Prof. Louis Aldrich


"To choose the candidates for sacred orders among the celibate"-- the

gift of chastity (dir. 57-60)

I. Firm will to preserve the gift of celibacy which the Church has


The Church's Magisterium has repeatedly reaffirmed the "firm will to maintain the law which requires celibacy freely chosen and perpetual for candidates to priestly Ordination in the Latin rite." This is because celibacy is first a gift which Jesus has given to the Church, and the Church is convinced that it should such a gift that is good not only for itself, but also for the world. Further, despite negative examples, the discipline of celibacy has been continually confirmed in its overwhelming good fruits for the spiritual, pastoral and evangelical life of the Church.

II. Celibacy is Christ's gift to the priest

Celibacy is not only Christ's gift to the Church, put it is also Christ's gift to the priest. The priest, "is a gift of self in and with Christ to his Church and expresses the service of the priest to the Church in and with the Lord".(186). It is immature to see celibacy as the price to be paid for the right of ordination: rather, it is "a gift received through Christ's mercy as the free and welcomed choice of a particular vocation of love for God and others."

III. Development and confirmation of the gift

To respond with generosity to Christ gift, it is imperative that candidates for the priesthood are formed in the proper motives for celibacy. This gift demands "the perfect and perpetual continence for the Kingdom of heaven, so that sacred ministers can more easily adhere to Christ with an undivided heart and dedicate themselves more freely to the service of God and man." Through this adherence to Christ, the priest more easily imitates Christ and conforms himself to the Father's will.

IV. Prudence in protecting the gift

Many arguments are raised today within and outside the Church attacking the discipline of celibacy as destructive to the priesthood and the individual priest. Such arguments, however, deny "the testimony offered by the great majority of priests, who live their celibacy with internal freedom, rich evangelical motivation, spiritual depth, and in a panorama of strong and joyful fidelity to their vocation and mission." To guard and protect this gift in today's climate does demand prudence in following both ascetical practices that long experienced has confirmed, avoiding occasions of sin, and following such tested, common sense wisdom as "never alone with a woman." Finally, "to lovingly safeguard the gift received amidst today's climate of irritating sexual permissiveness, they will find in their communion with Christ and with the Church, in their devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary, and in considering the example of holy priests of all times, the strength necessary to overcome difficulties they may find along their way and act according to that maturity that gives them credence before the world."