Judith - EinheitsÜbersetzung der Heiligen Sc
The Book of Judith is a vivid story relating how, in a grave crisis, God delivered the Jewish people through the instrumentality of a woman. The unknown author composed this edifying narrative of divine providence at the end of the second or the beginning of the first century B.C. The original was almost certainly written in Hebrew, but the Greek text shows so much freedom in adapting from the Septuagint the language of older biblical books that it must be regarded as having a literary character of its own. It is this Greek form of the book, accepted as canonical by the Catholic Church, which is translated here. St. Jerome, who prepared (with some reluctance) a Latin text of Judith, based his work on a secondary Aramaic text available to him in Palestine, combined with an older Latin rendering from the Greek. The long hymn of Jdt 16 he took in its entirety from that earlier Latin text. - Since it is no longer possible to determine with any precision the underlying events which may have given rise to this narrative, it is enough to note that the author sought to strengthen the faith of his people in God's abiding presence among them. The Book of Judith is a tract for difficult times; the reader, it was hoped, would take to heart the lesson that God was still the Master of history, who could save Israel from her enemies. Note the parallel with the time of the Exodus: as God had delivered his people by the hand of Moses, so he could deliver them by the hand of the pious widow Judith (see note on Judith 2:12). - The story can be divided into two parts. In the first (Jdt 1-7), Holofernes, commander-in-chief of the armies of Nebuchadnezzar, leads an overwhelming Assyrian force in a punitive campaign against the vassals who refused to help in the Assyrian war against the Medes. The Jewish people stubbornly resist the enemy at Bethulia, guarding the route of access to Jerusalem. Despite the warning of Achior that the Jews cannot be conquered unless they sin against God, the proud general lays siege to the town and cuts off its water supply. After asiege of thirty-four days, the exhausted defenders are desperate and ready to surrender.
- At this point, the climax of the story, Judith (the name means "Jewess") appears and promises to defeat the Assyrians. The rest of the story is too well known to repeat in detail. Having fasted and prayed, Judith dresses in her finest garments and proceeds to the Assyrian camp, where she succeeds in killing Holofernes while he lies in a drunken stupor. The Assyrians panic when they discover this, and the Jews are able to rout and slaughter them. The beautiful hymn of the people honoring Judith (Judith 15:9-10) is often applied to Mary in the liturgy.
- Any attempt to read the book directly against the backdrop of Jewish history in relation to the empires of the ancient world is bound to fail. The story was written as a pious reflection on the meaning of the yearly Passover observance. It draws its inspiration from the Exodus narrative (especially Exodus 14:31) and from the texts of Isaiah and the Psalms portraying the special intervention of God for the preservation of Jerusalem. The theme of God's hand as the agent of this providential activity, reflected of old in the hand of Moses and now in the hand of Judith, is again exemplified at a later time in Jewish synagogue art. God's hand reaching down from heaven appears as part of the scene at Dura-Europos (before A.D. 256) in paintings of the Exodus, of the sacrifice of Isaac (Gen 22), and of Ezekiel's valley of dry bones (Eze 37). - The Book of Judith is divided as follows: I. Peril of the Jews (Judith 1:1-7:32) II. Deliverance of the Jews (Judith 8:1-14:10) III. Victory (Judith 14:11-16:25) - (NAB)
  • ® Katholische Bibelanstalt GmbH, Stuttgart 1980

  • Headings


    Die Bedrohung: 1,1 - 3,10

    1 Der Krieg zwischen Nebukadnezzar und Arphaxad
    Der vergebliche Hilferuf an die Nachbarvölker
    Der Sieg über Arphaxad
    2 Der Plan Nebukadnezzars
    Der Auftrag des Holofernes
    Die Aufstellung des Heeres
    Der Kriegszug des Holofernes
    Die Besetzung der Reiche an der Meeresküste
    3 Die Bedrohung des Gottesvolkes
    4 Die Vorbereitung des Widerstandes
    Das Flehen zu Gott um Rettung
    5 Der Kriegsrat bei Holofernes
    Die Rede des Ammoniters Achior
    Die feindliche Reaktion des Heeres
    6 Die Rede des Holofernes an Achior
    Die Auslieferung Achiors
    Achior in Betulia
    7 Der Anfang der Belagerung von Betulia
    Die Rede der Heerführer an Holofernes
    Die Verzögerungstaktik des Holofernes
    Der Wassermangel in Betulia
    Die Verzweiflung der Bewohner von Betulia
    Usijas ermutigende Antwort
    Die Rettung des Gottesvolkes: 8,1 - 16,25

    8 Herkunft und Leben der Judit
    Judits Stellung zur Verzweiflung der Bewohner
    Judits Gespräch mit den Ältesten der Stadt
    9 Judits Gebet
    10 Judits Gang ins feindliche Lager
    Die Begegnung mit Holofernes
    11 Das Gespräch des Holofernes mit Judit
    12 Judits Sorge um die rituelle Reinheit
    Judit beim Gastmahl des Holofernes
    13 Judits Rettungstat
    Judits Rückkehr nach Betulia und der Jubel des Volkes
    Usijas Lob für Judit
    14 Judits Anweisungen
    Achiors Lob für Judit und seine Bekehrung
    Die Verwirrung der Assyrer
    15 Die Flucht der Assyrer
    Der Jubel über Judit
    16 Das Siegesfest in Jerusalem
    Die letzten Jahre Judits

    Revised Standard Version (1966) - English
    Nova Vulgata - Latin
    Biblia del Pueblo di Dio (BPD) - Spanish
    Vulgata - Stuttgart 1969 - Latin
    Bíblia Sagrada Ave-Maria (1957) - Portuguese
    La Sainte Bible (Crampon 1904) - French
    CEI (1974) - Italian