Gregory Naz.
NPNF2-07 .
- Some Orations (27-45) and letters.

  • NPNF2 7-14

  • Tisch

    Gregory Nazianzen.
    20100 Oration I. On Easter and His Reluctance,
    20200 Oration II. In Defence of His Flight to Pontus, and His Return, After His Ordination to the Priesthood, with an Exposition of the Character of the Priestly Office.
    20300 Oration III. To Those Who Had Invited Him, and Not Come to Receive Him.
    20700 Oration VII. Panegyric on His Brother S. Caesarius.
    20800 Oration VIII. Funeral Oration on His Sister Gorgonia.
    21200 Oration XII. To His Father, When He Had Entrusted to Him the Care of the Church of Nazianzus.
    21600 Oration XVI. On His Father’s Silence, Because of the Plague of Hail.
    21800 Oration XVIII. Funeral Oration on His Father, in the Presence of S. Basil.
    22100 Oration XXI. On the Great Athanasius, Bishop of Alexandria.
    22200 Introduction to the “Theological” Orations.
    22700 Oration XXVII). The First Theological Oration. A Preliminary Discourse Against the Eunomians.
    22800 Oration XXVIII. The Second Theological Oration.
    22900 Oration XXIX). The Third Theological Oration. On the Son.
    23000 Oration XXX. The Fourth Theological Oration, Which is the Second Concerning the Son.
    23200 Oration XXXII. The Fifth Theological Oration. On the Holy Spirit.
    23300 Oration XXXIII. Against Thearians, and Concerning Himself.
    23400 Oration XXXIV. On the Arrival of the Egyptians.
    23700 Oration XXXVII. On the Words of the Gospel, “When Jesus Had Finished These Sayings,” Etc.—
    23800 Oration XXXVIII On the Theophany, or Birthday of Christ.
    23900 Oration XXXIX. Oration on the Holy Lights.
    24000 Oration XL. The Oration on Holy Baptism.
    24100 Oration XLI. On Pentecost.
    24200 Oration XLII. The Last Farewell in the Presence of the One Hundred and Fifty Bishops.
    24300 Oration XLIII). Funeral Oration on the Great S. Basil, Bishop of Caesarea in Cappadocia.
    24500 Oration XLV. The Second Oration on Easter.
    3000 Letters
    A Selection from the Letters of Saint Gregory Nazianzen,
    3100 Division I.
    3101 Introduction.
    3200 Division II.
    3300 Division III. Miscellaneous Letters.
    33100 §1. Letters to His Brother Caesarius.
    33200 §2. To S. Gregory of Nyssa.
    §3. To Eusebius Bishop of Samosata.
    33400 §4. To Sophronius, Prefect of Constantinople.
    33500 §5. To Amphilochius the Younger.
    33600 §6. To Nectarius Archbishop of Constantinople.
    33700 §7. To Theodore, Bishop of Tyana.
    33800 §8. To Nicobulus.
    33900 §9. To Olympius.