
His Most Reverend Eminence Cardinal

Darío Castrillón Hoyos

Prefect of the Congregation for the Clergy

For the twelfth video-conference

"The Church and Women in contemporary history"

From the Holy See, October, 29th 2002



At the end of this twelfth theological video-conference, held in an international context, which has provided Theologians from five continents with an opportunity for presenting in-depth the contents of the Christian doctrine regards to the dignity of women and their irreplaceable role within the Church, allow me to invite all priests to once again read John Paul II’s Apostolic Letter Mulieris dignitatem (August 15th 1988), in which philosophy and theology permeate each other at the service of a correct understanding of the revealed truth regards to women and the Church as the Bride of Christ. It is through this re-reading that it is possible to find a cue for meditation, among other subjects, on the truth of the authentic promotion and defence of women’s dignity, a truth proclaimed and promoted by the Church itself when confronting the cultural and legislative discriminations that have occurred also in recent times.

I would like to announce that next month, on Friday November 29th at 12.00 A.M., we shall have the opportunity for discussing, in our thirteenth video-conference, the theological treatment of the subject "Inter-religious dialogue".

Once again I would like to thank you all and say goodbye.