extended to this admirable evocation of the life and art of the great poet.

We also express Our pleasure to the British Catholic communities in Rome for this undertaking, and We are happy to note the generous collaboration given by friends, by artists and by the Italian authorities. Particular praise is due to the directors and actors of the Royal Stratford Theatre for their presentation of scenes and recitations from the works of Shakespeare, which we have all enjoyed and appreciated.

This brief spectacle brings many thoughts to Our mind, starting with the visit We made about thirty years ago, as an enquiring and hasty tourist, to the city and the home of Shakespeare in Stratford-on-Avon, and continuing with the impression of fantastic riches and psychological truth which We experienced through the limited knowledge which school lessons and private reading gave Us of the work of the great poet; and concluding today with the thought that this commemoration is particularly adapted to Rome, always avid and prompt as she is to honour the high achievements of the human spirit, and happy as she is today to celebrate, in this supreme writer, the magnificent cultural tradition and artistic genius of the English people. We take especial pleasure in noting how the profound humanity of Shakespeare, ever open to adventurous and poetic exploration, leads to the discovery of the moral laws, which make life great and sacred, and lead us back to a religious understanding of the world.

His lofty genius and powerful language induce men to listen with reverence to the great verities he expounds, of death and judgment, of hell and heaven. The plots of his plays are a salutary reminder to modern man that God exists, that there is a life after this life, that evildoing is punished and good rewarded.

Our enjoyment of the poet’s vision of humanity should not make us overlook the high moral lessons and admonitions contained in his works. With the prayer that meditation and consideration may bear this valuable fruit, We gladly bestow upon the actors and their colleagues, upon all of you and your loved ones at home. Our paternal Apostolic Blessing.


Monday, 16 November 1964

Venerable Brothers and beloved sons,

It is with particular joy that We bless and inaugurate this new seat of the Scots College in Rome. Founded by Our Predecessor Pope Clement the Eighth, it has migrated from Via del Tritone to Via Felice, from Via Quattro Fontane to this new location on the ancient Via Cassia. For nearly four centuries, however, its aim and mission have remained unaltered: the preparation and provision of priests for Scotland, as determined by Our Predecessor and namesake, Pope Paul the Fifth.

Under Scottish and Italian Fathers of the Society of Jesus, and for the past century and a half under Scottish diocesan priests, the College has been a fruitful provider of missioners and pastors, and a centre of Scottish life in the Eternal City. We pray that its beneficent activities may continue, ever more efficaciously and successfully, in this new building with its handsome facilities and adornment.

The Right Reverend Rector has beautifully said just now that «The rebuilding of this College is a proof of the fidelity of the Catholic Scots to the Pope, a sign of their desire to remain closely united to the Holy See».

We welcome these devoted sentiments, and accept with pleasure the promise they express. We, however, can affirm, in Our turn, that this centuries-old College, now built anew, presents itself as a proof of the fidelity of the Pope to the Catholic Scots, a sign of His esteem, of His confidence, of His interest, of His love for your dear and noble land.

We had the good fortune of visiting Scotland briefly, thirty years ago; and We have cherished an indelible memory, not only of its natural beauties and industrious cities and towns, but especially of the goodness of its inhabitants, and of the strong, sincere religious piety of the Scottish Catholics. We gladly take this occasion to send to your Dioceses and to all the Catholic communities of Scotland Our affectionate greetings and Our best wishes. Indeed, We extend Our prayerful wishes to all of Scotland, to its people, ever distinguished by deep religious feeling, and to its authorities.

Beloved sons, chosen by your Bishops to study in Apostolic Rome, We urge you to employ well the time you spend here. Study and pray; pray to your national Patron, Saint Andrew, who - with John the Evangelist - was the first to follow Christ, and who then told his brother, Simon: «"We have found the Messias". And he led him to Jesus» (Jn. i. 41-42). So you must follow Jesus in your own lives, and, returning to your beloved fatherland, work to bring others to Christ, leading them on by your word and example. In this regard, We rejoice that relations between Catholics and non-Catholics in Scotland are ever more cordial and friendly, and We bless the closer union in charity and love between all followers of Jesus Christ.

In His Name, We bestow from Our heart upon all of you here present, upon your families and loved ones at home, and upon all the Scottish people, Our paternal Apostolic Blessing.


Saturday, 28 November 1964

Mister Prime Minister,

We are happy to receive your visit, to greet you, and to greet in your person the beloved Maltese Nation with its more than two-thousand-year history, distinguished by unbroken and most glorious Catholic traditions. Malta received the Christian message from the hands of the Apostle Saint Paul himself, and that message she has jealously guarded down through the centuries, and amid the most various experiences and vicissitudes.

Your visit gives Us a welcome occasion to renew Our prayerful good wishes to Malta, on her recent inscription on the roll of independent Nations. We have followed with affectionate concern the preparation and celebration of that historic event; and it was with particular pleasure that We noted that the negotiations were marked by reconfirmation of that faithfulness to its profoundly Catholic character, both in private and in public life, which is the noble heritage of the Maltese people.

