Joshua - Bíblia Sagrada Ave-Maria (1957)
The Book of Joshua derives its name from the successor of Moses, with whose deeds it is principally concerned. The purpose of the book is to demonstrate God's fidelity in giving to the Israelites the land he had promised them for an inheritance (Genesis 15:18-20; Joshua 1:2-4; 21:41-43; 23:14-16). Their occupation of the country is begun with the crossing of the Jordan and the conquest of Jericho (Jos 1-6), in both of which the Lord intervenes on their behalf. This is followed by a first foothold on the Palestinian mountain range, at Ai, Bethel, and Gibeon (Jos 7-9), and two sweeping campaigns against the city states in the south of the country (Jos 10) and in the north (Jos 11), with a summary in Jos 12. The broad claim to total sovereignty thus established is spelled out by a combined list of tribal boundaries and of the towns contained within each area or administrative district (Jos 13-19), including cities of asylum and cities for the Levites (Joshua 20:21). The book closes with a narrative about the tribes east of the Jordan (Jos 22), a warning speech by Joshua (Jos 23), and a renewal at Shechem (Jos 24) of the covenant with the Lord, already affirmed there near the beginning of the conquest (Joshua 8:30-35). Like the books which precede it, the Book of Joshua was built up by a long and complex process of editing traditional materials. Both Jewish and Christian believers have always regarded it as inspired.
The entire history of the conquest of the Promised Land is a prophecy of the spiritual conquest of the world through the Church under the leadership of Jesus the Messiah. - The Book of Joshua may be divided as follows: I. Conquest of Canaan (Joshua 1:1-12:24) II. Division of the Land (Joshua 13:1-21:45) III. Return of the Transjordan Tribes and Joshua's Farewell (Joshua 22:1-24:33) - (NAB)

  • Cfr. Bíblia Católica v. 2 -
  • ® Bíblia Sagrada Ave-Maria,

  • Headings

    Livro de Josué


    1 Promessa de Deus a Josué
    Ordem de partida
    2 Os espiões em casa de Raab
    3 Passagem de Jordão

    4 As doze pedras
    5 Circuncisão do povo
    Celebração da Páscoa
    Visão de Josué
    6 Conquista de Jericó
    7 Crime e punição de Acã
    8 Conquista de Hai
    Renovação da Aliança
    9 Astúcia dos gabaonitas
    10 Vitória de Josué perto de Gabaon
    Conquista das cidades do sul
    11 Batalha nas águas de Merom
    Novas conquistas
    12 Lista dos reis vencidos

    A Transjordânia
    14 Divisão da Palestina
    Parte de Caleb
    15 Parte da tribo de Judá
    As cidades de Judá
    16 Parte de José

    18 Os últimos lotes
    Parte de Benjamin
    19 Parte de Simeão
    Parte de Zabulon
    Parte de Issacar
    Parte de Aser
    Parte de Neftali
    Parte dos filhos de Dã
    Fim da divisão
    20 As seis cidades de refúgio
    21 As cidades levíticas
    22 Sorte das tribos da Transjordânia
    23 Discurso de Josué ao povo
    24 Adeus de Josué às tribos

    Morte de Josué

    Revised Standard Version (1966) - English
    Nova Vulgata - Latin
    Biblia del Pueblo di Dio (BPD) - Spanish
    Vulgata - Stuttgart 1969 - Latin
    La Sainte Bible (Crampon 1904) - French
    CEI (1974) - Italian
    EinheitsÜbersetzung der Heiligen Sc - German