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Sunday and Feastday homilies

From the Vatican, 27 November 2010
1st Sunday of Advent
Dear Priests,
With the start of the new liturgical year and in the desire of approaching various needs, indicated by the Holy Father on a number of occasions during the Year for Priests, this Congregation intends to offer through its internet site, www.clerus.org, some brief lines of thought for Sunday and Feastday homilies.
With the awareness that one deals with only a drop in the ocean of the ministerial undertaking of preaching and that each line of thought will of necessity be contextualised in the various communities, the intention is to offer but a very brief supplement for immediate reference, one will adhere to the Scriptures along with some hints of a doctrinal character. This might assist in orienting and integrating preaching in a simple fashion in a time in which the dimension of the content of the faith seems to be ever more diluted almost to the point of evaporation.
It will also be a means of keeping in frequent touch with all priests whom will chose to register for the mailing list, in that way assisting in the reception and welcoming of the various propositions.
Being confident of a benevolent welcome for the initiative and calling to mind the daily dedication of the Ministry on the part of each one of us, I avail myself of the occasion to wish you an Advent season rich in presence of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Protector of the Faith, and I assure you of my closeness and my prayer for each one,
Mauro Cardinal Piacenza
Sunday and Feastday homilies

Ultimo aggiornamento di questa pagina: 06-DIC-10

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