With God’s assistance and blessings, may Malta continue upon this new path in unswerving fidelity to her religious traditions, in peace, in security, in truly constructive industriousness in finding solutions for the various problems which arise, even in regard to a flourishing development in the material and temporal order. In this, may she also be able to count upon the aid and collaboration of friendly Nations.

May this prayer be strengthened by Our Apostolic Blessing, which from Our heart We bestow upon you, Mister Prime Minister, upon your family, the distinguished members of your retinue, the civil authorities and all the beloved people of Malta.

*AAS 56 (1964), p.1019.

Insegnamenti di Paolo VI, vol. II, p.679-680.

L' Osservatore Romano 29.11.1964 p.1.

December 1964



2 December 1964

Mister Vice President, Mister Prime Minister,

We rejoice in the honour and pleasure of meeting you, We thank you for your great kindness in coming, at the cost of no little sacrifice, to bid Us welcome to your land, and We salute you and the members of the Government of India with deference and respect.

Great indeed is Our joy in finding Ourself among the Indian people, on the occasion of an important religious event, the International Eucharistic Congress in Bombay. At last, We can come to know this immense and populous land, and to manifest in person Our friendship and admiration to the great and noble people of India, so untiring in its efforts for world peace, so industrious in seeking prosperity in harmony and concord with the other nations of the world.

We come as a pilgrim; a pilgrim of peace, of joy, of serenity and love. We greet all the Indian people, every man, woman and child; and We extend Our greeting to all the nations of Asia, to every nation in the world. May they always remember that all men are brothers under the fatherhood of the Divinity; may they learn to love one another, to respect one another, to avoid violating the natural rights of others, may they ever strive to respect these rights in truth, in justice and in love.

For these holy desires, We shall offer Our prayers during the days of the Congress; and We invoke upon all of you who hear Our voice an abundance of divine blessings. Jai Hind!




2 December 1964

Venerable Brothers and beloved sons,

Aa the first purpose of Our journey to India is to attend the International Eucharistic Congress, so Our first visit after being welcomed to the soil of this immense country is to you, who here worship, exalt and celebrate the divine mystery of the Blessed Sacrament.

We come to assure you of Our fatherly love and constant interest. Keeping you always in Our prayers, We ask for remembrance of Ourself in yours, From a heart filled with paternal affection, We gladly bestow upon you all, and upon all your loved ones, Our special Apostolic Blessing.





2 December 1964

Dear Daughters in Christ,

It gives Us great happiness to visit you, and to assure you of Our paternal interest and affection, to bring you Our greeting and Our blessing.

We must tell you today how much the Church esteems you and loves you. Hearing the call of Our Lord, you have generously left your homes and families to follow Him, to minister to His needs in the Schools, in little children, in the sick, the aged and the infirm, and to dedicate lives of prayer to Him and His Church.

In the name of Jesus Christ and of the whole Catholic Church, We thank you for all that you do for Our blessed Saviour and for His Mystical Body. How great are your accomplishments, how high your merit! God will repay you, for His fidelity endures forever.

Be faithful to your vocation; be generous in every sacrifice necessary to protect and foster it. Be holy as your heavenly Father is holy; yet be also of good heart in your vocation; be cheerful and smiling, so that all may see the great happiness you feel in the unselfish imitation of Our Lord and His blessed Mother.

We pray for you, and for all those entrusted to your care, in schools, hospitals and other institutions of charity and mercy. We beg a remembrance in your prayers for Us, in the fulfilment of Our universal Fatherhood. And We lovingly impart to you, to your pupils, patients, helpers and benefactors, Our special paternal Apostolic Blessing.





Thursday, 3 December 1964

Mister Governor,

Be assured of Our sincere gratitude for the honour Your Excellency renders Us by your visit, together with the high officials of the provincial and municipal administration of Bombay. We are highly appreciative of all that Your Excellency and your collaborators have done to facilitate the celebration of the Eucharistic Congress, and indeed of your numerous kind favours to the Catholic community of Bombay at all times. We thank you with all Our heart in the name of Our faithful people; and also, in Our own name, for the countless services rendered on the occasion of Our visit to your great City.

We intend to see as much as possible, during Our brief sojourn, of this vast metropolis and its surroundings. What We have already viewed impresses Us deeply, and We felicitate the authorities for their many achievements in the development of urban facilities and services. Every effort made to improve living conditions and enhance the dignity of the human person meets with Our cordial approval and encouragement. It is the constant teaching of the Catholic Church that every individual human being possesses an immortal soul, of equal value in the sight of God, and that all men are brothers under the Divine Fatherhood. We pray that this fraternal relationship may be acknowledged by all, that brotherly love may induce men to love their neighbours as themselves, that all may do unto others as they would have others do unto them. With this prayer, We invoke upon you and your loved ones the choicest and richest graces of heaven.




Thursday, 3 December 1964

Speeches 1964 - 23 May 1964