DENZINGER EN Sources of dogma I
1 | Most Ancient Forms of the Apostolic Creed
11 | Sources
3 | B. £[ The following] show a fixed form of the Creed.
5 | Text
76 | ST. PETER THE APOSTLE (?)-67(?) ST. LINUS 67(?) - 79(?) ST. (ANA) CLETUS 79(?) - 90(?) ST. CLEMENT I 90(?)- 99(?)
101 | Concerning the Hierarchy and the Status of the Laity *
ST. EVARISTUS (99) (?)-107 (?) ST. PIUS 1 140 (?)-154 (?) ST. ALEXANDER I 107 (?)-116 (?) ST. ANICETUS 154 (?)-165 (?) ST. SIXTUS I 116 ( ?)-125 (? ) ST. SOTER 165 (?)-174 (? ) ST. TELESPHORUS 125 (?)-136 (?) ST. ELEUTHERIUS 174 ( P )-I 89 ( ? ) ST. HYGINUS 136 (?)-140 (?) ST. VICTOR 189 (?)-198 (?) * ST. ZEPHYRINUS 198 (?)-217
43 | ST. URBANUS 222-230 ST. ANTERUS 235-236 ST. PONTIANUS 230-235 ST. FABIANUS 235-250 ST. CORNELIUS I 251-253
108 | The Ecclesiastical Hierarchy *
109 | ST. LUCIUS I 253-254 ST. STEPHAN I 254-257
111 | ST. XYSTUS (SIXTUS) II 258 ST. DIONYSIUS 259-268
115 | ST. FELIX I 269-274 ST. CAIUS 283-296 ST. EUTYCHIANUS 275-283 ST. MARCELLINUS 296-304 COUNCIL OF ILLIBERI * BETWEEN 300/306 *
117 | The Indissolubility of Matrimony
118 | The Celibacy of the Clergy
120 | Baptism and Confirmation
121 | ST. MARCELLUS 308-309 ST. EUSEBIUS 309 (or 310) ST. MILITIADES 311-314 ST. SYLVESTER I 314-335 COUNCIL OF ARELAS * I 314
123 | COUNCIL OF NICEA I 325 - Ecumenical I (against the Arians).
126 | The Nicene Creed *
127 | The Baptism of Heretics and the Viaticum of the Dying *
129 | ST. MARCUS 336 ST. JULIUS I 337-352 The Primacy of the Roman Pontiff *
132 | COUNCIL OF SERDICA 343-344
133 | The Primacy of the Roman Pontiff *
136 | ST. LIBERIUS 352-366 ST. DAMASUS I 366-384 COUNCIL OF ROME, 382 *
177 | The Holy Spirit*
178 | The Canon of Sacred Scripture *
180 | COUNCIL OF CONSTANTINOPLE I 381 - Ecumenical II (against the Macedonians, etc.)
150 | The "Nicene-Constantinopolitan" * Creed
ST. SIRICIUS 384-398 The Primacy of the Roman Pontiff *
181 | The Baptism of Heretics *
183 | Christian Marriage * The Celibacy of the Clergy*
185 | The Ordinations of Monks *
90 | The Virginity of the Blessed Virgin Mary *
186 | The Canon of the Sacred Scripture * ST. ANASTASIUS I 398-40I The Orthodoxy of the Pope LIBERIUS *
209 | ST. INNOCENT I 401-417 * The Baptism of Heretics *
211 | Reconciliation in the Moment of Death *
212 | The Canon of the Holy Scripture and the Apocryphal Books *
213 | The Baptism of the Paulianists *
214 | The Minister of Confirmation *
215 | The Minister of Extreme Unction *
216 | The Primacy and the Infallibility of the Roman Pontiff *
222 | Original Sin and Grace *
230 | The Primacy and the Infallibility of the Roman Pontiff 1
221 | Original Sin*
231 | ST. BONIFACE I 418-422 The Primacy and Infallibility of the Roman Pontiff *
232 | ST. CELESTINE I 422-432 Reconciliation in the Moment of Death *
236 | COUNCIL OF EPHESUS 431 - Ecumenical III (against the Nestorians) The Incarnation *
250 | The Primacy of the Roman Pontiff *
252 | The Anathemas of the Chapter of Cyril * (against Nestorius) *
265 | Faith and the Tradition to be Guarded *
267 | Condemnation of the Pelagians *
268 | The Authority of St. Augustine *
238 | The Catalog or the Authoritative Statements of the Past Bishops of the Holy See* Concerning the Grace of God
249 | ST. SIXTUS III 432-440
ST. LEO I, THE GREAT 440-461 The Incarnation * (against Eutyches) *
294 | Secret Confession *
310 | COUNCIL OF CHALCEDON 451 - Ecumenical IV (against the Monophysites)
301 | Definition of the Two Natures of Christ *
303 | The Primacy of the Roman Pontiff *
306 | The Ordination of the Clergy *
329 | ST. HILARIUS 461-468 ST. SIMPLICIUS 468-483 The Necessity of Guarding the Faith Which Has Been Handed Down *
343 | The Unchangeableness of Christian Doctrine *
330 | Grace and Predestination
340 | FELIX II (III) 483-492 ST. GELASIUS I 492-496 Errors Once Condemned, not to be Discussed Again * The Canon of Sacred Scripture *
351 | The Authority of the Councils and the Fathers *
