Dicastery: Congregation for the Clergy
Topic : Catechesis - Cathechism Cat. Ch. -
Language : English
Type : Documento

Title: Catechism of the Catholic Church. Part I. Definitive version.
Summary: First Part: the faith in its believed dimension. Those belonging to Christ through their faith and baptism must confess their baptismal faith before men (see Mt 10:32; Rm 10:9). As a consequence, the Catechism expounds first what we mean by Revelation, by means of which God turns to man and gives himself to him; then it expounds our faith, by means of which man responds to God (first section). The Symbol of faith summarizes the gifts given to man by God as the Author of every good, as the Redeemer and Sanctifier, and splits them up in the «three chapters» of our baptism, i.e. our faith in one and only God: the Almighty Father, the Creator; Jesus Christ, his Son, our Lord and Savior; and the Holy Spirit in the holy Church (second section).

Date of pubblication: 15/08/1997

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