

1 Alexander the Great
Antiochus Epiphanes and Renegade Jews
Antiochus in Egypt
Persecution of the Jews
The Occupation of Jerusalem
Installation of Gentile Cults
2 Mattathias and His Sons
Pagan Worship Refused
The Last Words of Mattathias
3 The Early Victories of Judas
The Policy of Antiochus
Preparations for Battle
4 The Battle at Emmaus
First Campaign of Lysias
Cleansing and Dedication of the Temple
5 Wars with Neighboring Peoples
Liberation of Galilean Jews
Judas and Jonathan in Gilead
The Return to Jerusalem
Joseph and Azariah Defeated
Success at Hebron and Philistia
6 The Last Days of Antiochus Epiphanes
Renewed Attacks from Syria
The Battle at Beth-zechariah
The Siege of the Temple
Syria Offers Terms
7 Expedition of Bacchides and Alcimus
Nicanor in Judea
Nicanor Threatens the Temple
The Death of Nicanor
8 A Eulogy of the Romans
An Alliance with Rome
9 Bacchides Returns to Judea
The Last Battle of Judas
Jonathan Succeeds Judas
The Campaigns of Jonathan
Bacchides Builds Fortifications
The End of the War
10 Revolt of Alexander Epiphanes
Jonathan Becomes High Priest
A Letter from Demetrius to Jonathan
Death of Demetrius
Treaty of Ptolemy and Alexander
Apollonius Is Defeated by Jonathan
11 Ptolemy Invades Syria
Jonathan's Diplomacy
The Intrigue of Trypho
Trypho Seizes Power
Campaigns of Jonathan and Simon
12 Alliances with Rome and Sparta
Further Campaigns of Jonathan and Simon
Trypho Captures Jonathan
13 Simon Takes Command
Deceit and Treachery of Trypho
Jonathan's Tomb
Judea Gains Independence
The Capture of Gazara by Simon
Simon Regains the Citadel at Jerusalem
14 Capture of Demetrius
Eulogy of Simon
Diplomacy with Rome and Sparta
Official Honors for Simon
15 Letter of Antiochus VII
Rome Supports the Jews
Antiochus VII Threatens Simon
Victory over Cendebeus
16 Murder of Simon and His Sons
John Succeeds Simon

Nova Vulgata - Latino
Biblia del Pueblo di Dio (BPD) - Spagnolo
Vulgata - Stuttgart 1969 - Latino
La Sainte Bible (Crampon 1904) - Francese
CEI (1974) - Italiano
EinheitsÜbersetzung der Heiligen Sc - Tedesco
Maredsous - Bíblia Ave-Maria (1957) - Portoghese