354 | The Apocrypha "which are not accepted" * The Remission of Sins*
349 | The Two Natures of Christ *
355 | ST. ANASTASIUS II 496-498 The Ordinations of Schismatics *
356 | The Origin of Souls and Original Sin *
361 | ST. SYMMACHUS 498-514 ST. HORMISDAS 514-523 The Infallibility of the Roman Pontiff *
365 | The Canon, Primacy, Councils, Apocrypha * The Authority of St. Augustine
366 | ST. JOHN 1 523-526 ST. FELIX III 526-530 COUNCIL OF ORANGE II 529 *
370 | Original Sin, Grace, Predestination *
396 | BONIFACE II 530-532 Confirmation of the Council of Orange II *
400 | JOHN II 533-535 "One of the Trinity Suffered," and the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God *
401 | ST. AGAPETUS I 535-536 ST. SILVERIUS 536-(537)-540 VIGILIUS (537) 540-555 Canons against Origen *
411 | COUNCIL OF CONSTANTINOPLE II 553 - Ecumenical V (concerning the three Chapters) Ecclesiastical Tradition * Anathemas Concerning the Three Chapters *
438 | PELAGIUS I 556-561 The Last Things *
443 | The Form of Baptism *
445 | The Primacy of the Roman Pontiff*
446 | (JOHN III 561-574) COUNCIL OF BRAGA * II 561
451 | Anathemas against Heretics, especially the Priscillianists *
464 | BENEDICT I 575-579 PELAGIUS II 579-590 The Unity of the Church * The Necessity of Union with the Church *
469 | ST. GREGORY I, THE GREAT 590-604 The Knowledge of Christ (against the Agnoetae) *
476 | Baptism and the Orders of Heretics *
478 | The Time of the Hypostatic Union *
479 | SABIANUS 604-606 ST. BONIFACE IV 608-615 BONIFACE III 607 ST. DEUSDEDIT 615-618 BONIFACE V 619-625 HONORIUS I 625-638 Two Wills and Operations in Christ *
488 | SEVERINUS 640 JOHN IV 640-642 The Meaning of the Words of HONORIUS about the Two Wills *
498 | THEODORUS I 642-649 ST. MARTIN I 649-653 (655) - THE LATERAN COUNCIL 649
501 | The Trinity, the Incarnation, etc.*
521 | ST. EUGENIUS I 654 (655)-657 ST. VITALIANUS 657-672 (ADEODATUS 672-676) COUNCIL OF TOLEDO XI 675* Creed of Faith (especially concerning the Trinity and the Incarnation) *
541 | DONUS 676-678 ST. AGATHO 678-681 ROMAN COUNCIL 680 The Hypostatic Union *
548 | COUNCIL OF CONSTANTINOPLE III 680-681 - Ecumenical VI (against the Monothelites)
553 | Definition of the Two Wills of Christ *
559 | ST. LEO II 682-683 * JOHN V 685-686 ST. BENEDICT II 684-685 CONON 686-687 (ST. SERGIUS I 687-701) COUNCIL OF TOLEDO XV 685 Protestation concerning the Trinity and the Incarnation *
573 | Profession of Faith concerning the Trinity *
John VI 701-705 Sisinnius 708 John VII 705-707 Constantine I 708-715 ST. GREGORY II 715-731 The Form and Minister of Baptism *
580 | ST. GREGORY III 73I-741 Baptism and Confirmation *
ST. ZACHARY 74I-752 The Form and Minister of Baptism *
589 | (STEPHEN II 752) ST. PAUL I 757-767 ST. STEPHEN III 752-757 * STEPHEN IV 768-772 HADRIAN I 772-795 The Primacy of the Roman Pontiff * The Errors of the Adoptionists *
595 | Predestination and the Various Abuses of the Spaniards*
596 | COUNCIL OF NICEA II 787 - Ecumenical VII (against the Iconoclasts)
600 | Definition of the Sacred Images and Tradition * ACTION VII
604 | The Sacred Elections * ACTION VIII
605 | Images, the Humanity of Christ, Tradition * ACTION VIII
609 | The Errors of the Adoptionists*
610 | COUNCIL OF FRANKFURT 794 * Christ, the Natural, not the Adopted Son of God *
615 | ST. LEO III 795-816 COUNCIL OF FRIULI * 796 Christ, the Natural, not the Adopted * Son of God
619 | STEPHAN V 816-817 VALENTINE 827 ST. PASCHAL I 817-824 GREGORY IV 828-844 EUGENIUS II 824-827 SERGIUS II 844-847 ST. LEO IV 847-855 COUNCIL OF TICINUS * 850
620 | The Sacrament of Extreme Unction * COUNCIL OF QUIERSY * 853 (Against Gottschalk and the Predestinarians)
621 | Redemption and Grace *
624 | COUNCIL OF VALENCE * III 855 (Against John Scotus)
633 | BENEDICT III 855-858 ST. NICHOLAS I 858-867
634 | ROMAN COUNCIL 860 AND 863 - Primacy, the Passion of Christ, Baptism *
637 | The Immunity and Independence of the Church *
642 | The Form of Matrimony *
