9999 | LEO THE GREAT The Letters and Sermons of Leo the Great Bishop of Rome
1 | Prefatory Note
2 | Introduction Translations. Letters
1001 | Letter I. To the Bishop of Aquileia.
1002 | Letter II. To Septimus, Bishop of Altinum.
1003 | Letter III. From Paschasinus, Bishop of Lilybaeum.
1004 | Letter IV. To the Bishops Appointed in Campania, Picenum, Etruria, and All the Provinces.
1005 | Letter V. To the Metropolitan Bishops of Illyricum.
1006 | Letter VI. To Anastasius, Bishop of Thessalonica.
1007 | Letter VII. To the Bishops Throughout Italy.
1008 | Letter VIII. The Ordinance of Valentinian III. Concerning the Manichaeans.
1009 | Letter IX. To Dioscorus, Bishop of Alexandria.
1010 | Letter X. To the Bishops of the Province of Vienne. In the Matter of Hilary, Bishop of Arles1 .
1011 | Letter XI. An Ordinance of Valentinianus III.
1012 | Letter XII.
1013 | Letter XIII. To the Metropolitan Bishops in the Provinces of Illyricum.
1014 | Letter XIV. To Anastasius, Bishop of Thessalonica.
1015 | Letter XV. To Turribius, Bishop of Asturia1 , Upon the Errors of the Priscillianists.
1016 | Letter XVI. To the Bishops of Sicily.
1017 | Letter XVII1 .
1018 | Letter XVIII. To Januarius, Bishop of Aquileia1
1019 | Letter XIX. To Dorus, Bishop of Beneventum.
1020 | Letter XX. To Eutyches, an Abbot of Constantinople.
1021 | Letter XXI. From Eutyches to Leo1 .
1022 | Letter XXII1 . The First from Flavian, Bp. Of Constantinople to Pope Leo.
1023 | Letter XXIII. To Flavian, Bishop of Constantinople.
1024 | Letter XXIV. To Theodosius Augustus II.
1025 | Letter XXV. From Peter Chrysologus, Bishop of Ravenna, to Eutyches, the Presbyter.
1026 | Letter XXVI1 . A Second One from Flavian to Leo.
1027 | Letter XXVII. To Flavian, Bishop of Constantinople.
1028 | Letter XXVIII. To Flavian Commonly Called “The Tome”
1029 | Letter XXIX. To Theodosius Augustus.
1030 | Letter XXX. To Pulcheria Augusta.
1031 | Letter XXXI. To Pulcheria Augusta1 .
1032 | Letter XXXII. To the Archimandrites of Constantinople1 .
1033 | Letter XXXIII. To the Synod of Ephesus1 .
1034 | Letter XXXIV. To Julian, Bishop of Cos.
1035 | Letter XXXV.to Julian, Bishop of Cos1 .
1036 | Letter XXXVI. To Flavlan, Bishop of Constantinople.
1037 | Letter XXXVII1 . To Theodoslus Augustus.
1038 | Letter XXXVIII1 . To Flavian, Bishop of Constantinople.
1039 | Letter XXXIX. To Flavian, Bishop of Constantinople.
1040 | Letter XL.to the Bishops of the Province of Arles in Gaul.
1041 | Letter XLI. To Ravennius, Bishop of Arles.
1042 | Letter XLII. To Ravennius, Bishop of Arles.
1043 | Letter XLIII1 . To Theodosius Augustus.
1044 | Letter XLIV. To Theodosius Augustus.
1045 | Letter XLV. To Pulcheria Augusta.
1046 | Letter XLVI. From Hilary, Then Deacon (Afterwards Bishop of Rome) to Pulcheria Augusta.
1047 | Letter XLVII. To Anastasius, Bishop of Thessalonica.
1048 | Letter XLVIII. To Julian, Bishop of Cos.
1049 | Letter XLIX. To Flavian, Bishop of Constantinople
1050 | Letter L. To the People of Constantinople, by the Hand of Epiphanius and Dionysius, Notary of the Church of Rome.
1051 | Letter LI. To Faustus and Other Presbyters and Archimandrites in Constantinople.
1052 | Letter LII. From Theodoret, Bishop of Cyrus, to Leo. (See Vol. III. Of This Series, P. 293).
