Ephesians - La Sainte Bible (Crampon 1904)
Ephesians is the great Pauline letter about the church. It deals, however, not so much with a congregation in the city of Ephesus in Asia Minor as with the worldwide church, the head of which is Christ (Eph 4:15), the purpose of which is to be the instrument for making God's plan of salvation known throughout the universe (Eph 3:9-10). Yet this ecclesiology is anchored in God's saving love, shown in Jesus Christ (Eph 2:4-10), and the whole of redemption is rooted in the plan and accomplishment of the triune God (Eph 1:3-14). The language is often that of doxology (Eph 1:3-14) and prayer (cf Eph 1:15-23; 3:14-19), indeed of liturgy and hymns (Eph 3:20-21; 5:14). - The majestic chapters of Ephesians emphasize the unity in the church of Christ that has come about for both Jews and Gentiles within God's household (Eph 1:15-2:22, especially Eph 2:11-22) and indeed the "seven unities" of church, Spirit, hope; one Lord, faith, and baptism; and the one God (Eph 4:4-6). Yet the concern is not with the church for its own sake but rather as the means for mission in the world (Eph 3:1-4:24). The gifts Christ gives its members are to lead to growth and renewal (Eph 4:7-24). Ethical admonition is not lacking either; all aspects of human life and relationships are illumined by the light of Christ (Eph 4:25-6:20). - The letter is seemingly addressed by Paul to Christians in Ephesus (Eph 1:1), a place where the apostle labored for well over two years (Acts 19:10). Yet there is a curiously impersonal tone to the writing for a community with which Paul was so intimately acquainted (cf Eph 3:2 and Eph 4:21). There are no personal greetings (cf Eph 6:23). More significantly, important early manuscripts omit the words "in Ephesus" (see the note on Eph 1:1). Many therefore regard the letter as an encyclical or "circular letter" sent to a number of churches in Asia Minor, the addressees to be designated in each place by its bearer, Tychicus (Eph 6:21-22). Others think that Ephesians is the letter referred to in Col 4:16 as "to the Laodiceans." - Paul, who is designated as the sole author at Eph 1:1, is described in almost unparalleled terms with regard to the significant role he has in God's plan for bringing the Gentiles to faith in Christ (Eph 3:1-12). Yet at the time of writing he is clearly in prison (Eph 3:1; 4:1; 6:20), suffering afflictions (Eph 3:13). Traditionally this "Captivity Epistle" has, along with Colossians, Philippians, and Philemon, been dated to an imprisonment in Rome, likely in A.D. 61-63. Others appeal to an earlier imprisonment, perhaps in Caesarea (Acts 23:27-27:2). Since the early nineteenth century, however, much of critical scholarship has considered the letter's style and use of words (especially when compared with Colossians), its concept of the church, and other points of doctrine put forward by the writer as grounds for serious doubt about authorship by Paul. The letter may then be the work of a secretary writing at the apostle's direction or of a later disciple who sought to develop Paul's ideas for a new situation around A.D. 80-100. - The principal divisions of the Letter to the Ephesians are the following: I. Address (Eph 1:1-14) II. Unity of the Church in Christ (Eph 1:15-2:22) III. World Mission of the Church (Eph 3:1-4:24) IV. Daily Conduct, an Expression of Unity (Eph 4:25-6:20) V. Conclusion (Eph 6:21-24). - (NAB)

  • édition numérique par Richard Bourret
  • Domaine public

  • Headings

    Épître aux Éphésiens

    1 Préambule: adresse et salutation

    I. Dogmatique

    1. Le salut universel par Jésus Christ
    Election et élection par le Père
    Rémission des péchés par Jésus Christ
    Sanctification par l'Esprit
    Action de grâce

    2. Le salut universel par l'Église
    Jésus Christ triomphant est chef de l'Église
    2 Le salut pour juifs et nations
    La réconciliation universelle dans la maison de Dieu

    3 3. La mission de Paul: faire connaître cette universalité

    4. Prière et doxologie

    II. Morale

    4 1. La vie nouvelle et la richesse des dons

    2. Préceptes spéciaux de la vie nouvelle
    Tous les chrétiens sont appelés à devenir des hommes nouveaux
    5 Concernant la vie familiale

    6 3. La force du chrétien

    4. Exhortation à la prière


    Revised Standard Version (1966) - English
    Nova Vulgata - Latin
    Biblia del Pueblo di Dio (BPD) - Spanish
    Vulgata - Stuttgart 1969 - Latin
    Bíblia Sagrada Ave-Maria (1957) - Portuguese
    CEI (1974) - Italian
    EinheitsÜbersetzung der Heiligen Sc - German