644 | The Form and Minister of Baptism *
646 | HADRIAN II 867-872 COUNCIL OF CONSTANTINOPLE IV 869-870 - Ecumenical VIII (against Photius)
664 | JOHN VIII 872-882 MARINUS I 882-884 ST. HADRIAN III 884-885 STEPHAN VI 885-891 FORMOSUS 891-896 BONIFACE VI, 896 STEPHAN VII 896-897 ROMANUS 897 THEODORE II 897 JOHN IX 898-900 BENEDICT IV 900-903 LEO V 903 SERGIUS III 904-911 ANASTASIUS III 911-913 LANDO 913-914 JOHN X 914-928 LEO VI 928 STEPHAN VIII 929-931 JOHN XI 931-935 LEO VII 936-939 STEPHAN IX 939-942 MARINUS II 942-946 AGAPETUS II 946-955 JOHN XII 955-963 LEO VIII 963-964 BENEDICT V 964 (966) JOHN XIII 965-972 BENEDICT VI 973-974 BENEDICT VII 974-983 JOHN XIV 983-984 JOHN XV 985-996 ROMAN COUNCIL 993
675 | The Worship of the Saints *
GREGORY V 996-999 SYLVESTER II 999-1003 JOHN XVII 1003 JOHN XVIII 1004-1009 SERGIUS IV 1009-1012 BENEDICT VIII 1012-1024 JOHN XIX 1024-1032 BENEDICT IX 1032-1044 SYLVESTER III 1045 GREGORY VI 1045-1046 CLEMENT II 1046-1047 DAMASUS II 1048 ST. LEO IX 1049-1054 Symbol of Faith *
686 | The Primacy of the Roman Pontiff *
VICTOR II 1055-1057 STEPHEN IX 1057-1058 BENEDICT X, 1058-1059
691 | NICHOLAS II 1059-1061 - ROMAN COUNCIL 1060 - The Ordinations by Simoniacs *
692 | ALEXANDER II 1061-1073 ST. GREGORY VII 1073-1085 - ROMAN COUNCIL VI 1079 (Against Berengarius) The Most Holy Eucharist *
700 | VICTOR III 1087 URBAN II 1088-1099 - COUNCIL OF BENEVENTO 1091
703 | The Sacramental Nature of the Diaconate * PASCHAL II 1099-1118 LATERAN COUNCIL 1102 (Against Henry IV): The Obedience Owed the Church *
705 | COUNCIL OF GUASTALLA * 1106 - The Ordinations by Heretics and Simoniacs * GELASIUS II 1118-1119 CALLISTUS II 1119-1124 LATERAN COUNCIL I 1123 - Ecumenical IX (concerning investitures)
712 | HONORIUS II 1124-1130 INNOCENT II 1130-1143 - LATERAN COUNCIL II 1139 Ecumenical X (against pseudo-pontiffs)
715 | Simony, Usury, False Penitence, the Sacraments *
721 | COUNCIL OF SENS * 1140 or 1141 - The Errors of Peter Abelard *
741 | Baptism of Desire (an unbaptized priest) * CELESTINE II 1143-1144 Lucius II 1144-1145 EUGENIUS III 1145-1153 COUNCIL OF RHEIMS * 1148 - Confession of Faith in the Trinity * ANASTASIUS IV 1153-1154 HADRIAN IV 1154-1159 ALEXANDER III 1159-118I Erroneous Proposition concerning the Humanity of Christ *
750 | The Illicit Contract of a Sale *
753 | The Bond of Matrimony *
756 | The Form of Baptism *
751 | LATERAN COUNCIL III 1179 - Ecumenical XI (against the Albigenses) Simony * LUCIUS III 1181-1185 COUNCIL OF VERONA 1184: The Sacraments (against the Albigenses) *
761 | URBAN III 1185-1187: Usury *
764 | GREGORY VIII 1187 CLEMENT III 1187-1191 CELESTINE III 1191-1198 INNOCENT III 1198-1216 The Form of the Sacrament of Matrimony *
776 | On the Bond of Marriage and the Pauline Privilege *
769 | Marriages of Pagans and the Pauline Privilege *
779 | The Dissolubility of Valid Marriage by Religious Profession *
780 | The Effect of Baptism (and the Character) *
781 | The Matter of Baptism *
787 | The Minister of Baptism and the Baptism of Spirit*
788 | The Form of the Eucharistic Sacrament and its Elements *
783 | Water Mixed with Wine in the Sacrifice of the Mass *
798 | The Feigned Celebration of Mass *
789 | The Minister of Confirmation *
785 | Profession of Faith Prescribed for Durand of Osca and His Waldensian Companions*
797 | LATERAN COUNCIL IV 1215: Ecumenical XII (against the Albigensians, Joachim, Waldensians etc. The Trinity, Sacraments, Canonical Mission, etc.* Chap. 1. The Catholic Faith
808 | Chap. 3 . The Heretics £[Waldensian] *
810 | Chap. 4. The Pride of the Greeks Against the Latins *
811 | Chap. 5. The Dignity of the Patriarchs * Chap. 21. The Obligation of Making Confession and of its not being Revealed
816 | Chap. 41. The Continuation of Good Faith in Every Precept *
818 | Chap. 62. The Relics of the Saints * HONORIUS III 1216-1227: The Matter of the Eucharist *
822 | GREGORY IX 1227-1241 The Necessity of Preserving Theological Terminology and Tradition *