1053 | Letter LIII. A Fragment of a Letter from Anatolius, Bishop of Constantinople, to Leo
1054 | Letter LIV. To Theodosius Augustus
1056 | Letter LVI. (from Galla Placidia Augusta to Theodosius).
1059 | Letter LIX. To the Clergy and People of the City of Constantinople.
1060 | Letter LX. To Pulcheria Augusta.
1061 | Letter LXI. To Martinus and Faustus, Presbyters.
1065 | Letter LXV. From the Bishops of the Province of Arles.
1066 | Letter LXVI. Leo’s Reply to Letter LXV.
1067 | Letter LXVII1 . To Ravennius, Bishop of Arles.
1068 | Letter LXVIII. From Three Gallic Bishops to St. Leo.
1069 | Letter LXIX. (to Theodosius Augustus).
1070 | Letter LXX. To Pulcheria Augusta.
1071 | Letter LXXI. To the Archimandrites of Constantinople.
1072 | Letter LXXII. To Faustus, One of the Archimandrites at Constantinople.
1073 | Letter LXXIII. From Valentinian and Marcian.
1074 | Letter LXXIV. To Martinus, Another of the Archimandrites at Constantinople.
1075 | Letter LXXV. To Faustus and Martinus Together.
1076 | Letter LXXVI. From Marcianus Augustus to Leo.
1077 | Letter LXXVII. From Pulcheria Augusta to Leo.
1078 | Letter LXXVIII. Leo’s Answer to Marcianus.
1079 | Letter LXXIX. To Pulcheria Augusta.
1080 | Letter LXXX. (to Anatolius, Bishop of Constantinople).
1081 | Letter LXXXI. To Bishop Julian.
1082 | Letter LXXXII. To Marclan Augustus.
1083 | Letter LXXXIII. To the Same Marcian.
1084 | Letter LXXXIV. To Pulcheria Augusta.
1085 | Letter LXXXV. To Anatolius, Bishop of Constantinople.
1086 | Letter LXXXVI. To Julian, Bishop of Cos.
1087 | Letter LXXXVII. To Anatolius, Bishop of Constantinople.
1088 | Letter LXXXVIII. To Paschasinus, Bishop of Lilybaeum.
1089 | Letter LXXXIX. To Marcian Augustus.
1090 | Letter XC. To Marclan Augustus.
1091 | Letter XCI. To Anatolius, Bishop of Constantinople.
1092 | Letter XCII. To Julian, Bishop of Cos.
1093 | Letter XCIII. To the Synod of Chalcedon.
1094 | Letter XCIV. To Marcian Augustus.
1095 | Letter XCV. To Pulcheria Augusta by the Hand of Theoctistus the Magistrian1 .
1096 | Letter XCVI. To Ravennius, Bishop of Arles.
1097 | Letter XCVII. From Eusebius, Bishop of Milan, to Leo.
1098 | Letter XCVIII. From the Synod of Chalcedon to Leo.
1099 | Letter XCIX. From Ravennus and Other Gallic Bishops.
1100 | Letter C. From the Emperor Marcian.
1101 | Letter CI. From Anatolius, Bishop of Constantinople, to Leo.
1102 | Letter CII. To the Gallic Bishops.
1103 | Letter CIII. To the Gallic Bishops.
1104 | Letter CIV. Leo, the Bishop, to Marcian Augustus.
1105 | Letter CV. (to Pulcheria Augusta About the Self-Seeking of Anatolius).
1106 | Letter CVI. To Anatolius, Bishop of Constantinople, in Rebuke of His Self-Seeking.
1107 | Letter CVII. To Julian, Bishop of Cos.
1108 | Letter CVIII. To Theodore, Bishop of Forum Julii.
1109 | Letter CIX. To Julian, Bishop of Cos.
1110 | Letter CX. From Marcian Augustus.
1111 | Letter CXI. To Marcian Augustus.
1112 | Letter CXII. To Pulcheria Augusta.
1113 | Letter CXIII. To Julian, Bishop of Cos.
1114 | Letter CXIV. To the Bishops Assembled in Synod at Chalcedon.
1115 | Letter CXV. To Marcian Augustus.
1116 | Letter CXV. To Pulcheria Augusta.
1117 | Letter CXVII. To Julian, Bishop of Cos.
