The life of a disciple of Jesus of Nazareth can be inspired by she who was recognized by Isabella as "blessed" because she" believed in the message that was brought from the Lord" (Luke 1, 45). Mary’s faith is enforced in harmony with the words spoken by Gabriel, in the annunciation, when he said "full of grace", in the sense that this faith is the answer to that gift. As we are told by a number of prophets, Mary conceived within her own heart, before conceiving in her womb, the Word of life. Mary, starting by offering herself unconditionally as the "servant" for God’s plan, she allowed the realization of the fact that the "power of the Almighty" configures a human face for the Word of life (see Redemptoris Mater, no.13).

It is unthinkable to imagine a passiveness in Mary with regards to God’s acts, she welcomes and guards jealously everything in her own heart, starting with faith, because she knows that the dynamics of the Holy Spirit will guide her through the historical process of the revelation and through her Son’s life, while He has grown in height and in grace achieving the fullness of the perfect man. For this reason she was capable, during her Son’s Easter, of receiving her highest assignment: to extend the maternity of her Son, who is grace by antonomasia, to all those who will assume the form of His mystical body.

It is necessary for the disciples of the divine Master, also in our times, to mould a new face for the same and unrepeatable Jesus Christ who must once again become incarnate and inculturated in the historical and geographical coordinates in which He will find Himself. Jesus Christ’s disciple must always follow the same sequence as Mary, with a complete receptiveness regards to the Holy Spirit, and consequently, with a discerning attitude that will allow him to distinguish what God’s will is, always therefore living through a phase of growth and improvement, tending towards what is good, what is worthy of God’s acceptance and perfect (see Rom 12, 2).

So as to understand the dynamics of Mary’s spirituality, which must inspire that of each disciple, it is worth remembering no. 2870 of the Puebla Document: "The Magnificat reflects Mary’s soul. In this poem, the spirituality of the poor of Javhé and the prophetic aspects of the Ancient Alliance reach their peak. It is the canticle that announces Christ’s new Gospels, it is the prelude to the Speech on the Mountain. There Mary shows herself to us totally emptied and placing all her trust in the mercy of the Father. In the Magnificat she manifests herself as a model "for those who do not passively accept the adverse circumstances of social and personal life, nor are they victims of "alienation", as it is called nowadays, but proclaim with her that God "raises the humble" and, if needed, "removes the powerful from their thrones"…" (see John Paul II Homily at Zapopán, no.4, AAS 71, p. 230).