824 | Condemnation of Various Heretics * The Matter and Form of Ordination *
826 | The Invalidity of Marriage Subject to Conditions *
827 | The Matter of Baptism *
829 | Usury *
828 | CELESTINE IV 1241 INNOCENT IV 1243-1254 COUNCIL OF LYONS I 1245 - Ecumenical XIII (against Frederick II) The Rites of the Greeks *
839 | ALEXANDER IV 1254-1261: Errors of William of St. Amour (concerning Mendicants) *
844 | URBAN IV 1261-1264 CLEMENT IV 1265-1268 GREGORY X 1271-1276 COUNCIL OF LYONS II 1274 - Ecumenical XIV (concerning the union of the Greeks) Declaration Concerning the Procession of the Holy Spirit *
851 | Profession of Faith of Michael Palaeologus *
861 | INNOCENT V 1276 HADRIAN V 1276 JOHN XXI 1276-1277 NICHOLAS III 1277-1280 MARTIN IV 1281-1285 HONORIUS IV 1285-1287 NICHOLAS IV 1288-1292 ST. CELESTINE V 1294-(l295) BONIFACE VIII 1294-1303
868 | The Unity and Power of the Church *
875 | BENEDICT XI 1303-1304: The Repeated Confession of Sins *
880 | CLEMENT V 1305-1314 COUNCIL OF VIENNE 1311-1312 - Ecumenical XV (abolition of the Templars)
891 | The Errors of the Beghards and the Beguines (the State of Perfection) *
899 | Usury *
906 | The Errors of Peter John Olivi (The Wounds of Christ, the Union of the Soul and Body,. and Baptism *)
904 | JOHN XXII 1316-1334 The Errors of the Fraticelli (the Church and the Sacraments) *
916 | The Errors of John of Pouilly ("Confession and the Church") *
924 | Hell and Limbo(?)*
926 | The Poverty of Christ*
930 | Errors of Marsilius of Padua and John of Jandun
946 | Errors of Eckart (The Son of God, etc.) *
979 | BENEDICT XII 1334-1342 The Beatific Vision of God and the Last Days *
1002 | Errors of the Armenians *
1020 | CLEMENT VI 1342-1352 The Satisfaction of Christ, the Treasure of the Church, Indulgences *
1027 | Errors (philosophical) of Nicholas of Autrecourt *
1048 | The Primacy of the Roman Pontiff*
1065 | Purgatory*
1067 | The Matter and Minister of Confirmation*
1071 | The Errors of the Armenians
1085 | INNOCENT VI 1352-1362 URBAN V 1362-1370 - Errors of Dionysius Foullechat (Perfection and Poverty) *
1091 | GREGORY XI 1370-1378 - Errors of Peter of Bonageta and of John of Lato (The Most Holy Eucharist) *
1103 | URBAN VI 1378-1389 BONIFACE IX 1389-1404 INNOCENT VII 1404-1406 GREGORY XII 1406-1415 MARTIN V 1417-1431 - COUNCIL OF CONSTANCE 1414-1418 - Ecumenical XVI (against Wycliffe, Hus, etc.) SESSION VIII (May 4, 1415) - Errors of John Wycliffe *
1198 | SESSION XIII (June 15, 1415) Definition of Communion under One Species *
1199 | SESSION XV (July 6, 1415) Errors of John Hus*
1230 | Questions to be Proposed to the Wycliffites and Hussites *
1235 | Condemnation of the Proposition Concerning Tyrannicide*
EUGENIUS IV 1431-1447: COUNCIL OF FLORENCE 1438-1445 - Ecumenical XVII (Union with the Greeks, Armenians, Jacobites) Decree for the Greeks *
1307 | Decree for the Armenians *
1327 | A Decree in Behalf of the Jacobites *
1352 | NICHOLAS V 1447 - 1455 CALLISTUS III 1455-1458: Usury and Contract for Rent *
1357 | PIUS II 1458-1464 Appeal to the General Council *
1375 | Errors of Zanini de Solcia *
1369 | The Blood of Christ *
1385 | PAUL II 1464-1471 SIXTUS IV 1471-1484 Errors of Peter de Rivo (concerning the Truth of Future Contingencies) *
1395 | Indulgence for the Dead
1398 | Errors of Peter de Osma (the Sacrament of Penance) *
1419 | The Immaculate Conception of the B.V.M. *
1426 | INNOCENT VIII 1484-1492 ALEXANDER VI 1492-1503 PIUS III 1503 JULIUS 1503-1513 LEO X 1513-1521 LATERAN COUNCIL V 1512-1517 - Ecumenical XVIII (The Reform of the Church) The Human Soul (against the Neo-Aristoteliars) *
1441 | "Mountains of Piety" and Usury *
1444 | The Relation Between the Pope and the Councils *
1445 | Indulgences *
1449 | Errors of Martin Luther *
1491 | Hadrian VI 1522 - 1523 Clement VII 1523 - 1534 PAUL III 1534-1549 COUNCIL OF TRENT 1545-1563 - Ecumenical XIX (Contra Novatores 16 cent.)