1118 | Letter CXVIII. To the Same Julian, Bishop of Cos.
1119 | Letter CXIX. To Maximus, Bishop of Antioch, by the Hand of Marian the Presbyter, and Olympius the Deacon.
1120 | Letter CXX. To Theodoret, Bishop of Cyrus, on Perseverance in the Faith.
1121 | Letters CXXI. And CXXII. The Former to Marcian Augustus, and the Other to Julian the Bishop.
1123 | Letter CXXIII. To Eudocia Augusta1 , About the Monksof Palestine2 .
1124 | Letter CXXIV. To the Monks of Palestine.
1125 | Letter CXXV. To Julian, the Bishop, by Count Rodanus.
1126 | Letter CXXVI. To Marcian Augustus.
1127 | Letter CXXVII. To Julian, Bishop of Cos.
1128 | Letter CXXVII. To Marcian Augustus.
1129 | Letter CXXIX. To Proterius, Bishop of Alexandria.
1130 | Letter CXXX. To Marcian Augustus.
1131 | Letter CXXXI. To Julian, Bishop of Cos.
1132 | Letter CXXXII. From Anatolius, Bishop of Constantinople, to Leo.
1133 | Letter CXXXIII. From Proterius, Bishop of Alexandria, to Leo.(Upon the Easter Difficulty of 455).
1134 | Letter CXXXIV. To Marcian Augustus.
1135 | Letter CXXXV.to Anatolius.(in Answer to CXXXII).
1136 | Letter CXXXVI. To Marcian Augustus).
1137 | Letter CXXXVII. To the Same, and on the Same Day.
1138 | Letter CXXXVIII. To the Bishops of Gaul and Spain.(on Easter).
1139 | Letter CXXXIX. To Juvenal, Bishop of Jerusalem.
1140 | Letter CXL. To Julian, Bishop of Cos.
1141 | Letter CXLI. To the Same.(on Several Minor Points of Detail)
1142 | Letter CXLII. To Marcian Augustus.
1143 | Letter CXLIII. To Anatolius, Bishop of Constantinople.
1144 | Letter CXLIV. To Julian, Bishop of Cos.(Speaking of Run, Ours Which Have Reached Him of Disturbances at Alexandria, and Begging of Him to Be on the Alert).
1145 | Letter CXLV.to Leo Augustus1 .
1146 | Letter CXLVI. To Anatolius, Bishop of Constantinople.
1147 | Letter CXLVII. TO Julian, Bishop OF Cos, And Aetius, The Presbyter.
1148 | Letter CXLVIII. To Leo Augustus.
1149 | Letter CXLIX. To Basil, Bishop of Antioch.
1150 | Letter CL to Euxitheus, Bishop of Thessalonica (and Others).(to the Same Effect).
1151 | Letter CLI. To Anatolius, Bishop of Constantinople.
1152 | Letter CLII. To Julian, Bishop of Cos.
1153 | Letter CLIII. To Aetius, Presbyter ,of Constantinople.
1154 | Letter CLIV. To the Egyptian Bishops.(See Letter CLVIII).
1155 | Letter CLV. To Anatolius, Bishop of Constantinople.
1156 | Letter CLVI. To Leo Augustus.
1157 | Letter CLVII. To Anatolius, Bishop of Constantinople.
1158 | Letter CLVIII1 . To the Catholic Bishops of Egypt Sojourning in Constantinople.
1159 | Letter CLIX. To Nicaetas, Bishop of Aquileia.
1160 | Letter CLX. (See Letter CLVIII).
1161 | Letter CLXI. To the Presbyters, Deacons and Clergy of the Church of Constantinople.
1162 | Letter CLXII. To Leo Augustus.
1163 | Letter CLXIII. To Anatolius, Bishop of Constantinople. By Patritius the Deacon the Deacon.
1164 | Letter CLXIV1 To Leo Augustus.
1165 | Letter CLXV. To Leo Augustus.
1166 | Letter CLXVI. To Neo, Bishop of Ravenna.
1167 | Letter CLXVII1 . To Rusticus, Bishop of Gallia Narbonensis, with the Replies to His Questions on Various Points.
1168 | Letter CLXVIII. To All the Bishops of Campania, Samnium and Picenum.
