Genesis - Nova Vulgata
Genesis, the first book of the Bible, opens with the Hebrew word bereshit, which means "in the beginning." The title "Genesis" was given to the Septuagint (Greek) translation of the book because of its concern with the origin of the world (Genesis 1:1; 2:4), of the human race, and, in particular, of the Hebrew people. (...) The interpreter of Genesis will recognize at once the distinct object that sets Gen 1-11 apart: the recounting of the origin of the world and of man (primeval history). To make the truths contained in these chapters intelligible to the Israelite people destined to preserve them, they needed to be expressed through elements prevailing among that people at that time. For this reason, the truths themselves must therefore be clearly distinguished from their literary garb. With the story of the patriarchs Abraham, Isaac and Jacob (Genesis 11:27-50:26), the character of the narrative changes. While we do not view the account of the patriarchs as history in the strict sense, nevertheless certain of the matters recounted from the time of Abraham onward can be placed in the actual historical and social framework of the Near East in the early part of the second millennium B.C. (2000-1500), and documented by non-biblical sources. Genesis contains many religious teachings of basic importance: the preexistence and transcendence of God, his wisdom and goodness, his power through which all things are made and on which they all depend; the special creation of man in God's image and likeness, and of woman from the substance of man; the institution of marriage as the union of one man with one woman; man's original state of innocence; man's sin of pride and disobedience; its consequences for the protoparents and their posterity. Despite the severity of their punishment, hope of reconciliation is offered by God through the first as well as the subsequent promises of salvation and blessing. Abraham is blessed for his faith and obedience, and he is to be a blessing for all nations through his offspring, Isaac, Jacob, and Jacob's sons (Genesis 12:3; 18:18; 22:18), of whom the Messiah, mankind's greatest blessing, will eventually be born (Gal 3:8). Frequent references to Genesis are found in the New Testament. Christ becomes the antithesis of Adam: sin and death come to mankind through Adam, justification and life through Jesus Christ (Romans 5:12, 17-19). Noah's ark becomes the symbol of the Church, by which men are saved from destruction through the waters of baptism (1 Peter 3:20-22); Abraham's faith is the model for all believers; the sacrifice of his son Isaac typifies the sacrifice of Christ, Son of the Father. The Liturgy, too, relates the persons of Abel, Abraham and Melchizedek to Christ in his act of sacrifice. - The Book of Genesis is divided as follows: I. The Primeval History (Genesis 1:1-11, 26) II. The Patriarch Abraham (Genesis 11:27-25, 18) III. The Patriarchs Isaac and Jacob (Genesis 25:19-36, 43) IV. Joseph and His Brothers (Genesis 37:1-50:26) - (NAB)

  • Sacrosancti Oecumenici Concilii Vaticani II, ratione habita iussu Pauli PP. VI recognita, auctoritate Ioannis Pauli PP. II promulgata
  • Editio typica altera

  • Headings


    Dixit Deus, et factum est ita
    Protulit terra herbam virentem et afferrentem semen iuxta genus suum

    Sint luminaria in signa et tempora et dies et annos

    Faciamus hominem ad imaginem et similitudinem nostram

    Vidit Deus cuncta quae fecit, et erant valde bona

    2 Protoparentum creatio et peccatum

    Tulit Dominus Deus hominem et posuit eum in paradiso voluptatis ut operaretur

    Adduxit eam ad Adam. Et erunt in carnem unam

    3 Eritis sicut dii scientes bonum et malum

    Inimicitias ponam inter semen tuum et semen mulieris
    Emisit eum Dominus de paradiso voluptatis ut operaretur terram

    4 Consurrexit Cain adversus fratrem suum Abel, et interfecit eum

    6 Delebo hominem quem creavi a facie terrae

    8 Aspexit viditque quod siccata esset facies terrae

    9 Arcum meum ponam in nubibus et erit signum foederis inter me et terram

    Foedus Dei cum Noe ab aquis diluvii liberato

    11 Descendamus et confundamus linguam eorum - Vocatum est Babel quia ibi confusum est labium universae terrae

    12 Vocatio Abraham, patris Populi Dei - Egressus est Abram sicut praeceperat ei Dominus

    13 Ne sit iurgium inter me et te: fratres enim sumus

    14 Panem et vinum obtulit

    15 Qui egreditur de visceribus tuis, ipsum habebis heredem
    Credidit Domino, et reputatum est ei ad iustitiam

    Deus cum Abraham fideli foedus init

    16 Peperit Agar Abrahae filium, qui vocavit nomen eius Ismael
    17 Statuam pactum meum inter me et te

    Eris pater multarum gentium

    Circumcidetur omne masculinum in signum foederis

    Sara pariet tibi filium

    18 Domine, ne transeas servum tuum
    Numquid Domino est quidquam difficile! Revertar ad te, et habebit Sara filium

    Numquid perdes iustum cum impio - Ne indignetur Deus meus si loquar

    19 Dominus pluit super Sodomam et Gomorram sulphur et ignem

    21 Non erit heres filius ancillae cum filio meo Isaac

    22 Sacrificium Patriarchae nostri Abrahae

    24 Dilexit Isaac Rebeccam et consolatus est a morte matris suae

    27 Supplantavit Iacob fratrem et surripuit benedictionem eius (27,36)

    28 Vidit scalam stantem, et angelos Dei ascendentes et descendentes, et Deum loquentem

    32 Appellabitur nomen tuum Israel, quoniam certasti cum Deo et praevaluisti

    35 Abicite deos alienos, qui in medio vestri sunt

    37 Ecce somniator venit: venite, occidamus eum

    42 Merito haec patimur quia peccavimus in fratrem nostrum

    45 Pro salute vestra misit me Deus in Aegyptum

    46 Laetus moriar, quia vidi faciem tuam

    49 Non auferetur sceptrum de Iuda

    50 Deus visitabit vos et ascendere faciet de terra ista

    Revised Standard Version (1966) - English
    Biblia del Pueblo di Dio (BPD) - Spanish
    Vulgata - Stuttgart 1969 - Latin
    Bíblia Sagrada Ave-Maria (1957) - Portuguese
    La Sainte Bible (Crampon 1904) - French
    CEI (1974) - Italian
    EinheitsÜbersetzung der Heiligen Sc - German