1500 | SESSION III (Feb.4, 1546): The Creed of the Catholic Faith is Accepted *
1501 | Session IV (April 8, 1546) The Sacred Books and the Traditions of the Apostles are Accepted *
1510 | Session v (June 17, 1546) Decree On Original Sin *
1520 | SESSION VI (Jan. 13, 1547): Decree On Justification * Introduction
1521 | Chap. 1. On the Inability of Nature and of the Law to Justify Man
1522 | Chap. 2. On the Dispensation and Mystery of the Advent of Christ
523 | Chap. 3. Who are Justifed Through Christ
1524 | Chap. 4. A Description of the Justification of the Sinner, and Its Mode in the State of Grace is Recommended
1525 | Chap. 5. On the Necessity of Preparation for Justification of Adults, and Whence it Proceeds
1526 | Chap. 6. The Manner of Preparation
1528 | Chap. 7. In What the Justification of the Sinner Consists, and What are its Causes
1532 | Chap. 8. How One is to Understand the Gratuitous Justification of a Sinner by Faith
1533 | Chap. 9. Against the Vain Confidence of Heretics
1535 | Chap. 10. Concerning the Increase of Justification Received
1536 | Chap. 11. The Observance of the Commandments, and the Necessity and Possibility thereof
1540 | Chap. 12. Rash Presumption of Predestination is to be Avoided
1541 | Chap. 13. The Gift of Perseverance
1542 | Chap. 14. The Fallen and Their Restoration
1544 | Chap. 15. By Every Mortal Sin Grace is Lost, but not Faith
1545 | Chap. 16. The Fruit of Justification, that is, the Merit of Good Works, and the Reasonableness of that Merit
1551 | Canons On Justification *
1600 | SESSION VII (March 3, 1547) Foreword *
1601 | Canons on the Sacraments in General
1614 | Canons on the Sacrament of Baptism *
1628 | Canons on the Sacrament of Confirmation*
1630 | JULIUS III 1550-1555 COUNCIL OF TRENT, continued - SESSION XIII (Oct. II, 1551)
1635 | Decree On the Most Holy Eucharist *
1636 | Chap. 1. The Real Presence of our Lord Jesus in the Most Holy Sacrament of the Eucharist
1638 | Chap. 2. The Reason for the Institution of this Most Holy Sacrament
1639 | Chap. 3. The Excellence of the Most Holy Eucharist over the Other Sacraments
1642 | Chap. 4. Transubstantiation
1643 | Chap. 5. The Worship and Veneration to be Shown to this Most Holy Sacrament
1645 | Chap. 6. The Reservation of the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist and Bearing it to the Sick
1646 | Chap. 7. The Preparation that Must be Employed to Receive the Holy Eucharist Worthily
1648 | Chap. 8. The Use of the Admirable Sacrament
1651 | Canons on the Most Holy Sacrament of the Eucharist *
1661 | SESSION XIV (NOV. 25, 1551)
1667 | Doctrine on the Sacrament of Penance*
1668 | Chap. 1. The Necessity and Institution of the Sacrament of Penance
1671 | Chap.2. The Difference Between the Sacrament of Penance and that of Baptism
1673 | Chap. 3. The Parts and Fruits of the Sacrament of Penance
1676 | Chap. 4. Contrition
1678 | JULIUS III 1550-1555 COUNCIL OF TRENT, continued - SESSION XIII (Oct. II, 1551)
1679 | Chap. 5. Confession
1684 | Chap. 6. The Minister of this Sacrament and Absolution
1686 | Chap. 7. The Reservation of Cases
1689 | Chap. 8. The Necessity and Fruit of Satisfaction
1693 | Chap. 9. The Works of Satisfaction
1694 | The Doctrine of the Sacrament of Extreme Unction *
1695 | Chap. 1. The Institution of the Sacrament of Extreme Unction
1696 | Chap.2. The Effect of the Sacrament
1697 | Chap. 3. The Minister of this Sacrament and the Time When it Should be Administered
1701 | Canons On the Sacrament of Penance *
1716 | Canons on Extreme Unction *
1719 | MARCELLUS II 1755 PAULUS IV 1555 - 1559* PIUS IV 1559-1565 COUNCIL OF TRENT, conclusion - SESSION XXI (July 16, 1562)
1725 | The Doctrine on Communion under both Species and that of Little Children * Preface
1726 | Chap. 1. That Laymen and Clerics who not Of Bring Mass are not Bound by Divine Law to Communion under Both Species
1728 | Chap. 2. The Power of the Church Concerning the Administration of the Sacrament of the Eucharist
1729 | Chap. 3. Christ Whole and Entire and a True Sacrament is Received under Either Species
1730 | Chap. 4. Little Children are not Bound to Sacramental Communion
1731 | Canons on Communion Under Both Species and that of Little Children *
1734 | SESSION XXII (Sept. 17, 1562)
1738 | The Doctrine on the Most Holy Sacrifice of the Mass*
1739 | Chap. 1.£[ The Institution of the Most Holy Sacrifice of the Mass ] *
1743 | Chap.2. £[ The Sacrifice is a Visible Propitiation for the Living and the Dead ]
1744 | Chap. 3.£[Masses in Honor of the Saints ]
1745 | Chap. 4. £[ The Canon of the Mass ]
1746 | Chap. 5.£[ The Solemn Ceremonies of the sacrifice of the Mass ]
1747 | Chap. 6.£[ The Mass in which the Priest Alone Communicates]
1748 | Chap. 7.£[ The Water to be Mixed with Wine to be Offered in the Chalice ]
1749 | Chap. 8. £[The Mass not to be Celebrated in the Vernacular, and its Mysteries to be Explained to the People]
