Ezekiel - Bíblia Sagrada Ave-Maria (1957)
Ezekiel's complex character makes him one of the most interesting figures in Israelite prophecy. In many ways he resembles the more primitive type of prophet represented by Elijah and Elisha; yet he clearly depends on all his predecessors in prophecy, and his teaching is a development of theirs. His unique contribution to the history of prophetism lies in his manifest interest in the temple and the liturgy, an interest paralleled in no other prophet-not even Jeremiah who, like Ezekiel, was also a priest. Particularly because of this interest, Ezekiel's influence on postexilic religion was enormous, and not without reason has he been called "the father of Judaism." This has resulted in his prophecies reaching us with the evident marks of editing and addition by the post-exilic circles that shared his intense interest. However, we may be sure that in this book we have throughout what is in substance the prophet's own work. Ezekiel became a prophet in Babylon-the first prophet to receive the call to prophesy outside the Holy Land. As one of the exiles deported by Nebuchadnezzar in 597, his first task was to prepare his fellow countrymen in Babylon for the final destruction of Jerusalem, which they believed to be inviolable. Accordingly, the first part of his book consists of reproaches for Israel's past and present sins and the confident prediction of yet a further devastation of the land of promise and a more general exile. In 587, when Nebuchadnezzar destroyed Jerusalem, Ezekiel was vindicated before his unbelieving compatriots. After this time, Ezekiel's message changes. From now on his prophecy is characterized by the promise of salvation in a new covenant, and he is anxious to lay down the conditions necessary to obtain it. Even as Jeremiah had believed, Ezekiel thought that the exiles were the hope of Israel's restoration, once God's allotted time for the Exile had been accomplished. His final eight chapters are an utopian vision of the Israel of the future, rid of its past evils and reestablished firmly under the rule of the Lord. The famous vision of the dry bones in chapter 37 expresses his firm belief in a forthcoming restoration, Israel rising to new life from the graveyard of Babylon. But Ezekiel's new covenant, like Jeremiah's, was to see its true fulfillment only in the New Testament. Perhaps no other prophet has stressed the absolute majesty of God as Ezekiel does. This appears not only in the tremendous vision by the river Chebar with which his prophecy opens, but throughout the book. Ultimately, says Ezekiel, whatever God does to or for man is motivated by zeal for his own holy name. The new heart and the new spirit which must exist under the new covenant cannot be the work of man; they too must be the work of God. By such teachings he helped prepare for the New Testament doctrine of salvation through grace. The Book of Ezekiel is divided as follows: I. Call of the Prophet (Ezekiel 1:1-3:27) II. Before the Siege of Jerusalem (Ezekiel 4:1-24:27) III. Prophecies against Foreign Nations (Ezekiel 25:1-32:32) IV. Salvation for Israel (Ezekiel 33:1-39:29) V. The New Israel (Ezekiel 40:1-48:35) - (NAB)

  • Cfr. Bíblia Católica v. 2 - www.bibliacatolica.com.br
  • ® Bíblia Sagrada Ave-Maria, www.avemaria.com.br

  • Headings


    I - INTRODUÇÃO (1-3)

    Visão do carro divino

    2 Visão do rolo

    3 Missão do profeta


    6 Discurso contro a idolatria
    7 Proximidade do fim
    8 Visão da idolatria de Jerusalém
    9 Castigo de Jerusalém

    11 Castigo dos chefes
    Promessas feitas aos deportados
    Afastamento definitivo da glória do Senhor
    12 Bagagem do emigrante

    Assombro durante a refeição
    Aproximação do castigo
    13 Falsos profetas
    Falsas profetizas
    14 Castigo dos idólatras
    Responsabilidade individual
    15 A vinha estéril
    16 A espose infiel

    17 Alegorias das águias, do cedro e da vinha

    18 Responsabilidade individual

    19 Elegia sobre os reis de Judá
    20 Infidelidade de Israel através dos tempos
    21 A espada vingadora do Senhor
    22 Crimes atuais de Jerusalém
    23 Oolá e Ooliba
    24 Parábolas dobre o cerco de Jerusalém


    25 Oráculo contra os amonitas
    Oráculo contra os edomitas
    Oráculo contra os filisteus
    26 Oráculo contra Tiro
    27 Cântico funebre sobre a queda de Tiro
    28 Elegia ao rei de Tiro
    Ode funebre ao rei de Tiro
    Oráculo contro Sidon
    29 Oráculo contra o Egito
    30 Julgamento de Deus sobre o Egito
    31 Apólogo de cedro
    32 Ode fúnebre ao faraó
    O faraó no cheol, região dos mortos

    33 Nova missão do profeta

    Possibilidade de conversão
    Oráculo sobre os judeus que permaneceram na Judéia
    34 Oráculo contra os pastores infiéis

    35 Oráculo contra Edom
    36 Restauração de Israel

    37 Os ossos secos

    Promessa de unificação

    38 Oráculo contra Gog
    39 Segundo oráculo contra Gog
    Última promessa
    V - LEI DO NOVO ISRAEL (40-48)

    Visão do novo templo

    43 A volta ao Senhor

    O futuro altar
    44 Accesso aos lugares santos
    45 Partilha da terra
    Pesos e medidas
    46 Prescrições diversas
    47 A fonte maravilhosa que jorra do templo

    Fronteiras da terra
    Repartição entre as tribos
    48 Portas da cidade nova

    Revised Standard Version (1966) - English
    Nova Vulgata - Latin
    Biblia del Pueblo di Dio (BPD) - Spanish
    Vulgata - Stuttgart 1969 - Latin
    La Sainte Bible (Crampon 1904) - French
    CEI (1974) - Italian
    EinheitsÜbersetzung der Heiligen Sc - German