1169 | Letter CLXIX. To Leo Augustus.
1170 | Letter CLXX. To Gennadius, Bishop of Constantinople1 .
1171 | Letter CLXXI. To Timothy, Bishop of Alexandria.
1172 | Letter CLXXII. To the Presbyters and Deacons of the Church of Alexandria.
1173 | Letter CLXXIII. To Certain Egyptian Bishops. Sermons.
2001 | Sermon I. Preached on His Birthday1 , or Day of Ordination.
2002 | Sermon II. On His Birthday, II.: Delivered on the Anniversary1 Of His Consecration).
2003 | Sermon III. On His Birthday, III: Delivered on the Anniversary of His Elevation to the Pontificate.
2009 | Sermon IX. Upon the Collections1 , IV.
2010 | Sermon X. On the Collections, V.
2012 | Sermon XII. On the Fast of The, Tenth Month, I.1
2016 | Sermon XVI. On the Fast of the Tenth Month.
2017 | Sermon XVII. On the Fast of the Tenth Month, VI.
2019 | Sermon XIX. On the Fast of the Ten Month, VIII.
2021 | Sermon XXI. On the Feast of the Nativity, I.
2022 | Sermon XXII. On the Feast of the Nativity, II.
2023 | Sermon XXIII. On the Feast of the Nativity, III.
2024 | Sermon XXIV. On the Feast of the Nativity, IV.
2026 | Sermon XXVI. On the Feast of the Nativity, VI.
2027 | Sermon XXVII. On the Feast of the Nativity, VII.
2028 | Sermon XXVIII. On the Festival of the Nativity, VIII.
2031 | Sermon XXXI. On the Feast of the Epiphany, I.
2033 | Sermon XXXIII. On the Feast of the Epiphany, III.
2034 | Sermon XXXIV. On the Feast of the Epiphany, IV.
2036 | Sermon XXXVI. On the Feast of the Epiphany, VI.
2039 | Sermon XXXIX. On Lent, I.
2040 | Sermon XL. On Lent, II.
2042 | Sermon XLII. On Lent, IV.
2046 | Sermon XLVI. On Lent, VIII.
2049 | Sermon XLIX. On Lent, XI.
2051 | Sermon LI. A Homily Delivered on the Saturday Before the Second Sunday in Lent—On the Transfiguration, \IS. Matt.\i XVII. 1–13.
2054 | Sermon LIV. On the Passion, III.; Delivered on the Sunday Before Easter.
2055 | Sermon LV. On the Lord’s Passion IV., Delivered on Wednesday in Holy Week.
2058 | Sermon LVIII. (on the Passion, VII).
2059 | Sermon LIX. (on the Passion, VIII.: on Wednesday in Holy Week).
2062 | Sermon LXII. (on the Passion, XI).
2063 | Sermon LXIII. (on the Passion, XII.: Preached on Wednesday).
2067 | Sermon LXVII. (on the Passion, XVI.: Delivered on the Sunday).
2068 | Sermon LXVIII. (on the Passion, XVII.: Delivered on the Wednesday).
2071 | Sermon LXXI. (on the Lord’s Resurrection, I.; Delivered on Holy Saturday in the Vigil of Easter1 ).
2072 | Sermon LXXII. (on the Lord’s Resurrection, II).
2073 | Sermon LXXIII. (on the Lord’s Ascension, I).
2074 | Sermon LXXIV. (on the Lord’s Ascension, II).
2075 | Sermon LXXV. (on Whitsuntide, I).
2077 | Sermon LXXVII. (on Whitsuntide, III).
2078 | Sermon LXXVIII. (on the Whidsuntide Fast, I).
2082 | Sermon LXXXII. On the Feast1 Of the Apostles Peter and Paul (June 29).
2084 | Sermon LXXXIV1 . Concerning the Neglect of the Commemoration.
2085 | Sermon LXXXV. On the Feast of S. Laurence the Martyr1 (Aug. 10).
2088 | Sermon LXXXVIII. On the Fast of the Seventh Month, III1 .
2090 | Sermon XC. (on the Fast of Seventh Month, V).
2091 | Sermon XCI on the Fast of the Seventh Month, .VI.
2095 | Sermon XCV. A Homily on the Beatitudes, St. Mt V. 1–9.