1750 | Chap. 9.£[ Preliminary Remarks on the Following Canons ]
1751 | Canons on the Most Holy Sacrifice of the Mass *
1763 | SESSION XXIII (July 15, 1563)
1764 | Chap. 1.£[The Institution of the Priesthood of the New Law]
1765 | Chap.2. £[The Seven Orders]
1766 | Chap. 3.£[The Order of the Priesthood is Truly a Sacrament]
1767 | Chap. 4.£[ The Ecclesiastical Hierarchy and Ordination]
1771 | Canons on the Sacrament of Order *
1778 | SESSION XXIV (NOV. 11, 1563)
1797 | Doctrine (Concerning the Sacrament of Matrimony) *
1801 | Marriage
1812 | SESSION XXV (Dec. 3 and 4, 1563)
1820 | Decree Concerning Purgatory *
1821 | Invocation, Veneration and Relics of Saints, and on Sacred Images *
1825 | Decree Concerning Indulgences * Clandestinity Invalidating Matrimony *
1816 | The Trinity and the Incarnation (against the Unitarians) *
1880 | The Profession of Faith of the Council of Trent *
1870 | ST. PIUS V 1566-1572 Errors of Michael du Bay (BAII) *
1980 | Exchanges (i.e., Exchanging of Money, Promissory Notes) *
1982 | GREGORY XIII 1572-1585 Profession of Faith Prescribed for the Greeks *
1987 | SIXTUS V 1585 - 1590 URBAN VII 1590 GREGORY XIV 1590 - 1591 INNOCENT IX 1591 CLEMENT VIII 1592-1605 The Faculty of Blessing Sacred Oils *
1992 | Ordination of Schismatics Absolution of One in absentia *
1995 | LEO XI 1605 PAUL V 1605-1621 The Aids or Efficacy of Grace *
1997 | GREGORY XV 1621 - 1623 URBAN VIII 1623 - 1644 INNOCENT X 1644-1655 Error of the Dual Head of the Church (or the Primacy of R. P.) *
1999 | Errors (5) of Cornelius Jansen *
2005 | The Aids or Efficacy of Grace *
2008 | ALEXANDER VII 1655-1667 The Meaning of the Words of Cornelius Jansen *
2012 | Formulary of Submission Proposed for the Jansenists *
2020 | The Immaculate Conception of the B.V.M. *
2017 | Various Errors on Moral Matters *
2021 | A. On the 24th Day of September, 1665
2049 | B. On the 18th day of March, 1666
2065 | Perfect and Imperfect Contrition *
2070 | CLEMENT IX 1667 - 1669 CLEMENT X 1670-1676 INNOCENT XI 1676-1689 Frequent and Daily Communion *
2095 | Various Errors on Moral Subjects (II) *
2167 | Errors on "donated omnipotence"*
2171 | Moral Systems *
2176 | Error Concerning the Seal of. Confession *
2195 | Errors of Michael of Molinos*
2268 | ALEXANDER VIII 1689-1691 Errors Concerning the Goodness of an Act and Concerning Philosophic Sin *
2291 | Errors of the Jansenists *
2331 | Articles (Erroneous) of the Gallican Clergy (about the Power of the Roman Pontiff) *
2285 | INNOCENT XII 1691-1700 Errors Concerning the Most Pure Love of God *
2373 | CLEMENT XI 1700-1721 Concerning Truths which Necessarily Must be Explicitly Believed *
2381 | An Obsequious Silence in Regard to Dogmatic Facts *
2390 | Errors of Paschasius Quesnel *
2501 | INNOCENT XIII 1721-1724 BENEDICT XIII 1724-1730 CLEMENT XII 1730-1740 BENEDICT XIV 1740-1758 Clandestine Marriages in Belgium (and Holland) *
2520 | The Minister of Confirmation *
2522 | Profession of Faith which Is Prescribed for Orientals (Maronites)*
2540 | About not Demanding the Name of an Accomplice*
2544 | Usury*
2550 | The Baptism of Jewish Children *
2562 | Errors Concerning Duelling *
2575 | CLEMENT XIII 1758 -- 1769 CLEMENT XIV 1769 -- 1774 PIUS VI 1775-1799 Mixed Marriages in Belgium *
2590 | Concerning the Power of the Roman Pontiff (Against Febronianism) *
2597 | The Power of the One Church in the Marriage of Baptized Persons *
2598 | Errors of the Synod of Pistoia* Obscuring of Truths in the Church
2601 | The Power Attributed to the Community of the Church, in Order That by This the Power May Be Communicated to the Pastors
2602 | The Name Ministerial Head Attributed to the Roman Pontiff
2603 | The Power of the Church for the Establishing and the Sanctioning of Exterior Discipline
2605 | Rights Attributed to Bishops Beyond What is Lawful
2608 | The Right Incorrectly Attributed to Priests of Inferior Rank in Decrees of Faith and Discipline
2611 | Calumnies Against Some Decisions in the Matter of Faith Which Have Come Down from Several Centuries
2612 | The So-called Peace of Clement IX
2614 | The Composition of the Body of the Church
2615 | The State of Innocence
2617 | Immortality Viewed as a Natural Condition of Man £[ Baptism, sec. 2] The Condition of Man in the State of Nature
2619 | The Condition of Man under the Law
2620 | Illuminating and Exciting Grace
2621 | Faith as the First Grace
2622 | The Twofold love
2624 | Servile Fear
2625 | The Punishment of Those Who Die with Original Sin Only
2627 | The Partaking of the Victim in the Sacrifice of the Mass
2628 | The Efficacy of the Rite of Consecration
2629 | The Application of the Fruit of the Sacrifice
2630 | The Suitable Order to Be Observed in Worship
2633 | The Order of Penance
2635 | The Previous Disposition Necessary for Admitting Penitents to Reconciliation
2636 | The Authority for Absolving
2638 | The Confession of Venial Sins.
