
Priest /Holy Father /Audiences
Priests: Not Choosing God but Chosen by God
Jesus Christ told his disciples to pray for vocations, and so everyone must work and pray that many young men will follow the Lord$£%s call.
Document (8 Kb) JOHN PAUL II

Priest /Holy Father /Audiences
Priests: Servants of Christ's Flock
Because the priest is set in the midst of lay people in order to lead them to unity, he must be a man of understanding and reconciliation.
Document (8 Kb) JOHN PAUL II

Priest /Holy Father /Audiences
Priests: Charitable Cooperation among Brothers
Ecclesial communion entails a fraternity among priests in the participation in the one mystery of Christ.
Document (8 Kb) JOHN PAUL II

Priest /Holy Father /Audiences
Priests: United to Bishops in Charity and Obedience
The bond of the priest with his own Bishop is co-natural with the essence of his ministry, in fact, salvation emerges from the obedience of Jesus to the Father.
Document (8 Kb) JOHN PAUL II

Priest /Holy Father /Audiences
Priests: Union with Their Bishops and Fellow Priests
Communion springs forth from the very nature of the priesthood as Christ instituted it. Ecclesial communion is a consequence of Eucharistic communion.
Document (8 Kb) JOHN PAUL II

Priest /Holy Father /Audiences
The Priest in Civil Society
The committment of a priest in society must take into consideration the Savior$£%s own example and is fulfilled by being faithful to one$£%s own pastoral mission.
Document (9 Kb) JOHN PAUL II

Priest /Holy Father /Audiences
The Priest and earthly goods
The detachment required of the priest in his vocation is a use of earthly goods according to the spirit of Jesus$£% poverty.
Document (9 Kb) JOHN PAUL II

Priest /Holy Father /Audiences
Priests: Consecrated to Christ through Celibacy
Celibacy is united to priestly consecration and is sustained by the total dedication of oneself to the person and work of Christ.
Document (9 Kb) JOHN PAUL II

Priest /Holy Father /Audiences
Priests: Called to be Men of Charity
The priest participates in the charity of Christ, the source of which is in the Eucharist.
Document (8 Kb) JOHN PAUL II

Priest /Holy Father /Audiences
Priests: their devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary
Our Lady is the Mother, the first and most perfect participant in the Sacrifice which the priest celebrates on the altar and in his own life.
Document (8 Kb) JOHN PAUL II

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