Sirach - La Sainte Bible (Crampon 1904)
The Book of Sirach derives its name from the author, Jesus, son of Eleazar, son of Sirach (Sirach 50:27). Its earliest title seems to have been "Wisdom of the Son of Sirach." The designation "Liber Ecclesiasticus," meaning "Church Book," appended to some Greek and Latin manuscripts was due to the extensive use which the church made of this book in presenting moral teaching to catechumens and to the faithful. - The author, a sage who lived in Jerusalem, was thoroughly imbued with love for the law, the priesthood, the temple, and divine worship. As a wise and experienced observer of life he addressed himself to his contemporaries with the motive of helping them to maintain religious faith and integrity through study of the holy books, and through tradition. - The book contains numerous maxims formulated with care, grouped by affinity, and dealing with a variety of subjects such as the individual, the family, and the community in their relations with one another and with God. It treats of friendship, education, poverty and wealth, the law, religious worship, and many other matters which reflect the religious and social customs of the time. - Written in Hebrew between 200 and 175 B.C., the text was translated into Greek sometime after 132 B.C. by the author's grandson, who also wrote a Foreword which contains information about the book, the author, and the translator himself. Until the close of the nineteenth century Sirach was known only in translations, of which this Greek rendering was the most important. From it the Latin version was made. Between 1896 and 1900, again in 1931, and several times since 1956, manuscripts were discovered containing in all about two thirds of the Hebrew text, which agrees substantially with the Greek. One such text, from Masada, is pre-Christian in date. - Though not included in the Hebrew Bible after the first century A.D., nor accepted by Protestants, the Book of Sirach has always been recognized by the Catholic Church as divinely inspired and canonical. The Foreword, though not inspired, is placed in the Bible because of its antiquity and importance. - The contents of Sirach are of a discursive nature, not easily divided into separate parts. Sir 1-43 deal largely with moral instruction; Sirach 44:1-50:24 contain a eulogy of the heroes of Israel and some of the patriarchs. There are two appendices in which the author expresses his gratitude to God, and appeals to the unlearned to acquire true wisdom.
- The Church uses the Book of Sirach extensively in her liturgy. - (NAB)

  • édition numérique par Richard Bourret
  • Domaine public

  • Headings

    Prologue du Traducteur
    1 I - Recueil de Sentences
    La crainte de Dieu
    Patience et maîtrise de soi
    Sagesse et droiture
    2 La crainte de Dieu dans l'épreuve

    3 Devoirs envers les parents
    4 Charité envers les pauvres
    5 Richesse et présomption
    Fermeté et possession de soi
    6 L'amitié
    L'apprentissage de la sagesse
    7 Conseils divers
    Les enfants
    Les parents
    Les prêtres
    Les pauvres et les éprouvés
    8 Prudence et réflexion
    La tradition
    La prudence
    9 Les femmes
    Rapports avec les hommes
    10 Le gouvernement
    Contre l'orgueil
    Les gens dignes d'honneur
    Humilité et vérité
    11 Ne pas se fier aux apparences
    Réflexion et lenteur
    Confiance en Dieu seul
    Se méfier du méchant
    12 Les bienfaits
    Vrais et faux amis
    13 Fréquenter ses égaux
    14 Le vrai bonheur
    Envie et avarice
    Bonheur du sage
    15 La liberté humaine
    16 Malédiction des impies
    La rétribution est certaine
    L'homme dans la création
    17 Le juge divin
    Invitation à la pénitence
    18 Grandeur de Dieu
    Néant de l'homme
    La façon de donner
    Réflexion et prévision
    Possession de soi-même
    19 Contre le bavardage
    Vérifer ce qu'on entend dire
    Vraie et fausse sagesse
    20 Silence et parole
    Paroles maladroites
    Le mensonge
    Sur la sagesse
    21 Différents péchés
    Le sage et l'insensé
    22 Le paresseux
    Les enfants dégénérés
    Sagesse et folie
    23 Vigilance
    24 Discours de la Sagesse
    La Sagesse et la Loi

    25 Proverbes
    Les vieillards
    Proverbe numérique
    Les femmes
    27 Choses attristantes
    Le négoce
    28 Les querelles
    La langue
    29 Le prêt
    Les cautions
    30 L'éducation
    La santé
    La joie
    31 Les richesses
    Les banquets
    Le vin
    32 Les banquets
    La crainte de Dieu
    33 Inégalité des conditions
    34 Les songes
    Les voyages
    35 Loi et sacrifices
    La justice divine
    36 Prière pour la délivrance et la restauration d'Israël
    Du discernement
    Choix d'une femme
    37 Faux amis
    Les conseillers
    Vraie et fausse sagesse
    La tempérance
    38 Médecine et maladie
    Le deuil
    Métiers manuels
    39 Le scribe
    Invitation à louer Dieu
    40 Misère de l'homme
    Maximes diverses
    41 La mort
    Destin des impies
    La honte
    42 Soucis d'un père pour sa fille
    Les femmes

    II - La Gloire de Dieu

    I-dans la nature
    43 Le soleil
    La lune
    Les étoiles
    L'arc en ciel
    Merveilles de la nature
    II-dans l'histoire

    44 Eloge des ancêtres
    Isaac et Jacob
    45 Moïse
    46 Josué
    Les juges
    47 Natân
    48 Elie
    Infidélité et châtiment
    49 Josias
    Derniers rois et derniers prophètes
    Zorobabel et Josué
    50 Le prêtre Simon
    Proverbe numérique

    51 Hymne d'action de grâce

    Poème sur la recherche de la sagesse

    Revised Standard Version (1966) - English
    Nova Vulgata - Latin
    Biblia del Pueblo di Dio (BPD) - Spanish
    Vulgata - Stuttgart 1969 - Latin
    Bíblia Sagrada Ave-Maria (1957) - Portuguese
    CEI (1974) - Italian
    EinheitsÜbersetzung der Heiligen Sc - German