2639 | Indulgences
2643 | The Reservation of Cases
2645 | Censures
2650 | Orders
2657 | Betrothals and Matrimony
2663 | The Order Prescribed in the Undertaking of Pious Exercises
2665 | The Manner of Uniting the Voice of the People with the Voice of the Church in Public Prayers
2666 | The Reading of Sacred Scripture
2668 | The Reading of Proscribed Books Publicly in Church Sacred Images
2672 | Feasts
2674 | Oaths
2675 | Ecclesiastical Conferences
2678 | Complaints against Some Opinions Which are Still Discussed in "Catholic Schools"
2679 | The "three rules" set down as fundamental by the Synod "for the reformation of regulars"
2684 | Concerning the "system" or list of ordinances drawn from rules laid down and contained in the eight following articles "for the reformation of regulars" £[Sec. 10]
2692 | Likewise "for the reformation of nuns"
2700 | PIUS VII 1800-1823 The Indissolubility of Marriage *
2706 | Versions of Sacred Scripture *
2712 | LEO XII 1823-1829 The Versions of Sacred Scripture *
PIUS VIII 1829-1830 Usury *
2724 | GREGORY XVI 1831-1846 Usury *
2743 | Indifferentism (against Félicité de Lamennais) *
2732 | The False Doctrines of Félicité de Lamennais* Condemnation of the Works of George Hermes *
2740 | Faith and Reason (against Louis Eugene Bautain) *
2756 | The Matter of Extreme Unction *
2762 | Versions of Sacred Scripture*
2772 | PIUS IX 1846-1878 Faith and Reason *
2780 | Civil Marriage *
2991 | Definition of the Immaculate Conception of the B.V.M. *
2803 | Rationalism and Indifferentism*
2805 | False Traditionalism (against Augustine Bonnetty) *
2814 | The Misuse of Magnetism*
2825 | The False Doctrine of Anton Guenther*
2831 | Errors of the Ontologists*
2847 | The False Freedom of Science (against James Frohschammer) *
2861 | Indifferentism *
2867 | The Conventions of the Theologians of Germany *
2880 | The Unity of the Church *
2888 | Naturalism, Communism, Socialism *
2896 | "Syllabus," or Collection of Modern Errors * A. Index of the Acts of Pius IX, from which the Syllabus is excerpted B. Syllabus*
2901 | Sec. 1. Pantheism, Naturalism, and Absolute Rationalism
2908 | Sec. II. Modified Rationalism
2915 | Sec. III. Indifferentism, Latitudinarianism
2919 | Sec. V. Errors Concerning the Church and Its Rights
2939 | Sec. Vl. Errors Concerning Civil Society, Viewed Both in Themselves and in Their Relations to the Church
2956 | Sec. VII. Errors Concerning Natural and Christian Ethics
2965 | Sec. Vlll. Errors Concerning Christian Marriage
2975 | Sec. IX. Errors Concerning the Civil Power the Roman Pontifl
2977 | Sec. X. Errors Which Are Related to Modern Liberalism
2980 | THE VATICAN COUNCIL 1869-1870 - Ecumenical XX (on Faith and the Church)
3000 | SESSION III (April 24, 1870) Dogmatic Constitution concerning the Catholic Faith *
3001 | Chap. 1. God, Creator of All Things
3004 | Chap. 2. Revelation
3008 | Chap. 3. Faith
3015 | Chap. 4. Faith and reason
3020 | Canons (of the Catholic Faith)*
3021 | 1. God the Creator of all things
3026 | 2. Revelation
3031 | 3. Faith
3036 | 4. Faith and reason
3050 | SESSION IV (July 18, 1870)* Dogmatic Constitution I on the Church of Christ
3053 | Chap. 1. The Institution of Apostolic Primacy in Blessed Peter
3056 | Chap. 2. The Perpetuity of the Primacy of Blessed Peter among the Roman Pontiffs
3059 | Chap. 3. The Power and Manner of the Primacy of the Roman Pontiff
3065 | Chap. 4. The Infallible "Magisterium" of the Roman Pontiff
3075 | Twofold Power on Earth * The Liberty of the Church * Explanation of Transubstantiation*
3124 | Royal Assent *
LEO XIII 1878-1903 The Reception of Converted Heretics *
3128 | Socialism *
3133 | Christian Marriage *
3146 | The Political Principality *
3152 | Secret Societies*
3160 | Assistance of a Physician or of a Confessor at a Duel *
3162 | Cremation of Corpses*
3196 | Civil Divorce *
3193 | The Christian Constitution of States *
3179 | Craniotomy and Abortion *
3358 | Errors of Antonius de Rosmini-Serbati*
3241 | Bounds of Liberty, and Human Action *
3255 | Love for Church and Fatherland * The Apostolate of the Laity * The Material of the Eucharist (Wine) *
3264 | The Right of Private Property, Just Reward for Labor,and the Right of Entering Private Unions * The Duel *
3273 | The Blessed Virgin Mary, Mediatrix of Graces *
3321 | The Study of Holy Scripture *
3294 | The Unity of the Church *
3310 | Anglican Orders *
3319 | The Faith and Intention Required for Baptism *
3335 | Americanism *
3346 | The Matter of Baptism *
3356 | The Use of the Most Blessed Eucharist *
3361 | PIUS X 1903-1914 The Blessed Virgin Mary, Mediatrix of Graces *
3370 | "Implicit Citations" in Holy Scripture *
3372 | The Historical Nature of Sacred Scripture *
