
His Most Reverend Eminence Cardinal

Darío Castrillón Hoyos

Prefect of the Congregation for the Clergy

For the twelfth video-conference

"The Church and Women in contemporary history"

The Holy See, October, 29th 2002


When "the fullness of the time was come God sent His Son made of a woman". With these words in the Letter to the Galatians (4,4) the apostle Paul synthesizes the accomplishment of God’s redeeming project (see Eph 1,9), enlightening, in a Christological perspective, the understanding of woman’s vocation in the history of mankind.

Today’s twelfth video-conference, which takes place within the framework of permanent formation for the Clergy on the subject of "The Church and Women in contemporary history", intends to offer theological thoughts regards to the dignity of women and their vocation within the Church, the basis of which lies exactly in the central event of the history of mankind’s redemption: the Incarnation of the Word.

The place and the culminating and definite moment of God’s self-revelation to mankind – self-revelation that is characterised by the redeeming element – are provided "in the" new Eve, in the woman of the Protovangelium in the Book of Genesis (see 3,15). In the Theotókos we understand that all women are called upon to be a unifying element between mankind and God, with regard to mercy.

"If thou did know the gift of God" (John 4,10), says Jesus to the Samaritan, proving the immense dignity of every woman and her baptismal priesthood: to women God entrusts man in a special way (see Gen 2,18), making women participants in a completely singular manner in the Incarnate Word’s redeeming work.

The theological meditations that follow are orientated towards the recognition, within this "gift of God", of women’s mission in contemporary history, a mission that ensures that God’s love fills the hearts of human beings created in His image (see. Rom 5,5).

With these intentions let us therefore listen to the speeches by the theologians who have been invited and who I warmly welcome and thank.