Prof. José Vidamor Yu, Manila

The munus sacerdotalis et regale of the Laity.

The laity comprises an integral part of the Church’s existence. Vatican II stresses that "the Church can never be without the lay apostolate" (AA 1) The Church ensures that the lay people exercise their specific function in the various apostolate in sanctification of the world. In fact, the laity shares in the priestly, prophetical, and kingly office of Christ. It is through Christ and in the Church that the laity participates in the mission of Christ and have their assignment in the formation of the People of God. (cf AA 2)

Holiness of Life: Universal Call of the Laity

The sanctification of one’s life is a vocation which every lay person has to desire. God desires holiness of life on all who believe in Him. (cf 1 Thess 4:3) The lay faithful are not only workers in the vineyard of the Lord but they form a part of the field in the Christ’s field of mission activity in the world. The laity derives their life and holiness from Christ who is the True vine. The laity is the branch "engrafted to Christ" (CL 9), who is the true vine. The holiness of life among the lay faithful is their distinct identity in the Church.

The lay faithful is constantly in union with Christ through the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Every layperson functions in the world for the greater glory of God. As the lay faithful carries out the mission of the Church, they become open to the promptings of the Holy Spirit. "The apostolate is lived by faith, hope and charity poured out by the Holy Spirit into the hears of all the members of the Church." (AA 3) And the "fruitfulness of the apostolate of lay people depends on their living union with Christ." (AA 3)

Renewal of the World: Kingly Function of the Laity

The laity participates in the mission of Christ in the renewal of the temporal order. Their mission draws out its origin from the Word of God and the mind of the Church, prompted by Christian love. (AA 7) The kingly function of the laity is service. They have to foster cooperation with the rest of humanity according to their own competence and seek the justice of the kingdom of God. (AA 7) Every layperson shares in the kingly mission of Christ. It has to be instilled in their minds and hearts the readiness to serve just Christ came to serve and not to be served. (cf Mt 20:28)

"Being a king" as understood in the light of Christ can be truly understood as "being a servant." In order to have the ability to serve effectively, one has to master oneself and practice Christian virtues. Our sharing in Christ’s kingly mission or His "kingly function" is closely linked with every sphere of both Christian and human morality. (cf RH 21)

Involvement in the Ministries: Priestly Function of the Laity

The laity, by virtue of their Baptismal state and specific vocation participates in the priestly function of Christ. They have "to make the Church present and fruitful" in all times and places. They make the Holy Eucharist communicated and nourished. (LG 33) The priestly call of the laity is a call to sacrifice. As members of the Church, living in the world, the laity gathers as a community for God. It seeks the truth through constantly listening to the Word of God and constantly celebrates God’s presence through the Holy Eucharist. The laity has the right to receive in abundance the help of the spiritual goods from the Church especially God’s Word and the Eucharist.

The priestly function of the laity is one of mediation. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, the lay faithful carries out God’s plan of transformation and conversion in the world. They are called to make the Church present in the world amidst the joys and struggles, realities and activities in their day to day living.

Lastly, the priestly function of the laity is one of consecration. The lay faithful is called to be committed to the Lord. It is a commitment to uphold life and promote it through the family. It is a commitment to reject sin and resist the powers of evil in the world. It is living a life of faith, the life of worship and prayer. The priestly and kingly functions of the laity are manifest their specific spirituality.