3373 | The Daily Partaking of the Most Holy Eucharist *
3383 | The Tridentine Law of Clandestinity *
3388 | The Separation of Church and State* The Shortest Form of Extreme Unction *
3391 | The Mosaic Authenticity of the Pentateuch*
3397 | The Errors of Modernists, on the Church, Revelation, Christ, the Sacraments*
3466 | Betrothal and Marriage *
3474 | The False Doctrines of the Modernists *
3500 | The Author and Historical Truth of the Fourth Gospel *
3400 | The Authority of the Decisions of the Biblical Commission *
3503 | The Nature and Authorship of the Book of Isaias *
3509 | The Relationship Between Philosophy and Theology * The Historical Character of the Earlier Chapters of Genesis *
3519 | The Authors and the Time of the Composition of the Psalms *
3528 | The Age for Admitting to First Eucharistic Communion *
3536 | The Oath Against the Errors of Modernism *
3547 | Certain Errors of the Orientals *
3556 | The Author, the Time of Composition, and Historical Truth of the Gospel According to Matthew *
3567 | The Author, the Time of Composition, the Historical Truth of the Gospels According to Mark and According to Luke *
3576 | The Synoptic Question or the Mutual Relations between the Three Earlier Gospels *
3578 | The Author, Time of Composition, Historical Veracity of the Book of the Acts of the Apostles
3586 | The Author, Integrity, and Time of Composition of the Pastoral Letters of Paul the Apostle *
3590 | The Author and Method of Composition of the Epistle to the Hebrews *
3593 | BENEDICT XV 1914-1922 Parousia, or the Second Advent of Our Lord Jesus Christ in the Epistles of St. Paul the Apostle *
3630 | On Dying and Dead Schismatics *
3636 | Spiritism *
3642 | Certain Propositions on Knowledge of the Soul of Christ *
3647 | The Inerrancy of Holy Scripture*
3654 | The Doctrines of Theosophy*
3648 | PIUS XI 1922-1939 The Relation Between Church and State * The Law and Method of Following the Doctrine of St. Thomas Aquinas *
3667 | The Revival of Merits and Gifts *
3670 | The Kingship of Christ *
3679 | Laicism * The Johannine Comma *
3682 | Meetings to Procure the Unity of All Christians* The Connection of the Sacred Liturgy with the Church* Masturbation Procured Directly*
3684 | The Christian Education of Youth*
3698 | Christian Marriage*
3714 | The Abuse of Matrimony *
3718 | The Killing of the Foetus *
3721 | The Right to Marriage, and Sterilization *
3723 | The Emancipation of Women * Divorces *
3724 | "Sexual Education" and "Eugenics" * The Authority of the Church in Social and Economic Affairs *
3725 | The Ownership or Right of Property *
3730 | Capital and Labor *
3732 | The Just Wage or Salary of Labor *
3737 | The Right Social Order *
3741 | Socialism *
3744 | The Universal Motherhood of the Blessed Virgin Mary * The False Interpretation of Two Biblical Texts *
3751 | The Need and the Office, of the Priesthood * The Effects of the Order of the Priesthood *
3756 | The Divine Office, the Public Prayer of the Church *
3758 | Social Justice *
3774 | Resistance Against the Abuse of Power *
3776 | PIUS XII 1939--- The Natural Law *
3780 | The Natural Unity of the Human Race * International Law *
3786 | Sterilization *
3788 | The Corporal Origin of Man * Members of the Church *
3802 | The Jurisdiction of Bishops *
3804 | The Holy Spirit as the Soul of the Church*
3807 | Knowledge of the Soul of Christ *
3812 | The Indwelling of the Holy Spirit in Souls *
3815 | The Relationship between the B.V.M. and the Church * The Authenticity of the Vulgate *
3825 | The Literal and Mystical Sense of Holy Scripture *
3828 | Kinds of Literature in Holy Scripture *
3830 | The Purposes of Matrimony *
3838 | Millenarianism (Chiliasm) *
3839 | The Presence of Christ in the Mysteries of the Church *
3855 | The Full Notion of Liturgy *
3843 | The Relationship Between the Ascetic Life and the Piety of the Liturgy *
3846 | The Participation of the Faithful in the Priesthood of Christ *
3852 | The Material and Form of the Sacrament of Orders *
3861 | The Time of the Documents of the Pentateuch, and the Literary Genre of the Eleven First Chapters of Genesis *
3864 | Artificial Fertilization *
3323 | The Intention to be Possessed in Baptism *
3874 | Some False Opinions that Threaten to Undermine the Foundations of Catholic Doctrine *
3899 | The Definition of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary *
3904 | APPENDIX ST. BONIFACE I, 418-422 The Primacy of the Roman Pontiff *
235 | ST. SIXTUS III, 432-440 The Incarnation *
272 | URBAN IV, 1261-1264 The Object and Force of Rememorative Liturgical Action *
846 | ALEXANDER VII, 1655-1667 Gravity of Matter in Actions of Impurity *
2013 | INNOCENT XII, 1691-1700 Matrimony as a Contract and a Sacrament *